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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. All you need to know is this. The MSM and the networks said boo about the Durham report. Rather they dug a 20 foot deep hole and buried the story. Back page story a few sentences long next to the lost Cat notice. The fact they've pretended the report doesn't exist proves beyond a doubt that there was no collusions between Trump and the Russians. Because if there was something to it, they'd have been shouting out from the rooftops 24/7. But all we get is crickets, radio silence, media blackout, deflection, heads in the sand. Take your pick. There's your media bubble! Because the only thing more corrupt than Hillary is the justice system under Biden.
  2. You're one of maybe a dozen people in the country that still believe this. Most of them are CNN and MSNBC show hosts. While I admire your conviction, your refusal to accept the current facts as laid out in the Durham report is troubling.
  3. Yup, the US meddles in the internal affairs of more countries than any other nation. Has more military bases in other countries around the world than the rest of the world has combined. Stages coups and insurrections to remove non-compliant leaders, uses sanctions and asset confiscation and freezes to punish any uncooperative jurisdictions, and recently, sabotages gas pipelines feeding the economy of "allies" that just bend over and take it. Does things like occupy 1/3 of Syria under the pretext of fighting ISIS even though everyone knows that its Turkey, our NATO ally, provides support and protection for the terrorist group. I might add a very undemocratic pattern of behavior. But obviously, this story was written by a Russian sympathizer! 😅 And so by the way is anyone that raises any objections to the methods and means used by the regime.
  4. Thanks for the feedback. There's a lot of different ways to approach the question and my theory is certainly not foolproof. If this was a lawsuit it would be interesting to see how a plaintiff would establish standing for such a lawsuit, identify the defendant and attach cause, and how the court would determine pain and suffering and then calculate a dollar amount to attach to any award. I assume these reparation committees follow a similar methodology although I've not seen any specifics on their activities other than some final figures. Another part of the issue is you're planning on compensating individuals that were not directly harmed by the practice with funds from people that had no voice or role in the practice. Both the slaves and slave owners are dead and neither will receive reparations or pay for the harm they caused. I've seen arguments that blacks have been harmed by the practice of slavery even after it was abolished through discrimination and while that can be true that isn't the same thing as the practice of slavery itself. Eligibility is problematic. Can a person just claim a full share by being African American? What about mixed race children? Do they get a prorated proportional share? What's the formula in the proposals such as the $5 million amount? What's the methodology? How about everyone that applies is subject to a genetic test and the amount of African DNA the test identifies (a percentage) determines how much of a share you get? The other question is about the political aspect. Is this all just a hustle to get votes and are politicians being less than honest when it comes to intentions of making actual payments? Will they really risk "pissing off" the other 87% or so of the population just to make their point?
  5. The war was set in motion in 2014 when the Obama State Department and CIA engineered a coup to oust the pro-Russia government and replaced it with one aligned to Western interests. Soon after is when fighting started in Donbas between ethnic Russian Ukrainians and Nazi paramilitary groups. The Russians sent assistance and merc's to help and things escalated from there.
  6. While we all can agree that slavery is immoral and wrong for the sake of argument it was also legal at the time. The 13th amendment officially obolished slavery. By the letter of the law and technically by the law nobody violated any law. Slavery was legal, then it was not. How about people that were busted and locked up for smoking and selling pot? Now the laws have changed and what they did is now more or less legal. Should they get reparations? How about women denied the right to vote prior to the constutional amendment? Should they get reparations for being wronged? How about people busted for drinking and selling liquor during prohibition? Once that amendment was revoked and what they did was once again legal shouldn't they get reparations for time being incarcerated?
  7. Running yet another State Department regime change operation and expecting Putin to be replaced with a more "favorable" leader is wishful thinking and setting yourself up for failure. Recall just such an operation in Ukraine started events in motion that brought the situation to this point. And as unpredictable as things get what if Putin's replacement is more dangerous? I'm starting to feel this is Afghanistan 2.0. We'll dump 100's of billions upon 100's of billions along with lots of resources into another quagmire while insisting from start to finish our side is winning in order to maintain public support and funding and in the end be left with the government making excuses to explain what went wrong.
  8. Watching the NYC news broadcast on a nightly basis its amazing how many white supremacists are committing violent crimes, slashing and harassing riders on the subway, sexually attacking women, commiting hate crimes, and shooting lots of other citizens. All shouting "this is MAGA country" as the attack their victims!
  9. Since the core principle of their belief system is denial of reality, deception is necessary. What person with the capacity to reason and think logically would conclude the border is secure, or eliminating police would result in less crime, or a man can be a woman simply by wishing it to be? Sure they can counter my conclusions by saying there are things wrong with the Right and that is true. But that argument does not negate the truth about the Left.
  10. Blinking also led the effort to whitewash the Hunter laptop story with the fake intelligence community letter. The guys a saint.
  11. Sadly, confrontations and disagreements happen all the time. It's a fact of life. The problem is that under the current political environment each and every one of these confrontations publicized in social and mainstream media automatically default to an underlying cause for the confrontation of race or racism. Right from the start establishing the standard roles of victim and oppressor. Then, the usual parties in the activist community run with the story. It's what they do. It's how they "earn" a paycheck. On investigation, very few of these confrontations are attributed to racial causes. But that's the story the Hate industry needs to sell to keep employed and growing. Spreading hate to keep people divided. Where I definitely agree is that unless the race baiters are held accountable and face financial, reputational, or personal consequences for smearing and harassing people innocent of racial bias these incidents will continue.
