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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. TDS sufferers don't care about reports from Mueller or Durham. They don't care about the truth. They don't care about facts or evidence or the lack of either. They don't care about officials acting improperly, illegally, or unethically. They only care about defeating Trump. They care about their side winning. They don't care about the rule of law or the motto "nobody is above the law". None of this will change the minds of any of them. They'll conclude the report only "proves" he once again, and as he always does, got away with it.
  2. Absolutely expected. If he would have attempted to indict any high-profile players the Washington establishment would have taken him down hard. But still: The report concludes that the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up an investigation into Donald Trump and his campaign in the summer of 2016. "Based on the review of Crossfire Hurricane and related intelligence activities, we concluded the Department and the FBI failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report," wrote Durham. "The FBI personnel also repeatedly disregarded important requirements when they continued to seek renewals of that FISA surveillance while acknowledging -- both then and in hindsight -- that they did not genuinely believe there was probable cause to believe that the target was knowingly engaged in clandestine intelligence activities on behalf of foreign power." In other words, the FBI and intelligence knew the story was bogus and the evidence was lacking to support a legitimate investigation and legal case but they went ahead with it anyway because of political pressure from the party and the campaign. And everyone involved got away with it because the system protects them as they are truly above the law no matter how many times all the clowns say it ain't so.
  3. If my thesis is correct, or not, I expect we'll find that when their sales numbers start coming in.
  4. I'll be honest. As absurdity becomes the norm I'm finding it difficult to discern the difference between sarcasm and parody vs. an honest attempt at communicating some whimsical message. I was always under the impression the goal of marketing was to promote your brand and sell more product. Instead a growing number of practitioners of the trade see it as opportunity to inform customers their belief system is invalid and perhaps oppressive. How alienating your audience is expected to translate to higher beer sales is unclear?
  5. What's so scary is that its impossible to distinguish between the most nonsensical argument anyone could possibly devise and the official progressive view! I think that exposes their basic strategy. Make up the most unbelievable nonsense, rally around it, and try to force everyone else to believe it. If they don't go along call them bigot or racist or phobic.
  6. My response to Titania, whatever Titania might believe, is that not enabling and believing your delusion does not make me a bigot. And your attempt at explaining away reality to present abnormal thinking for normal thinking is pure intellectual gibberish. Biology says, with the exception of what some have pointed out to be a few statically small exceptions, gender is a binary decision. You're either A or B. This really isn't hard either.
  7. Knowledge of domestic extremist groups is not an expertise of mine. I read the story and note that DHS Secretary Chad Wolf singled out the Proud Boys in his testimony. I know less than nothing about the Proud Boys. But if they're a dangerous violent White Supremacist extremist group then logic would assume they've killed a lot of people of color. So I googled "How many people did the Proud Boys kill in 2022?" The search yielded references to 1/6 convictions and other general references to the group but no killings attributed to the group in 2022. With a lack of objective data to back up that statement I begin to wonder why the Secretary uses a group that hasn't killed anyone as an example of extremism. After all, what's more extreme than killing people?
  8. As the FBI has been involved in the concept and planning phases and manufacturing evidence of every high profile plot they "break up" rather than doing traditional police work by investigating clues, tips, and evidence and then showing up at the scene of the attempted crime to arrest the perpetrators I wouldn't dismiss the idea these guys are Feds. One lesson might be these groups need to do a better job of vetting their associations and members by applying some counterintelligence measures in order to keep themselves out of government hatched plots through some basic background checks and surveillance activities. My big problem with the white supremacy angle is the goal posts on the definition keep moving. At one point its white people that view their race as superior and broadcast that belief and take actions against people of other races in order to cause them harm. Now it just means all white people, or even minorities in some cases, that disagree with and oppose far left ideology and their agenda. Anyone opposing "open borders" is a racist. Even though a majority of citizens of all races oppose the idea. Agreeing that voter identification laws are a good thing to fight against fraud and election tampering is a good idea. But you're supporting Jim Crow on steroids. Doesn't matter a majority of Americans of all races think it's a good idea. Opposing bad policy makes you a white supremist. Then Biden states in his Philadelphia ultra MAGA extremist speech, written by who knows who, he exclaims that anybody that didn't vote for him is a white supremist and an extremist supporting the overthrown of our government. What the clown is saying is these people are "bad" and their views don't matter.
