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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Quote: "There is speculation that Texiera did not act alone with the motive of impressing his teenage followers on the Discord chat forum, as the press has reported. Former C.I.A. analyst Larry Johnson believes Texiera was set up, possibly by a senior officer. Johnson thinks this because among the documents Texiera allegedly leaked was one from the Central Intelligence Agency Operations Center, where Johnson used to work. “CIA Operations Center produces two daily reports — one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It is not a ‘Community’ product, i.e., it is not distributed to the other intelligence agencies. It is an internal CIA document (of course, it is available to the Director of National Intelligence), ” Johnson wrote on his website Son of the New American Revolution. Texiera was not in the C.I.A. so there is no way he’d have access to an Operations Center document, Johnson wrote. So how did he get his hands on it? If true what is the big-picture motive of some heavy players inside he government for revealing so much at this point in time? (my comment)
  2. All you do is quote horseshit subjective opinions from lots of dumb-dumb twits on twitter. You're a slacker.
  3. So you enjoy the privilege to make subjective statements like stating "many" Trump supporters compare him to Jesus but I'm required to submit hard and factual evidence and data to back up my opinions? I see. So exactly how many Trump supporters compare him to Jesus? 1, 10, 100, 1000? How many? Well, for example, all those unemployed West Virginian working class coal miners union members that voted the State consistently blue in the past before the Democrats abandoned the working person were most certainly solid Democratic voters until the mines closed and their communities shuttered. Multiple that by thousands of small cities and towns across the country and there you go. Trumps voting block. I was a life-long Democrat that in the past supported and campaigned for "real liberals" (not today's authoritarian fakers) that fought for real causes rather than today's imagined grievances and delusions of oppression. But the party's current ideology offer me nothing unless you want to count being blamed for everything that happens to lots of slackers and goof offs as something.
  4. Don't worry. As long as they keep the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion section worth 80% of the test score which was inserted by the current administration you'll still have a good chance of passing. I say this because its obvious the current crew under Biden doesn't understand a single thing about what the actual job requires but they got the DEI terms and activities nailed.
  5. Maybe Hank needs to be educated on the facts by experiencing a subway ride without his security detail at 2 AM through the South Bronx.
  6. My dream is the new House majority passes a fiscal 2024 budget that eliminates all Federal funding for commie NGO's and fringe left causes then tells the administration to take it or leave it. If the government shuts down, so be it.
  7. I'd suggest another less happy ending. While they were most useful on the journey to achieve power, once the revolution is over the party has no need for agitators and activists. As these regimes never fulfill their promises to create a utopian society agitators and activists will become disenchanted and protest against the very people they helped bring to power. So at some point the regime will round them up and shoot them all. So their role in a post-communist revolution will be worm food. Do these idiots even understand why communist and socialist countries never have net positive immigration numbers? Hint: life their sucks.
  8. I love this guys writing. A classical liberal blogger who is obviously Persona Non Grata with the current set of lunatics. https://kunstler.com/cluster*****-nation/call-the-exorcist/
  9. Sounds like your gripe isn't with Trump but the people "supporting" him. But what are their choices? Who or what should they be supporting? You can't possibly believe they'd fall in line with what the Democrats are shoveling out? Many of Trump's supporters were lifelong Democrats which the party abandoned when they adopted an agenda exclusively based on identity politics which blames "them" for all of societies evils. So what's the message from the Democrats? "We think you suck but vote for us anyway".
  10. Well for starters, how about the opportunity to demonstrate some minimum level of civilized behavior slightly above the practice of rioting and looting?
  11. Bribed to do exactly what?
  12. Absolutely. But regardless of how loud and organized they are, they're also a very small group relative to the total population. Crushing them would be child's play if the social consciousness level of their mischief was high enough but it isn't yet. That's why they seek to disrupt the free communication of truth and ideas. Like the Devil, deceit is their primary tool.
  13. I'd argue that your position on government authority over censorship of ideas and opinions depends on whether you identify with being a citizen of the republic or a subject of the government. Clearly, these representatives and officials in Washington are intent on treating you as a subject with privileges to be granted or taken away at their whim. I'd say anyone voting for these folks is acting against their own self-interest and should immediately examine why they vote for and support such officials.
  14. That's easy. If that was the case then voice after voice would be issuing warnings that the entire "community" is under attack and being put in danger by "his" arrest. And we'd have absolutely no information or explanation about motive or ideology. Judgement of everyone is now based on the social credit score of the perpetrator following rules for physical and social attributes that determine the specific position of the persons spot on the oppressor/oppressed woke scorecard. This fool obviously checks off lots of boxes on the oppressor side of the ledger so there will be no mercy in the press or the courts.