  12. I suggest as an example, Andrew Jackson might be worthy of mention for that honor. Name a specific action of Trump that is worse than the "trail of tears" forced relocation of Native Americans. I could name other chief executives and their transgressions but as a professed student of history you should know better.
  13. Stranger yet. I've witnessed "mourners" taking pictures of the deceased in their coffins while laid out at the funeral home. Something I believe is completely inappropriate for the circumstances.
  14. The US is the center of the world order as its ruling Empire. The European nations are vassal states of the US and have no independent policies of the own without permission from Wahington. The goal is to weaken Russia which is a threat to the current order. So is China. And any other country that refuses to play by the rules. The problem is its a long list and growing longer.
  15. Anybody that still believes the Russia collusion scam at this point needs to hit themselves on the head really hard with a hammer a couple hundred times as nothing else seems able to knock this nonsense out of their skulls. Repeat these words. THE CLINTON CAMPAIGN CREATED THE HOAX. IDIOTS.
  16. It's all about the money. Cut off funding for all the social crusades and all the hustlers will scamper back to unemployment or God forbid, be forced to find real jobs.
  17. The race hustle is all about the money. Getting funds and grants, and donations, or extorting funds, from private parties to fund lavish lifestyles, attending lots of conferences, writing papers, and making speeches. Not really doing much to improve the lives of the people they claim to champion. While at the same time providing "protection" to the people they shake down from the mob they control.
  18. A lesson here is if you're going to form a secret society or rogue gang then be discreet and smart enough to keep the identity of your members hidden from the public and inattentive officials. If this is for real, then why not just wear tie shirts in big block letters saying "Look at me. I'm a member of a secret police gang group".
  19. Ironically, The Global Project Against Hate and Extremism "hates" anyone that disagrees with them. So no far-right views, but far-left views, are okay. No worries. Our national defense will now depend on vetting enough candidates that can pass a social justice test. That's comical. You're not assembling a cast for a high school musical. You're looking for people that are willing to enlist to train to kill the enemy. There just aren't enough bi-coastal progressives and other marginalized groups that can physically or mentally qualify for combat. Another gem hiding behind the curtain for the public to consider is that when we get into any big tussle with China the only course of action the government will be left with the fill the ranks of the Army and Marines is bringing back the draft.
  20. Must be a slow day for race baiting when you need to harass a pregnant women over a bike rental disagreement. With the reflexive rush to judgment. The white person of privilege attempting to victimize POC. Its symptomatic of the booming practice of manufacturing "hate" and the parasites that make a living off the practice all while driving divisiveness. I read what I found to be an interesting assessment of the practice. Of course if you don't share my assessment that the hate industry is another of several hustle and scam operations of the social justice industry then you won't find it of any interest but please don't be offended. Preview below. "The hate industry is a vast agglomeration of lucrative hustles, now institutionalized and expanded into multiple and overlapping sectors. There is the diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) sector; the equity, social, and governance (ESG) sector; the activist sector comprising countless groups, including Black Lives Matter and Antifa; the corporate, academic, and government sectors; the media sector; the politicians; and the pundits. All of these sectors have spawned scores of thousands of well-paying jobs." Link to the entire article: https://amgreatness.com/2023/05/17/the-hate-industry/
  21. https://finance.yahoo.com/news/explainer-ukraine-patriot-defense-systems-060000637.html
  22. Yes! There are no "loopholes". They're exclusions and exceptions typically written into the tax code for the purpose of providing specific interests more favorable tax treatment than that applied to other tax filers. Big hedge fund donors get special "carried interest" treatment. Business gets depreciation, amortization, and depletion treatment for equipment and assets. Individuals and joint filers with children get credits and deductions along with preferential tax treatment on certain expenses. Home owners get to deduct points and interest on mortgages. EV buyers (mostly high income individuals that don't really "need" it, I might add) can qualify for $7,500 tax credit for buying an electric vehicle. And so on.
  23. Enter the neoliberal mind. Page one of the progressives handbook. Rule #1. Never admit you're wrong regardless of the facts. This would give the opposition a victory. The objective isn't to be correct, it's to win. In this case not in conflict with fellow PPP posters that were skeptical of the Russian collusion story. Rather one Donald Trump. Such an admission that Trump was right about anything or was a victim of foul play is unacceptable under any circumstances. These are people that would opt-out of the handshake line after game 7 of an NHL playoff series. But only if their team lost.
  24. Its was a hoax. Nobody from the 2016 campaign met with Russians 140 times. Nobody from the 2016 campaign shared campaign data with Russians. Nobody from the 2016 campaign coordinated with Wikileaks. Wikileaks didn't provide data directly to the campaign. They posted vetted files on their site, and also shared them with other news agencies such as the Times and the Post. Durham (and Mueller) performed a thorough and comprehensive investigation and found no proof of anything. Instead, proof of a manufactured conspiracy by the Clinton campaign. What I expect to follow will be dozens of civil suits against various actors from DNC and Clinton campaign. And they won't be filed in the Southern District of NY or in the District of Columbia. Flushing all those cockroaches out of the dark and into the light of the truth will breath some fresh air into our democracy. But if you want to then stick to the playbook. Never admit you're wrong no matter how overwhelming the evidence and facts produced by two independent DOJ investigations each around 2 years long.
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