  9. No. But the New York Times reports the "House Republican Committee Report Finds No Evidence of Wrongdoing by President Biden". You get a wiff of bias just from the title. The House Republican Committee, not the House Oversight Committee mind you! As Kunstler's blog from today said: "Reality has become so elastic in America now that it stretches to a cosmic event horizon deep in the Twilight Zone where everything is magically transformed into its opposite. Note The New York Times report on Thursday saying that the House Oversight Committee showed “no proof” in its disclosures of the Biden Family’s international money laundering and racketeering operations. In fact, the committee outlined a *****-ton of documentation in the form of bank records detailing exactly how gobs of money from foreign lands were washed and rinsed through a dozen shell companies and disbursed to everyone in the immediate Biden family down to the president’s grandchildren. The committee’s preliminary report was precise as to the money’s exact origins, its journey through the laundering apparatus, and the owners of the bank accounts it landed in. Thus: No evidence of wrongdoing." And that's the story they're sticking with!
  10. Good leaders in business or government don't make or except excuses for failure to meet goals. And that's an excuse. They controlled the White House and both houses of Congress from Jan 2021 to Jan 2023? There's no excuse for not facilitating and negotiating some reasonable solution.
  11. The "best" administration in history at establishing the highest level of incompetence possible and executing bad policy resulting in terrible outcomes at high cost. The Biden 2020 campaign theme should have been the line Ferrell and Riley in Step Brothers announced when arriving for their job interview, "We're here to f$$k things up!"
  12. A clever story brought to you by somebody that voted for a guy that can't turn a door knob to open a door to exit a room. Its like watching one of those robo-vacs that keeps banging into the wall over and over.
  13. Answering the question isn't difficult but its impossible. Although this quote below is specifically addressing the mindset of journalists its a simple explanation about the mindset of posters too. It sounds about right to me (other than the use of pronouns "she" and "he" which implies in the example the she is objective and the he is subjective). "decision-making expert Julia Galef identifies two mindsets that people can adopt: “the soldier” and “the scout.” The scout is the epitome of the traditional reporter. She wants to understand. She wants an accurate picture of the situation, and she works hard to be unblinkered by ideological biases and motivated reasoning. By contrast, the soldier just wants to win. He doesn’t want to understand the other side, and he’s only interested in information that helps him defeat the enemy. Most progressive journalists see themselves as soldiers. They see the world in us versus them terms, and they don’t want to do anything that might be construed as helping the other side. Skeptical reporting of a claim of racism might be used by political opponents to say racism isn’t real. Credible reporting on the lab-leak theory means admitting Trump might have been right about something. Neither can be tolerated." Soldiers will dodge or ignore the question. A scout would answer it. Your dealing with a soldier for the cause so name, rank, and serial number only. That's also why debate and reason can be futile and senseless.
  14. Gets the viewers. Maybe next week they can do a 90 minute segment on Biden wandering around the White House trying to figure out which door is for the bathroom and how the hell does the damn thing open? All while he's whispering and looking at the ceiling thinking he sees ghosts. That would be riveting entertainment.
  15. I just don't see how Biden is going to be running for re-election in 2024. I'm waiting for the appropriate moment when the party leadership makes the call to the bullpen. The payoff and influence story is not going away. Add the recent revelation that former CIA officials, former Deputy Director Morell. admitted they communicated directly with the Biden Campaign, wanted Biden to win, and orchestrated a (false) story about Russia being behind Hunter Biden’s laptop. The testimony and e-mail trail implicates Secretary of State Blinkin as a co-conspirator while working in the Biden campaign. Sounds like clear election interference, campaign law violations, and abuse of power which I'm sure will go unpunished. John Brennan will provide statements on his role in all of this today to the House committee. A huge story but you wouldn't know that given the lack of media coverage. Without the ability to block House hearings and investigations they can't hide it forever. When it reaches critical mass, Joe get thrown overboard and the players attempt to dis-associate themselves. Watch and wait for it.
  16. I didn't watch this event because I'm convinced electing Trump in 2024 is not the answer to the country's problems. I think the answer to your question is because the option presented to the voters in the 2020 general election was a lot worse. That option was Biden/Harris. But voters didn't seem to mind backing a lifetime grifter that takes payoffs and influence money from foreign entities. And now we have a President in name only, a front man for the cameras as somebody else from Team Obama runs the White House and sets policy. A palace coup in action. The sad part of it is that everybody in Washington knows it, but nobody says or does anything about it. The moral of the story is as long as the intelligence community and the corporate and military war establishment are happy all is well in DC.
