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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. They've been wrong about almost everything but will never admit to that, retract anything, alter their views or thinking, or apologize for it. They're not concerned about being right, just winning. If winning take lying. cheating, and stealing to accomplish then lying, cheating, and stealing it is.
  2. Ironic, a demand for "authentication" coming from somebody that constantly posts tweets and quotes about all kinds of conspiracies and allegations from personalities presenting no authentication of accusations and stories they peddle.
  3. Unless you have the world's worst lawyer you can't but I'm sure you're going the hear a mountain of excuses.
  4. I'm curious about the eligibility rules. Does a person that's half black and half another race other than black get a full share, a 1/2 share, or no share? Do you need to be genetically verifiable black or can you just "identify" as being black to qualify?
  5. These people don't care if they're right. They only care if they win. They throw these stories into the atmosphere and their minions in the media pick them up and carpet bomb the public with the story. Day after day, hour after hours translating some fairy tale into perceived fact. It doesn't matter if any of it is true or not. Most people hear it often enough and they believe its true. Regardless of any future facts or outcome that prove it false. They count on the idea that the average attention span of any average American is about 15 seconds and they don't care too much for detail.
  6. Because the State of New York has no legal jurisdiction over or standing to hear cases involving Federal campaign law. Period.
  7. Apparently he doesn't because the legal basis for his potential indictment is dreadful.
  8. You can take up any personal complaints with the DOJ and AG Garland.
  9. I think its clear using campaign funds for such a payment is illegal. But one claim is Cohen paid Daniels with "his own funds" which seems absurd as he had no relationship with her, it was Trump. But does the State of New York have any legal standing to bring charges for an alleged violation of Federal campaign law that the DOJ has declined to pursue? I think "no", but the Manhattan DA's office has translated this into a violation of some State law. There seems to be ongoing internal debate at the DA's office about the merit of such an argument. My guess is that's part of the hesitation to bring charges to this point.
  10. You do realize that during times of war that most of what comes out of either side about the conflict is propaganda?
  11. Trump To Be Indicted For Removing Mattress Tag In 1997 https://babylonbee.com/news/manhattan-da-to-indict-trump-for-removing-mattress-tag-in-1997
  12. I find your employers statement interesting as through deductive reasoning Isn't announcing "removing the sex and race-based pay gaps" an admission that they've eliminated previous discrimination practices which employers have generally denied existed? As they all attest to following EEO every year. I think by far and away the biggest discrimination is against older workers. While they have more experience they also generally have families and dependents that consume a lot more health care services than younger unmarried workers that as a group are the healthiest demographic. In conversation with a professional resume writer, I was told that listing any job experience or dates prior to the year 2000 would result in your resume being eliminated from consideration by companies using parsing software to screen applicants resumes. This I was told is about 95% of HR departments.
  13. That's a good point. Its like those moral victories many used to celebrate on Monday morning during the Bills playoff drought after they played tough but lost to New England by just a field goal.
  14. I find it intriguing how all these women's groups and victims advocates collectively know exactly when to express outrage and when to shut up and hide.
  15. The rules and regulations of it all confuse me as it's now acceptable to pretend (or if anyone prefers, to identify with) to be whatever you'd like be. So what is the point of the entire Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion thing?
  16. The key requirement for any job is a good understanding of race and gender ideology. Think of that when your brain surgery doctor is a diversity hire.
  17. Generally, I find all this to be entertaining. Its like some animated cartoon series. Maybe like the Coyote always pursuing but never catching the Roadrunner. In this case Trump being the Roadrunner and the Coyote being all the TDS sufferers. But what baffles me most is a complete lack of explanation from any of Trump's celebrity media detractors as to why, given his numerous encounters with breaking the law, has nobody been able to nail this guy on anything? Could it be their propensity to make up stories while proving them is another thing? Or something else? In this case resorting to a completely desperate and flimsy charge. Taking a Federal misdemeanor offense the Feds won't pursue and molding and crafting that charge into some State level felony charge. It sounds preposterous. My guess is it is preposterous. Either Trump's a criminal mastermind always 3 or 4 steps ahead the criminal justice system or the people pursuing charges are mind blowing simpletons incapable of acquiring a conviction. If this was Imperial Japan and these DA and prosecutors failed so many times they'd be compelled to commit ritual suicide for their failings. But no such system of honor and virtue exists here today.
  18. What we need to acknowledge is that unlike most of us living in reality, these academic types lead privileged lives in an alternative reality where critical thinking and reason were banished long ago. In this world up is down, left is right, or most appropriate, wrong is right. The course should be titled Empire 101: How to crush you enemies with brutal violence to rule the world. But if I was to give students attending her classes some advice I'd tell them not to turn their backs to Ms. Clinton and make sure to have a clear line-of-sight to the nearest exist at all times. There's no telling when she might decide to give the "go" signal to some elite assassination team to provide the class a live demonstration of her "diplomatic skills".
  19. I heard Treasury Secretary Yellen speak during some Congressional testimony on backstopping banks depending on whether or not they posed any systemic risk. The long and short of it all was that if in the opinion of Treasury that risk existed they'd move to support the bank, depositors, creditors in some way in order to contain any fallout. What no representative asked was a question of mine that if in the opinion of Treasury any bank posed systemic risk then why are they allowed to exist in any form that posed such risks? Along with what is wrong with the "system" where these events keep happening?
  20. There is a silver lining here. It won't be the poor and working classes that are hurt. They're used to dealing with it and are already suffering from it all. When the SHTF the liberal arts schmucks without any real life coping or life skills who support all this chaos are going to take it up the tail pipe the hardest. I'm not sure about anybody else but thinking about how much crap is going to rain down on them makes me happy.
  21. Prospects for America have never looked as bleak as they do today.
  22. And a generous 6 digit annual pension and free health care for life courtesy of the taxpayer.
  23. No. At this point they're all desk jockeys or retired, not field agents. Anyway, you've got to be out of your mind if you want to get shot at by drug cartel members while being handcuffed by procedures and rules of non-engagement established by the idiots in the Biden administration. You might as well put the drug dealers in charge with this administration.
  24. I know some folks in law enforcement along with having family members that worked at the Federal level in DEA and DHS.
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