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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I say it's time to play some hardball and shut it down. If there are consequences and sacrifices that come of it, then so be it. Schummer can shove it.
  2. Gen Z hide in safe spaces and are afraid of the dark. They've been conditioned by the educational system to be timid and docile compliant citizens. If they spent 15 minutes of the first 15 years of their lives unsupervised by adults, it would be surprising. Good for the establishment that they'll believe whatever the authorities tell them to believe.
  3. Everything this chap says is in alignment with the doctrine of the fringe anarchists ruling the party which is denial of reality. Part of reality is that admit it or not, any thinking and rational person doesn't believe any of this nonsense.
  4. Conservative and moderate people of reason and logic that haven't figured out you can't negotiate with these left wing anarchist extremists better come to grips with that fact immediately. They're not interested in facts or figures. Or any kind of consensus. Or solving problems for that matter. Just tearing down all existing cultural and social norms and customs. What rational person would pursue policies such as the soft on crime DA's knowing they're releasing hard core repeat felons into the community to do more harm to citizens? They're malicious and intentionally causing violence and chaos. They need to be crushed into dust.
  5. I'll be honest I kind of lost track of what the conversation is here because I do have other things going on. Some of those other things I get paid to do so those are priorities. Posting here all day long, not so much. But I believe you have two problems here. One is a 24/7 obsession with Trump. The second obsession is believing I have any interest in defending the guy. So I'm not sure where you're going with this. Are you trying to demonstrate Biden isn't the only person in politics with metal impairment issues and speaking gaffes? I'm not sure what that gets us. None of these other people hold the most powerful elected office on the planet. As there's only one President at a time its a good idea to have one that has a sharp mind But we have one that's playing the game with less than a full deck. That puts out country at a severe disadvantage which is causing great harm. It's concerning not enough people acknowledge how much danger having such a weak and feeble leader puts our nation in at the moment.
  6. I stand corrected..
  7. The good news for our younger generations is the "peacekeeping mission" our government is on a course to fight with China will require a reinstatement of the draft to provide the force of a sufficient size necessary to fight such a mission. The Pentagon brass has said as much. That future certainty I expect will dampen the level of enthusiasm for the Washington establishment's foreign adventures.
  8. As JFK Jr. to paraphrase, stated in his 2024 Presidential announcement. "We spend billions blowing stuff up and China spends billions building things". Guess which approach most independent nations will embrace? A lot of people won't accept the concept that when your government's go to move is to pull the hammer out of the toolbox it might be time to wake up and see that might be a problem.
  9. How does that arrangement impact, exonerate, or excuse Biden's corrupt dealings?
  10. So instead vote for a mentally impaired candidate that is compromised by payoffs taken by his family from foreign entities. And you think you're standing on the moral and ethical high ground? Wow..
  11. The next time somebody suggests to you "if women ran the world there would be no wars" simply citing Ms. Nuland will debunk that theory.
  12. My take is the announcement of de facto President Susan Rice leaving the WH next month signals the Obama wing of the party is pulling the plug on Biden's time in office and he's history. That allows the 2024 dem nominee to run on a clean slate. One thing for sure, it won't be VP Harris.
  13. I'm assuming Lemon is much smarter than the other 3 combined.
  14. The sad truth is regardless of their shortcomings this duo would still be more effective than the current Biden/Harris.
  15. If officials won't enforce the law I'm sensing a real life revival of the Death Wish movie series.
  16. First, blame Russia. Then send $100 billion in unaudited aid and offer membership in NATO. Yup, Biden is getting result. Unfortunately, not for Americans.
  17. Are you suggesting politicians would misrepresent the facts and figures in order to portray the opposition as evil and uncaring? Who would have thought?
  18. No doubt there's some race thing to it but there are also many people that accuse others of racism because it's a convenient and acceptable strategy (another is saying somebody's "phobic" of this or that) to cut off conversation and silence people expressing views and ideas they disagree with. Doing so can avoid the need for discussion of facts and figures and other objective indicators and data on various issues. The word has lost its original meaning from overuse and being applied so broadly whether it was justified or not. Rather than truly identifying racists it's a way to signal people to shut up and go along.
  19. The party of chaos once agian championing mediocrity and making losers feel "special". Last I checked that strategy is a certain disaster unless your objective is to make society as unproductive and dysfunctional as possible. What's next? Forcing NFL teams to field teams of old, slow, overweight, and weak players and still call them exceptional athletes?
  20. All it takes is a little logical thinking to conceptualize how elaborate and complicated it would be to fabricate the contents of a laptop complete with e-mail & recipient e-mail records on other devices, data files, and documents. Way too complicated. What is the theory, Ocams Razor? But some posters will never waiver in their allegiance to their cult.
  21. The CIA, State Department and their media assets have charged this testimony is clearly dis-information. Michael J. Morell is really none other than Mikhail Morelsky a Russian operative sent to discredit the Biden administration! 🤣
  22. That'd an interesting observation. But why is there a correlation? A while back I researched the topic of poverty as it relates to providing specific social services to the poor. And insights I derived from the study was simple yet very impactful. First, its not all about income level. Poor people do not think about life or process information in the same way as people that might be categorized as the middle class. No more than a middle class person processes like the same way a wealthy person would view things. That's one reason why programs designed by a middle or upper class person generally fail to deliver the program in a manner that will be receptive to people in poverty. I'd say the biggest factor correlating gun violence with poverty is not a lack of money but rather the poor don't think about the future too much or the consequences of actions. Like shooting somebody or knocking up their girlfriend. The reasons for this are pretty clear. When you live day to day or paycheck to paycheck or on public assistance the future is irrelevant. Planning to send your kids to college 15 years from now? That isn't even a thought. Survival and getting through today is all that matters. Programs that just hand out money to people in poverty without changing their basic mindset and thought processes about how to succeed in life are not going to have any impact on lowering levels of violence. And programs rarely if ever even acknowledge the person's thought process might be a problem too.
  23. Usually I am serious but you need to give me a little more here on specifically what you're objecting to. Are you disputing the claim the traditional Democratic party supported policies for economic opportunity and upward mobility for the middle and working classes? Frankly, I was engaging in a polite and civil conversation and you intervened then went all confrontational. You should get some counseling for anger issues.
  24. I can accept that argument but I'd qualify that by pointing out the party has strayed from a goal of creating economic opportunity to a social justice focus on outcomes. Which I find preposterous and impossible to achieve as no matter how hard you might try different inputs results in different outputs. For example, you bust your ass and get $1 and somebody else sits on there's and gets $1. How is that "fair" and how can a society exist and thrive under those terms and conditions?
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