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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. A win for Biden is waking up in the morning and finding that he didn't piss his pajamas during the night.
  2. Most of it is religion on religion violence. My God is better than your God stuff.
  3. This is easy. Hillary is a member of the political establishment and serves those interests. That makes her "untouchable". Like a Made Man in the mob. In the two-tiered legal system she is exempt from the rules that apply to the other 99% of Americans. The current President and his family have been running an extortion and influence peddling racket. The details of this racket are documented on a laptop belonging to his son which is in FBI possession. The FBI has done less than nothing to investigate. The intelligence community pitched in with 51 former intelligence agency officials concluded the laptop was actually Russian "disinformation". This is a lie, and they knew it was a lie. As they serve the establishment, they did their job. To protect their fellow members. The less than nothing the FBI did was inhibit any investigation. If one of the 99% of other Americans did that, they would define that behavior as "obstructing justice". But as they serve the establishment, they are also exempt from the law. These are the same people that pontificate about the sanctity of the law and their high level of integrity and duty. They are the worst of liars and cheats.
  4. The FBI visited the house in early June and already had an inventory of the documents and knew everything and anything about them 2 months ago. If it was so urgent and such a threat why didn't they seize them at that time or soon thereafter. The judge issued a warrant last Friday and it was so urgent they waited several days before executing it. Not to mention its been 20 months since his term expired. That all makes little sense to me. My suspicion is they used the documents to establish probable cause to search the entire residence. For anything related to 1/6. Of course this is just a theory at this point but I expect as facts are revealed it will be validated.
  5. This continues to be the party faithful rationalization and excuse for why Trump beat Hillary.
  6. There's no proof they were or weren't declassified to this point in time. But we should soon find out at some point. My problem with the "crime" conclusion is the government has never pursued charges against any President that has removed documents classified or not. Nor have they raided their residence to retrieve anything. If it turns out to be more than some documentation issue then Trump needs to answer for that situation. But if that's all it is this administration is headed down a slippery slope. Given the almost complete displeasure of the voters with this administration, power is almost certain to shift in Congress and they'll face a relentless and non-stop number of investigations of anything and everything. I guess this is what Joe meant by unifying the country. Unifying it against him.
  7. Is it? I've read where Trump's camp claims he declassified these documents that were seized. The President has the right to declassify whatever he chooses and Congress or the Judicial has no rights to oversight in the process. Granted that leaves room for the application of bad judgment but bad judgment is not a criminal act. So let's cool our jets here.
  8. Your cults track record with these investigative escapades is heading in the direction of the 2017 Cleveland Browns. It takes a extremely high level of expertise at being wrong to be wrong all the time. So good luck.
  9. I've seen speculation the boxes contain documents related to the Russia hoax and other deep state operations running for 6 years against Trump's administration that implicate a host of actors and players in both elected and appointed positions inside and outside the government. And they're Trump's get out of jail free card. And suddenly something unknown created a sense of urgency to get them back ASAP. Recall he filed suit against Hillary. What evidence does he have? Potentially the stuff in those boxes. I'd expect there are copies somewhere else. And curiously the same judge that signed off on Garlands search warrant was originally assigned to hear Trump's suit against Hillary. Coincidence I expect. Do I believe this is likely? No. But its no more implausible than the secrets story without having any solid evidence to the contrary.
  10. You're statement about not commenting about ongoing investigations was violated a few hours ago. Because they just did that. Revealing sensitive information about an ongoing investigation. Or is there an exemption for that DOJ policy in the case of leaking information to the press? In this case the Washington Post. Because that's what it sure looks like. Is anyone at DOJ/FBI the least concerned about identifying the leaker and taking the appropriate action against an official that violated the doctrine of not revealing information about ongoing investigations? Or is it okay to violate information handling protocols as long as your investigating somebody else that might be accused of violating information security protocols?
  11. Why is a "leak" necessary to get the facts out? Why can't the AG come out with the actual information and justification they submitted to the judge to establish cause to issue a warrant? If there is enough here to file some criminal charge then file charges. If there was a genuine sense of urgency to secure or seize sensitive information, or as Garland stated, no other options available, then say it. If there wasn't then they have a lot of explaining to do here. Don't dump anonymous sourced breaking news leaks focused on some nebulous reference to "nuclear secrets" out into the public domain that generate all kinds of wild speculation on one side or the issue or the other. From its a set up all the way to the other extreme that Trump is feeding secrets to China and Russia. I mean, get real! I know its a novel concept but can the government actually entertain the concept of just simply telling the truth! I'd say the same for Trump. Garland also stated his legal team has the warrant and the list of items taken. Instead of shooting your mouth off release that information.
