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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I've said it before and I'll say it here, and again if necessary. Hydroxychloroquine is an effective and safe anti-inflammatory. It comprises about 25% of all prescriptions written by physicians and filled by pharmacies in the US for that indication. The thinking around potential use of the medication for COVID was sound. The virus causes inflammation and HCL is a known, effective, cheap, plentiful anti-inflammatory. How well it worked was the question. The liars are the people saying its unsafe. Inflammation patients, such as those with arthritis, are not dropping dead by the 1000's every month from Hydroxychloroquine. Unsafe, debunked by medial evidence. How do I know this? I work in health care analytics and one of the markets I'm responsible for is the inflammation market.
  2. You should talk. Most of what you post are mis-information spreaders on Twitter.
  3. The comical part of it is they're making a mockery of what it means to be a "real" women and the dummies stand and applaud. You'd think the radical feminist groups would be rushing in and defending their sisters but not a peep from the cowards.
  4. You make one hell of a fine censor.
  5. You won't even answer my question. But I'll answer yours. It doesn't directly impact my life unless the nutjob or some fanatical social justice types that push the idea these lunatics are "women" thinks they're going to force me to believe that insanity. But if a guy in a dress wants to believe he's a women then okay, its his mental health problem not mine. "She" just shouldn't expect me to buy into the delusion. Or for that matter expect any person grounded in reality to believe it either. The social scene right now is all pretty much the progressive wet dream version of the Emperor's New Clothes tale.
  6. A human that has scientifically and medically verifiable female characteristic through the presence of genetic and biological traits that objectively prove the person is a female/women. Along with working lady-parts. Your turn. Do you think a guy wearing a dress and make up with a set of stones taped to his ass is a women? I'm thinking you do. And news flash, your part of the cult that believes this fantasy. If that doesn't make all of you mind-blowing imbeciles I don't know what else to say.
  7. I'm sensing Wray will invoke the go-to move of this administration which is the "ongoing investigation" excuse in order to duck and hide. But that doesn't stop anyone inside the DOJ or FBI from leaking confidential information to the Times or Post when its beneficial does it? They've got quite a racket going over there. Corruption refined into an art form.
  8. Ironically, radical Democrats run and hide for cover when you ask them the simple question, "what is a women"? But they'll fight tooth and nail over abortion issue to protect the rights of this incomprehensibly difficult to define subset of humans. It's comical.
  9. And how does the administration in Washington regard parents that raise objections to school boards and libraries about inappropriate topics and material for young children? At the request of powerful teachers unions, as extremists and terrorists that the DOJ concludes will requires investigation by the FBI. So send in the storm troopers to push around parents with threats of violence and criminal charges but hands off the purveyors of sexual exploitation of young children in schools? That hardly feels like a fair and balanced approach to the issues. Which leaves it up to grass roots parenting movements going up against big money backed liberal PAC's and State and local governments stepping in to fight the Federal agencies, with of course, the media is waiting in the wings to demonize anyone that resists the movement.
  10. Classical liberals like HHH, RFK, and McGovern, labor leaders like Reuther and Chavez, civil rights leaders like King and Abernathy would be considered conservatives and exiled by today's extreme, authoritarian establishment loving leftists. Evil big government is now good big government since they took control and they love the power and want more. Too bad they rule over a country they've transformed into a big steaming pile of dog crap. Well done Douches.
  11. its locked up with the laptop and a bunch of falsified FISA warrant applications because members of the Kings court don't want the peasants to know the truth.
  12. At least he didn't extort money and payments from Ukraine and then take millions from Chinese interests connected to the CCP. What we don't know is what the Chinese interests got. What a scumbags, right? Yet you call this guy a "great American President". What are you smoking?
  13. Stick to covering up for Biden's payoff and influence peddling operation with China.
  14. Whatever the dogma or ideology followed by authoritarians, the truth is always their enemy. The biggest lairs are always the loudest voices to make such claims against other, mostly powerless, people.
  15. I would like to know the plan for upgrading the electric grid to handle 100 million EV's plugged into residential chargers every night.
  16. Younger voters overwhelmingly don't want 80 year old Presidential candidates in 2024.
  17. What it boils down to is there is an extremely small minority of people with unacceptably low moral and ethical standards of behavior attempting to impose these low standards of behavior on the other 99.99% of the population. And they're being backed and bankrolled by "liberal" donors that see an opportunity to gain more power by championing their views which sow the seeds of conflict among the 99.99%. Divide and conquer. If you think it's okay to expose 5 year old kids to sexual subjects and scenes then social norms define you as a pervert, period.
  18. Are these books describing graphic sexual relations to 6 year old readers?
  19. Who would have thought working as an intelligence operative could prepare you for a career in journalism?
  20. It's clear nobody knows what Putin is thinking. Certainly not anyone in Washington.
  21. I blame most of the parents of my generation for coddling their children and protecting them from any hardships or problems previous generations of teens learned to deal with leaving them incapable of adapting to the challenges of life as adults.
  22. Whatever the Biden administration's plan is, given thier perfect record, its 100% guaranteed to fail.
  23. Banning Tik Toc would be a backdoor precident for The State to ban other sites they deem "dangerous" in the future.
  24. Do you question the validity of the statistics or the methodology, or the conclusions of that media study?
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