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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The real problem is the government has chain of custody issues when in comes to keeping track of documents. Stuff disappears for 6 years and nobody misses it. Then it surfaces and becomes a big deal. The local library has a better system in place. My take is if you didn't miss it for 6 years then really how important is it? How about reviewing processes and procedures for keeping keeping track of this stuff and fix it? Because one thing seems clear, they're not doing a good job of keeping track of classified documents. I'm guessing Chinese, Russian, Israeli, and lots of other intelligence services around the world have their own copies of 1000's of US government confidential and secret documents.
  2. Allen's comments are an honest assessment. There's no trophy for 5th place. And the Bills game plan on both sides of the ball was about as predictable as they come. The Bengals certainly knew it. And most importantly the Bills players knew it too. I wonder if knowing they were destined to be out coached, out prepared, and out game planned left the team with no confidence stepping out onto the field?
  3. Can we get Jim Schwarz to come back as DC and install his "wide 9" scheme? My memory isn't that clear about that era but I believe he took most of the same personal that played mediocre and transformed the group into a sack and pass rush machine. No we can't as I believe the Browns hired him!
  4. A trade won't happen but absent any incentive or pressure we all know with close to 100% certainty ownership and management won't make any significant and necessary changes.
  5. The four best teams are in the conference finals with an honorable mention going to the Cowboys. After yesterday, the Bills just look like they're on the second tier. My expectations for major changes are dim. These guys are just going to make marginal moves that won't do much because I think they incorrectly believe they are "this close" to it. After watching the NFC game last night and the Chiefs they're not. The Bills are no closer than the Giants were against the Eagles. Which is depressing. I think there's only one person that has any leverage to approach ownership and demand changes be made and that's Josh Allen. I suspect he's not quite there yet but if I'm his agent I would entertain having a discussion with ownership suggesting I'm not going sit idly and allow my client to take another 17 game beating like he did this season and expose himself to injury or long term health issues. So unless Pegula makes some major moves I'm going to demand a trade where Josh can go to a team committed to providing an offensive line and the weapons he needs to succeed and the Bills can get a decent return of around 3 first rounders for their trouble. At the very least such a demand would enrage the fan base to a point and level that Pegula could not ignore.
  6. I don't disagree with the OP I think the Bills main problem is a very big lack of self-awareness and avoiding an honest assessment of reality. And a resistance to making bold moves when bold moves are required. That time is again now. The Bills have a serous problem and it starts with management. They've been peddling the idea of sustainability as a reason for not going "all in" but can anyone explain how this is sustainable? They're up against the salary cap, but have lots of holes in the roster, along with having a lot of UFA's they won't be able to sign. The last 4 drafts have been mediocre at best. They've made questionable picks when you look at who else was on the board that lots of posters hear were screaming for them to pick instead. Other players that have turning into good contributors for their teams. How many times have they traded up and then picked the wrong guy? Beane can't sell me on the idea that his approach to success is to prioritize the draft as a way to continually replenish and fill the roster with good players and then go out and draft poorly year after year. Then react to these failures by signing lots of marginal veteran free agents to fill the gaps and blowing out the salary cap. Explain to me again how that's a sustainable? Management is batting around .180 here. They have the best athlete and QB in the league but have failed to build an adequate offensive line for protection or surround him with enough weapons. Absent Von Miller, they cannot generate a pass rush, the defensive scheme is unfit for playing the better teams, the secondary can't cover a pot of boiling water, and yesterday's performance looked like week one of preseason. The big story was the Bengals had 3 starters on the offensive line hurt when the big story turned out to be that didn't make any difference. At a minimum Frazier has to go and McDermott needs to be willing to bring in another coordinator that's given some freedom to run their own system. Others have suggested enticing Frank Reich to come in to take over the OC job. I could get on board for that too. But until I see them do some top down obvious changes needed and stop tweaking things at the lowest level on the roster, its an exercise in futility to think they're going to do anything differently.
  7. At the end of the day, does anyone that's watched how this team operates truthfully expect them to make both or either of these changes? That's the most depressing thing today for me. More depressing than the game itself. What I expect to hear over and over is how the team failed to "execute" what they'll say was a good game plan. Ugh..
  8. I took a quick look at the last 4 drafts. The front office and the scouts have done a bad job at the draft. Misses on both sides of the ball that need to be covered over by signing lower-tier free agents that are just good enough for the regular season but abysmal in the playoffs. Not to mention playing second-guessing by looking at their draft picks and then looking at who was available. I really believe that without Josh Allen playing super hero this team is a 6 or 7 win roster at best. In the division Jets and Dolphins have gotten better the past two drafts and the Bills are running in place recycling marginal free agents into the OL and DL.