  15. So the "smoke signals" here telegraph the party leadership has decided Joe's usefulness as fake President has ended. The benefit of running somebody they could present as a "moderate" in 2020 have been exceeded by the cost of his gaffes and weaknesses in 2023. Its time to pull the plug on the program short of a full term. Not that I expected anything else when he was elected. But what I want to see is how faithful his defenders on PPP of this "Good American President" will react once they realize the leadership have pulled the plug on the show? Most likely they'll follow orders and turn on the old guy too. What's still to be understood is how do they get rid of VP Harris too? Nobody anywhere wants her to become President. I've seen what is currently wild speculation the party will pull a 3-for-1 here. Notice all the chatter again suddenly about pushing out Feinstein from her California Senate seat, then Harris steps down from VP to take the Senate seat, the party pushes some familiar progressive like Gavin Newsom as a new VP, Biden resigns, and the new VP steps into the White House without receiving a single vote. How's that for Democracy? Like I said wild speculation. But it is a great plan and seemingly doable.
  16. Not disturbed, just slow. The faux left believes every ounce of crap the government and the supporting media shovels their way both domestically and internationally regardless of the fact 100's of leaked classified documents have once again revealed they more or less about everything. But that's what intelligence agencies are designed to do. Gather information while distributing fake data and false information to mis-inform, mis-direct, generate propaganda to deceive. We do it. Our adversaries do it. That's the game. Once again. Not mentally sharp enough to understand that either.
  17. Yet somehow all these pathetic attempts to nail this guy for what you think is obvious remains elusive. You should consider there's a lot less substance there in these "crimes" than what you believe. Sure he's over the top with it but having a certain level of respect for your adversaries is something good leaders and champions share. As for how "bad" we need to always say our adversaries are, maybe because the left is composed of mental and emotional weaklings they need to hear constantly about how bad the other guy is and how wonderful they are to keep their fragile egos from disintegrating? For me, I've pretty much had my limit of all this crying and wailing over Trump. In the great scheme of things all the focus is on Trump and "soft" social issues are of little matter to our current challenges. As a failing world power, the current administration of Emperor Nero is taking us down the crapper faster than it was thought possible. Its seems that not a day passes without some news of an arrangement or deal between countries that doesn't include America or removes another of our pieces from the Chess Board. You should pay attention to some of this rather than worrying about big, bad, Trump all day long. And take some personal actions to protect yourself from the fallout of consistently bad decision and bad policy out of Washington.
  18. To translate into a combination of Left-Speak and "never let a good crisis go to waste". The story will play out as an impressionable gun totting loner that was radicalized into leaking sensitive government information through consuming hate speech expressed by the one and only Donald Trump. Imaginative but also predicable.
  19. Syrian Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad has arrived in Saudi Arabia. The first visit of a Syrian foreign minister or any high ranking government official to the country since 2011. Normalization of relations is expected to follow along with Syria being welcomed back into the Arab League organization. 12 years, which makes it Obama's handiwork, of another failed Washington regime change effort in the Middle East. Getting results!
  20. Frankly, that's all well and and good but it's all just your subjective opinion devoid of fact. Do you personally know the guy or have any firsthand knowledge of his motivations? Not likely. Maybe you just don't like what he has to say?
  21. Brazilian President Lulu headed to China for bi-lateral trade talks with Xi. Terms expected to include settlement in local currencies bypassing dollar settlement. What most Americans don't notice is a steadily growing number of countries looking to eliminate the US dollar. Seems Biden screwed the golden Goose by seizing and freezing Russian central bank funds which has left the world wanting to avoid a similar situation if they somehow displease Washington. Given the dollar is a much bigger source of US power than even the military this spells trouble for us all.
  22. What's the fuss? I'd expect all the fake liberals would be wetting their pants over Trump poor choice of words and dumb praise. As those leaders run a version of the same fascist system the democrats are working so hard to establish here. Sadly, while they bask in self-belief of superiority over the common working person the truth is they're to slow-witted to see it.
  23. Would it be a stretch of the imagination to consider that many of the other 6,500 employees were tasked with performing censorship and monitoring duties based on the firms previous arrangements with State intelligence services and other government agencies?
  24. What they're looking to do is impose a different set of cultural and social "norms" along with corresponding changes in ethical and moral standards which dramatically conflict with the current cultural standards. Its all self-interest as the new standards will favor them at the expense of those they see as their "oppressors". Just look around at all the social experiments we call large cities for a view of what they've got in mind. But by itself there is nothing unusual as over time things do change. The problem is combined with some Marxist ideology the social standards they're working to enforce are based on individual and collective delusions, insanity, and dysfunction. Its hard to envision a society could survive or prosper under such a system. History of the practice shows it won't. As they reject all reason and logic, they can't be bargained with or debated, and no common understanding can be reached. That leaves only two options to deal with them. Either submit to them or defeat them.
  25. I was under the impression remdesivr was only formulated for IV/Infusion. Which restricts use to inpatient situations. Is there an approved oral or self-injectable? I know HCL and Ivermectin are both taken orally. One being an anti-inflamatory and the other a protease inhibitor. I believe approved Paxlovid is also a protease inhibitor but much more expensive.
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