  17. The biggest takeaway on the story for me is that if you're a customer of American national network news, depending on them for your sole source "information", then you don't even know this story exists. They've invoked the cone of silence once again on another story damaging to the regime. An opportunity to laugh yourself to death can be found by envisioning how much coverage it would get if the other guy did it. Funny still will be anyone suggesting to me that everything on the up and up with coverage. That's the biggest joke.
  18. Nothing scares power centers more than the free exchange of ideas. Whether its ideas from the left or the right or somewhere in the middle and if you agree with the opinions and views expressed or not that's the lessor of concerns for the regime. Their fear is civil debate and free exchange of ideas, opinions, and facts gets people thinking. Worse yet, employing critical thinking and reasoning and logic. With leads to questioning and critiquing. Or worse people finding out what they're thinking is what everyone else is thinking too. The government doesn't want thinkers that might question or critique their actions, motives, or policies. They want obedient citizens that are just smart enough to understand a couple talking points so they can pull the correct lever in the voting booth every 2, 4, and 6 years. Otherwise, no independent thoughts or ideas allowed. To maintain power and continue hoodwinking the public, they need to tell you want to think and provide your opinions. Free expression is the best disinfectant for bad leadership. That's what keeps them up at night.
  19. If you're paying attention you might notice what a fine and outstanding job the Biden administration is doing to "let the republic fail" all by themselves. No help is required. And what you and the rest of the warmongers don't get is that in the current version of that historical 1776 event most of the world views us as the British. Seeing and speaking the truth and reality is not supporting some foreign adversary, its called self-awareness.
  20. The thing with Crusades is they can never achieve their goals and objectives because doing so puts those folks running the operation out of work. And attending lots of conferences with free Shrimp and Lobster to hear like minded grifters grumble about some issue that gets you government grants, donations from lobbyists, or other contributions beats getting a real job where you need to produce results or deliver products and services people are willing to pay for in exchange. So solve problems like world hunger, poverty, illiteracy, or why weeds grow back no matter how many times you spray, pull, or cut them down. If you make some progress keep moving the goal posts or pick something impossible to accomplish like stopping the Earth's climate from changing like it has for at least several hundred million years and will continue to do with or without your help. Maybe start a movement demanding the end to non-perforated toilet paper? There's something we can rally around. Picket Scott headquarters. Maybe you can shake them down for cash or get them to establish a DEI program?
  21. So pro-death instead? The majority of voters/citizens support reasonable rules around abortions such as up to 15 weeks of pregnancy, considerations for the life of the mother, and rules around rape and in cest (why is that word censored here?) Compromise and intelligent discussion should be easy. But its not. Because even the simplest of things is politicized and agreeing to anything on the abortion issue would eliminate the biggest of very few issues Democrats can carry into the next election cycle.
  22. Red state like California with the biggest number of drug infested homeless encampments popping up everywhere.
  23. Peace through constant engagement in warfare. Yes! Thank you for that public service announcement. We now return our audience to reality.
  24. I have heard of Bolton. He's a big neocon war instigator and advocate most recently seen in Taiwan meeting with government officials there to stir up trouble with mainland China. Why engage in supporting one unwinnable war when you can have two or three? What I can't figure is how anyone assessing the current situation can conclude the war in Ukraine has provided any positive outcomes for our country. Our standing with allies and enemies alike has declined. Our leader is a feeble old fool fronting as President for some person(s) behind the scenes setting policy. A palace coup in progress. Every policy initiate domestic and international is a failure. Russia, China, Iran, India, and others have formed solid alliances. Both economic and military. Many countries are contemplating an exit from the dollar system because of concerns with sanctions and asset seizures if they anger Washington. Something they would have never entertained before. I can't think of a single country where our strategic relations are better.
  25. That's a weak Constitutional argument and likely any Federal court, specifically the Supreme Court would rule against the administration. If that's their best play call at this point in the game they're in big trouble. The 14th Amendment, Section 4 references the validity of the debt but nothing about issuing debt or any power of the executive branch. Section 5 states "The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. But the White House doesn't see the need to negotiate with Congress even through the "out" they cite stipulates the power of the Article rests with Congress. The power to issue debt rests with Congress under Article One, section 8 of the Constitution. "To borrow money on the credit of the United States".
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