  9. This defense with Frazier's scheme and the players on the roster can't line up toe-to-toe and hold their own with the league's top QBs and defenses that make few if any mistakes or turnovers. Watching the 49ers/Cowboys game and seeing two good defenses at work makes me realize how much of an illusion the Bills defense was this season. The GM and front office need to act with a sense of urgency this offseason. They can't ignore this problem if they're serious about winning it all
  10. The way this roster is constructed and the lack of recent productive drafts, without Allen this is a 6 or 7 win team. Build the lines on both sides of the ball and move on from Frazier.
  11. One big thing is Bengals defense first guy makes the tackle and Bills first guy misses.
  12. By a defender leaving his feet and launching himself at the QB. Ruled incomplete.
  13. A lot doesn't"t add up here for me. Call me skeptical. Biden left office about 5 years and 9 months ago. Nobody knew he took documents, nobody was looking for them, and nobody knew he had them, or where they were. Then somebody decided to do some Fall cleaning in the garage and ran across some files. Then contacted authorities. You can play the honesty angle, but given the circumstances the easiest thing would have been shred them and avoid any commotion. As I believe nothing is a coincidence I'm left wondering if Joe's handlers behind the scenes decided it's time for him to go and put all this in motion. If it's me and I find something of great value or confidential from my previous job of 6 years ago and nobody else in the world knows about it I just forget about or dispose of it and and avoid any potential problem for myself. There's more to the story here.
  14. Anyone remember how many NV and VC killed the US reported daily during the Vietnam war?
  15. So, like most wars our government has backed recently where things are said to be going great and then all the sudden. presto, not so great, if the unthinkable happens and the Russian's ultimately prevail then the people running the show in Washington and NATO need to explain why they blew smoke up everybody's backside with all the good news stories to the contrary.
  16. Putin's secret attack plan! Or not so secret attack plan it would appear. The Russian's will mount an offense from positions they currently hold. Brilliant tactical assessment that must have taken about 15 seconds of very hard thinking to conclude.
  17. Another major insight. If every person attending the WEF would shove their head up a cow's ass they could make a positive impact on methane gas emissions and save the planet.
  18. It's more a theory than a hypothesis. Take a poster that never, ever criticizes or objects to any democratic position or action and conclude (all other variables equal) they won't criticize a bad actor of the other party if the only variable you change is he belonged to the party of people they won't criticize. Its an assumption that has a high probability of being true based on available historical data. So yeah, let's say I'm 99.9% true as no system or process has a 0 error rate. But my point is still valid.
  19. What's utterly hilarious and ironic is if Trump actually dressed in this manner all the progressives and lefties would overwhelmingly support him as one of their kind of weirdos.
  20. I'm 100% certain that if Santos was a democrat you'd be defending the guy so pointing fingers at others is disingenuous. You know it, we all know it.
  21. I knew you'd bite the big one on this comment of mine. I got you on a string. So dance puppet. But then again, you're the one cheer leading violence and war in Europe where the common citizen and soldier is put in harms way. And if war isn't terrorism then what is it? Perhaps just a game for your amusement? All I'm suggesting is it would be a much better world if a handful of scumbag billionaires that pay no taxes, exploit the common working person, and rape the planet would disappear. Rather than having to listen to these pompous douches tout their superiority, insisting they are best suited to rule over all, and demanding that everybody else should make due with less. All while they live it up at the WEF with lots of great meals, entertainment, boring speakers, and free prostitutes. Only somebody on the payroll would defend these characters.
  22. Sure we can agree. Which is more prevalent? I can't say I know off the top of my head. I suggest a distinction. There's no social movement that will attack anyone that doesn't embrace and accept the practice of in-cest (why is that word forbidden to be used here?). And obviously for most of us its something that should not be acceptable. Nor are there any groups I know of advocating for the practice. But there are plenty of people, groups, and organizations willing to attack and attempt to ruin your life if you speak out or don't go along with gender identification word games because you're inciting violence against victims for what is a pure mental issue on their part. The most troubling aspect of the gender identity obsession is why people that claim to be intellectually superior to the rubes and hillbillies believe something that is provably false?
  23. Let's cut to the chase. Find a biological human male, or any other animal species for that matter, that menstruates and normalize these weirdo concepts for all the non-believers.
  24. Its a real-life situation comedy that should be put out of its misery by dropping one big bomb on the meeting. Maybe at the point where Dr. Evil gives his closing comments?
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