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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. The problem is a mid-level field manager issuing orders to subordinates that contradict or violate agency policy or its mission is a violation of the chain of command and rules of conduct and ethics. The offending official should get a fair hearing and if found in violation then fired. The fear for their own safety argument is irrelevant. Simply because it's an after the fact excuse when violating conduct was exposed.
  2. Not much. We'll just import hot women from Europe, Asia, and maybe the Middle East to replace the 4B'ers. It will be referred to as the "great replacement conspiracy 2.0". And in exchange provide the 4B ladies 4 Cats each.
  3. I give this movement a couple weeks of picking up the dinner check and paying for their own drinks.
  4. The US government cannot go bankrupt. Because the Treasury's ability to create money and debt is unconstrained. They systematically erode the purchasing power of each unit of currency. Both parties do this. Regardless of Trump or Harris this is going to continue. What it means to you and me is the purchasing power of each unit of currency we hold in our wallets or earn is going to fall. But other issues decided the 2024 vote.
  5. So by a 3% margin, voters saw democracy's saviors as the bigger threat.
  6. To sum up the Liberal Democrats self-reflection to this point. Regardless of the outcome, we're still right about everything but the voters are stupid and screwed up electing Trump, er I mean Hitler 2.0. This is a case of where their self-belief in their superior education and intelligence is a liability with understanding reality. Never have so many smart people turned out to be so dumb.
  7. Not repeal it but some modifications to the FISA court procedures around probable cause (and consequences for lying to the judge) for warrants and more controls, accountability, and transparency on government mass surveillance and data collection activities on American citizens.
  8. Meanwhile, the funny part is they seem to be unaware that Germany is Washington's puppet and their government's liberal coalition faces a no-confidence vote as the country is over-run by an immigrant crime wave.
  9. The charges were completely bogus. Possible misdemeanor violations with expired statute of limitations resurected through smoke and mirror laundering of charges to a felony level. Obviously most voters knew this to be true. But I caution NYS residents to be careful not to over-estimate the value of your home on a HELOC application because AG James might come after you for falsifying business records. Total BS. The smart move is to drop the charges as the war is lost but these people are not smart.
  10. Dudes in other countries might enjoy pumping these lib chicks until they understand the language and realize they're playing the game with less than a full deck of cards
  11. I might get into trouble for pointing this out but women tend to "think" with emotion and intuition. Facts and evidence are afterthoughts. In this case emotions and intuition go to work conjuring up all kinds of scenarios about some authoritarian future. Most of it is hysteria and nonsense. But they believe it. Then if you're a man they try to make you believe it too. And if you don't then you're not on their side. I think most men involved with one of these liberal white women go along with this so the women in their lives don't spend a disproportionate time busting their balls.
  12. So the Bills should sign Joe Biden as back up QB and they're pretty much guaranteed multiple Super Bowl victories!
  13. I think your conclusion applies better in the past tense to the Biden administration than it does to future speculation on the incoming Trump administration. Because the middle class and poor were the exact groups that took it up the tail pipe under Biden/Harris. And when Kamala communicated her platform of change but stated clearly when asked that there was nothing about the Biden administration's polices and actions she would change voters asked exactly what change is she talking about forward from 2024? Both candidates are flawed and the majority choose the devil they know.
  14. California voters also passed Proposition 36 which makes crime illegal again. Seems like there is hope for sanity and common sense to prevail.
  15. Still clinging to your fake fear-mongering election narratives I see.
  16. As for arresting people, maybe Trump will keep Garland on as AG? He's already very proficient at weaponizing the DOJ/FBI against political enemies so that will save time by eliminating the learning curve. 😀
  17. You're probably right but its difficult to believe the cult of chaos has been brought to heel. Also, winning the popular vote eliminates the standard calls for dropping the electoral college and any justification to call for electors to change their votes to certify the election.
  18. It will be a classic episode but we all have a pretty good idea of the major story line. There will be extreme agreement that there's something wrong with all those voters that elected Trump. Racist, women haters that refuse to elect a woman of color because those attributes are all that matters. And absolutely no questioning of their personal judgment or opinions because they're simply superior to the simpletons that elected Hitler. There will be lots of wailing and tears but little to no inspection of their own opinions and beliefs. I can't wait for the secret reveal at the end of the show to find out which cast members will be moving to Canada before the inauguration. Do they realize it get very cold there in the winter?
  19. I agree with a lot of this. Old habits die hard the saying goes and it takes a lot for people to adjust their spending, prioritize needs over wants and cut back on unnecessary spending. I think the country faces enormous public and private debt issues that have no easy fix other than sacrificing the present to preserve the future and most Americans have no appetite for austerity. The problem with oil drilling is all the low cost, big fields have been depleted or discovered. If you look at the number of elephant deposits found by decade it shows.a clear picture of rapid decline. Higher marginal costs for lower production that's more expensive is what's left. It's smarter to finish keystone and import from Alberta and invest elsewhere in the economy.
  20. In some ways the result is a rejection of identity politics. Voters want to hear about positions and issues that impact them. If Harris would have taken a genuine approach to discussing issues and concerns with clear positions rather than expose the voters to constant preaching from sorogates and celebrities then she would have performed better.
  21. Joe & Mika with reverent Al on MSNBC are saying she lost because of misogyny, and of course, wait for it, racism. But mostly it's men's attitude towards women. White men. Black men. All men. In complete denial and refusing to admit the obvious that she wasn't a very good candidate.
  22. Maybe the Russians were confused over Georgia the country and Georgia the state?
  23. Maybe I've seen too many horror movies where the villain is killed but constantly comes back to life for another sequel. Or maybe I'm just a little paranoid. Or maybe I've concluded there's no way this gang is going to give up power in a peaceful and orderly manner. But if you've been playing close attention for the past 8 years you might conclude like me that its not over. The Dems aren't going quietly. Harris didn't concede for a good reason, on advice of counsel. I'll be shocked if she concedes this morning. She might just make a 3 minute statement saying her team is looking into various "improprieties in some of the State counts and violations of voting procedures. Legal huckster Marc Elias and his DNC lawfare gang of heavily funded election lawyers are going to file numerous legal challenges in several swing States contesting the vote count, alleging violations of rules, and magically boxes of uncounted mail-in ballots appear out of nowhere absent any clear chain of custody in precincts in places like Pittsburgh, Detroit, and Philadelphia. Democracy must prevail they will say. The media heads that lashed out at Trump for denying election results will line up with the Harris team about the exact same gripes. Some judge will go along with it all. In the end the Supreme Court will likely have to intervene and issue a final ruling. Charges of court bias will be blasted all over the media and the Dems will proclaim the incoming administration is not legitimate. A movement to not certify the election will grow louder.
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