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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Do some research. Start with super nazi klaus the head of the forum touting "master the future" and work your way down.
  2. Just rumors of the gathering being composed of elites the authoritarian left are in love with pontificating on how their collective leadership and wisdom will save the world from things like climate change as they demonstrate their concern and commitment to solutions by flying 1000's of private jets filling the atmosphere with millions of tons of CO2 to the event. Some would call it hypocrisy although I would say arrogance is more appropriate.
  3. Have you seen stories such as the NYT's report on how these weapons transfers are starting to impact the US military's preparedness levels? Drawing down stockpiles to the point where inventory in strategic areas of potential conflict are being depleted. Drawing down military hardware inventory in places like Israel and South Korea. Being used up faster than they can be replaced and straining supplies of key and scarce inputs. To the point where military leaders and Pentagon planners are raising concerns that draw downs are putting direct U.S. interests and US forces at risk. I expect a news outlet such as The Times publishing such a report signals were approaching some policy tipping point. I believe the implication is that like all recent wars and conflicts our government gets involved in they will sooner rather than later shift focus elsewhere or no longer view helping Ukraine as a key interest. And hang them out to dry, aka Afghanistan. Then suddenly all the people shouting to the rafters about the need to provide unlimited support for democracy will immediately alter their opinions and support the establishments change of heart and direction. Most likely shifting the task completely onto our European "partners" and when that strategy flops placing the blame for failure on them.
  4. Liberals following the science. Anyone that disagrees is an appliance denier.
  5. Really? OK Sandra, show me a biological male that menstruates.
  6. Those Africans were free until various African kingdoms and tribes captured members of other tribes and kingdoms and sold them into slavery for profit and material gain. The captives were sold to Arab slave traders moving slaves to Middle Eastern and other Old World markets. This practice was in place for hundreds of years until Europeans, initially Portuguese merchants, established settlements on the west coast of Africa. At that point the New World slave trade was established. The first slave holders were running plantations in Brazil/South America and the Caribbean. The practice later established itself in the American colonies and what became the United States.
  7. 49K! Yikes. If I was a suspicious and thorough criminal investigator following every lead I'd wonder if that was some kind of money laundering payment from the Biden influence peddling operation documented by the contents of the laptop and fronted by Hunter to his dad? But sadly, I'm merely a crazed conspiracy theorist looking to discredit an "honest politician". Two words that should never be used together. I should also apologize to any self-proclaimed progressive types as humor, in particular, satire, is both undesirable and dangerous to them.
  8. With "Top Secret Please Do Not Look" written on the cover with a sharpie! Don't worry. We've got special counsel Robert Hur on the job. A guy that worked on the Russia Hoax with Mueller. I'm sure he's give the job his all.
  9. I have no issue with people coming into the country but pay your own way. But the current administration thinks otherwise. They dangle dozens of "free" support and assistance programs providing all kinds of no cost services to people in need and then we're all left to wonder why they're flocking by the millions to come into the country. And at the same time they claim the cupboard is bare when American's need help.
  10. Truthfully, almost everyone lies about supporting and believing those "woke things". They lie to keep their jobs, get along, and go along with the crowd. Look no further than Hollywood as a clear example. You want to work and remain relevant, you go along. Focusing on things like proper pronouns? Laughable and frivolous for anyone dealing with real life struggles. Pretending to believe in Woke is the modern day rendition of the Emperors New Clothes.
  11. With 3 back ups on the offensive line, I would hope Frazier/McDermott will devise a game plan that will create some confusion among players that aren't very familiar playing as a group. And speed up the clock in Burrow's mind with real pressure or affecting his pre-snap reads. Some equivalency of Pittsburg's zone blitz scheme where a free rusher could be coming from anywhere. But I might be asking too much.
  12. An opportunity for an all-expenses paid meet and great with his bosses?
  13. The FBI has simply redirected their same old tactics and play book to a different target audience. Instead of racists they employ progressives. Same type of bigots.