  12. Why didn't he just officially say that in yesterday's statement rather than "leaking" it to the Post? I mean, he insisted the department would only make information available through official statements and legal filings. So he lied.
  13. You should stop posting immediately! As should anyone attempting to define any conclusions which require actual facts. And by the comments of some specific posters, that pretty much believe anything that's feed to them through anonymous sources, I now realize why juries tend to be composed of idiots.
  14. But you're willing to assign a high level of credibility to an unknown and anonymous "source" that provides "information" that is completely unverifiable? Why is that? I suggest you look up the definition of "confirmation bias" for the answer.
  15. Better re-watch "The Accountant" with Ben Affleck as I never relieved the life of a tax auditor could be so dangerous. Accounting isn't just for number dweebs anymore. Sign zee confession papers taxpayer or vee vill shoot you! https://www.jobs.irs.gov/resources/job-descriptions/irs-criminal-investigation-special-agent Key Requirements Be a U.S. citizen Be 21 years of age by the time that you complete the training academy and no older than 37 years of age at time of appointment. Qualify based on education, specialized experience, or a combination of the two. Possess a valid driver’s license. Pass a background and criminal history record check. Pass a pre-employment medical exam. Pass a pre-employment drug test. Pass a pre-employment tax examination. Be legally allowed to carry a firearm. Major Duties Adhere to the highest standards of conduct, especially in maintaining honesty and integrity. Work a minimum of 50 hours per week, which may include irregular hours, and be on-call 24/7, including holidays and weekends. Maintain a level of fitness necessary to effectively respond to life-threatening situations on the job. Be willing and able to participate in arrests, execution of search warrants, and other dangerous assignments.
  16. Garland stated yesterday that the DOJ will only communicate information through official statements and court filings. He didn't provide much of anything in the form of new information. But he did leave out the part about DOJ leaking or planting stories in the Washington Post regarding the justification for the search and seizure operation. If they wanted this motive for the search out there, why couldn't the AG just include the nuclear codes story in his statement yesterday afternoon? That would have made everything as clear as day vs. sending it through the rumor mill channel in the media? And if Garland didn't want this out, because he meant it when he said we're only going to communicate through court filings and official statements, shouldn't he be furious at this leak and commence an investigation ASAP at DOJ on who is leaking information about an ongoing investigation to the press, identify that person, and take appropriate action? Don't hold your breath. Now that they've leaked a story, true or not, they need to release the affidavit and probable cause testimony and evidence provided to the judge that issued the warrant so we can see for ourselves what probable cause and justifications were used. Make as much detail as possible to the public. Because what some anonymous person told the Post is irrelevant, what they told the judge is what matters. We need to know what they told the judge not what some unnamed source told the Post. My guess is this isn't coming soon.
  17. I'm not clear the classification of these documents has been publicly divulged. I don't think the raid had anything to do with those documents. By accounts the President's legal team was cooperating with the government and had been following all instructions they received. Garland said they'd be submitting motions to release the warrant and the list of items seized by the FBI. But I'd like to know exactly what information and testimony was presented to the judge to establish probable cause and sign off on a warrant? My gut says the DOJ/FBI was running the broken taillight routine. A traffic cop sees a car with a broken taillight and uses it as probable cause to stop the vehicle and conduct a search. On a fishing trip in an attempt to find "something". The DOJ/FBI used the document search as a pretext to obtain a warrant to search the premises in order to find "something else". That something else I believe is 1/6 "evidence". So is the AG and the DOJ, and the FBI director and the FBI doing work for the 1/6 House Committee? That would be troublesome. I expect the government isn't too eager to reveal anything about what they told the judge. If that turns out to be true, the AG needs to recuse himself and provide a public explanation. Hillary's server situation was completely different. She had an illegal server set up that held confidential and secret electronic records and e-mails that were hacked by Russian and Chinese operatives. Mostly in order to avoid freedom of information act requests keeping her correspondence on a Dept of State server would expose her to. The FBI basically did nothing. They should have seized the servers and performed a complete forensic examination. But they let her slide, as usual.
  18. That's interesting. And I can also see that perspective. My theory is that if people that dream up a lot of bad policies and ideas had to bear the consequences of the idea things would be a lot different. Like a liberal that supports homeless encampments in city neighborhoods except when the encampment is on their street. Or a conservative that opposes all abortions that finds out his daughter just got knocked up by some undesirable and isn't too excited about her having that child.
  19. Because good old conservatives are nice and quiet and totally clueless to the culture war being waged against them by the left along while never raising any objections or opposition to the agenda?
  20. Did CNN report yet that they found a MAGA hat along with a copy of Mein Kampf at the scene?
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