  14. The Bills offensive approach is high risk, high reward. And suddenly Allen seems to have lost the ability to pick the right spots to take the risky play. I hate to use the word "problem" because even with all the turnovers and execution miscues, they still managed to put up 34 points. I'm speculating here because I don't personally know either person, but to me the concern is the impact Dorsey is having on Josh. Not just from a play calling standpoint but from an emotional and mental view in game preparation and play. Dorsey by all observations is an emotional person. Do you want your OC to be more jacked-up emotionally than your QB? I think the difference between last year's Josh and this year's Josh is Daboll was an anchor keeping Josh level and focused while Dosey is a balloon lifting him off to a point where emotion takes over thinking.
  15. And when they became less useful, he had them all shot and executed. Lest them become somebody else's useful idiots at some later time. Today's activists and idealists should pay attention to that eventuality.
  16. Trump is no genius but it would be nice for all these generals that everyone is constantly gushing over to win a war every once in a while. When's the last clear victory, 1945? Unless you want to count that major dust up in Grenada under Reagan. $800B annually. That stinks of gross incompetence.
  17. Un-elected civil servants and appointees at the FBI defining and executing actions against private citizens or selected targets of their choosing, outside the required laws and statutes governing the scope of the organizations charter and mission is dangerous. And blatantly illegal. Why anyone would choose to ignore or accept this is mind boggling. Who knows, anyone could be their next target, maybe even you if they so desire?
  18. Although nobody delusional enough to believe all the bull crap the government dishes would agree, it appears the main theme here is a concern for the government's ability to protect its monopoly on the distribution and communication of propaganda on the platform.
  19. What I really want to know is who is person or persons calling the shots and directing all these players to peddle these narratives. The actors and players in these stories are just Pawns on the chessboard, middle management. They don't set strategy and direction, they execute it. People like Feinstein, Schiff, and Bluementhal didn't dream up this Russian bot story on their own. Somebody provided it to them them and directed them to run with the story. For some purpose or objective. Who is that person? Same goes for the media. They all tell the exact same story using the exact same terms and wording and conclusions. Who's distributing the story among them and calling the shots? That's the missing piece of the puzzle here. That's the ultimate question any investigation into these activities needs to answer. Who's running this show?
  20. Its a magical story. Trump can be either an evil genius and mastermind bent on global domination or a bumbling and incompetent idiot depending on the narrative and conspiracy the media wishes to create. Its quite a paradox that escapes any logical explanation. In this case MAGA "extremists", isolationists, and xenophobes concerned only with America and nowhere else if you recall the main plot line here (uncaring and unsympathetic to the plight of people in other lands, right?) , taking time and effort to collude with like-minded foreigners to undermine and overthrow their government. Just wild!
  21. How would you know its better? Do you have intimate knowledge of the household, visitors, and security systems? Sounds like you've exited the denial stage and entered "damage control" mode here.
  22. The US spends about 12x more annually than Russia on military spending and has about 750 overseas military bases. While some wish to believe this deployment and projection of power is an altruistic venture to protect freedom and democracy everywhere its simply how empires have operated throughout history to control the provinces and vassal states. Reality is the US operates as a global empire that provides certain perks and privileges to its citizens, at the expense of other nations and peoples, that we all benefit from it in one way or another, either through cooperation, submission, or force. It's something most Americans are either oblivious to or don't want to accept. Because to accept this truth is to admit their ideals and beliefs are false. Like it or not we're all privileged citizens of the empire that rules the world.
  23. Also, we need to recognize that in Biden's case he was the former VP. I expect the Presidential records act and other conditions, provisions, and protections that apply to the President do not extend to the Vice President or other former members of the executive branch.
  24. Witness the carpet bombing by the usual apologists. It might be nothing here. But people that have absolutely no knowledge of the details as of yet, because nothing much is available at this point are all willing to argue with full confidence in their ignorance that it can't possibly be that Joe might bear some responsibility for the situation or that something "bad" might be present here. But they love them some big government no matter what. And what's worse? Not knowing the political class is screwing everyone and going along with it or knowing they're screwing us all and still going along with it?
  25. You must not be paying attention to how the world operates. In this case, leaders, officials, and oligarchs trading the lives of their citizens and soldiers for the big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$'s. Look no further than Afghanistan for a recent example when the President went on the run with suitcases full of multi-millions in American taxpayer supplied cash after the US pullout.
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