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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. It appears the reality is the FBI targeted somebody they didn't like and participated in the planning and execution of the plot then set these guys up to take the fall while hiding the extent of their involvement from the public, the court, and the defense. Like the glass repair guy going around at night smashing store windows then fixing them the next day. Manufacturing business. For the FBI, manufacturing extremist plots. But since they refuse to answer any questions or provide any clarity around the specifics of their involvement the entire story has yet to be told. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has become the Federal Bureau of Instigation.
  2. The EPA case is another example of one of thousands of executive branch actions to promulgate rules and regulations beyond the scope of the authority granted by the legislature. If they don't like the court ruling they're free to submit legislation to the House which if passed by Congress and signed by the President would grant the authority to the agency that the court struck down.
  3. There's very little in the way of creativity coming out of the studio. You can only remake old classics while replacing the original cast and roles with the current standard diversity quota formula used for casting and the script. Who could have guessed The Little Mermaid re-make would have cast a Black actress as the lead? What was once cutting edge is now boring and predictable. And all new movies or series must adhere to the formula. No thinking outside the formula is allowed. IMO, they even managed to ruin Star Wars. When will it end? Maybe a couple movies on the previous life experiences of CP3O and R2D2. The theme park admission fees, charges, hotels, meals, and merchandise have priced out a lot of consumers. The idea of spending 1,000's of dollars and going through a death march in the Summer heat and humidity in Orlando while waiting forever in long lines and dragging around two small children isn't an exciting prospect (one thing for certain Disney isn't going put that in their promotional material!). And slowing consumer spending and strained household budgets aren't helping Disney. Its really discretionary type spending which gets hit hard during recessions and that is a certainty.
  4. "Groomer". Things have gotten so out of control that you really need to be extra careful who you take your dog to for a haircut! Before you know it the poor little guy is on Twitter with some dude in a wig and lipstick demanding another additional letter be added to the acronym for non-binary inter-sectionals that prefer screwing their pets. I'm sure that's coming next.
  5. James Kunstler said this spot on op piece on 5/12: “Joe Biden could go to jail and The New York Times wouldn’t tell anybody he was no longer president.” Reality has become so elastic in America now that it stretches to a cosmic event horizon deep in the Twilight Zone where everything is magically transformed into its opposite. Note The New York Times report on Thursday saying that the House Oversight Committee showed “no proof” in its disclosures of the Biden Family’s international money laundering and racketeering operations. In fact, the committee outlined a *****-ton of documentation in the form of bank records detailing exactly how gobs of money from foreign lands were washed and rinsed through a dozen shell companies and disbursed to everyone in the immediate Biden family down to the president’s grandchildren. The committee’s preliminary report was precise as to the money’s exact origins, its journey through the laundering apparatus, and the owners of the bank accounts it landed in. Thus: No evidence of wrongdoing.
  6. You make a good point. I could argue the standard of mentally ill is an inability to recognize reality and function in it. But what is the baseline definition for reality? An exception might be in cases where a person has made specific threats and taken specific actions to carry out some act. Sadly, law enforcement and public health officials miss most of these, even the most obvious. One reason is the behavioral health threshold of "evidence" to hold somebody against their will is very high. Most individuals, even those seeking voluntary treatment, are released after evaluation. The evaluation is highly subjective and as such there is potential for misdiagnosis and abuse of the statute. On top of that you're dealing with Protected Health Information (PHI) which adds another complexity into the issue when it comes to disclosure.
  7. Or imagines they're engaging in verbal battles with an Army of Trump "proxies" and apologists spreading the message of their savior word-for-word. LOL. I didn't even vote for the guy in either 2016 and 2020 and his "tax reform" screwed me royally but billsy thinks I'm a member of his team. As far from the truth as you can get. And keeps referencing the guy in replies like it means something to me (and others). Fighting the good fight against ultra MAGA extremists. An imaginary foe dreamed up by some White House speech writer for the ventriloquist dummy President to parrot. Just wild. Maybe the concept that anyone could have a distinct and individual opinion on issues based on their unique perspective is incomprehensible? After all, who is the one quoting and parroting all these kooks and liars on Twitter all day long?
  8. Acknowledging and understanding the insanity of the extreme left is not hate.
  9. What do you mean "you guys"? Critical and objective thinkers can see issues outside the box of a political ideology.
  10. Neither of those dudes has any role in the debt ceiling situation so neither has any relevancy to the conversation other than "when in doubt, counter any opinion or view with a Trump analogy or comparison". But keep on running interference for our fake President.
  11. Rather than the pilot in this scenario, Biden's stuck in the restroom in the rear of the plane trying to figure out how to unlock the door.
  12. The problem with your reasoning, and that used by others making the pre-emptive strike argument, is its all hypothetical Monday Morning Quarterback talk. Would have, should have, could have. In the moment people make decisions based on the situation at hand without the benefit of having knowledge of history or the outcomes generated by their decision or indecision years or decades later. Like the NFL coach that makes the wrong in-game decision on 4th and goal not to kick the FG in the 3rd quarter which results in a failed 4th down try and an ultimate 2 point loss, they don't have the benefit of having knowledge of the outcome under the decision they made to help them make a different choice. There's always an assumption that removing some evil would result in nothing but positive consequences and outcomes. Hypothetically, let's say the decision to take Hitler out was made. Germany and Europe are saved from the savagery of the Nazi's. And all is well, peace and prosperity. But wait. Without any warning or opposition, Stalin moves against all of Europe and defeats the combined Army's of Europe. As quickly as the German's had done. Alliances with leaders like Franco and Mussolini cement their rule. The US enters the fight too late to change the outcome and the entire European continent is under Communist control for the next 300 years. America never becomes the world's leading power. Of course its all conjecture on my part. But it is also that on yours the by always playing the military card the result will be all hearts and flowers. Frankly, the theory is an excuse for constant aggression and absolves the people making the argument from doing any real critical thinking..
  13. I'm pointing out something you seem to be missing which is the dilemma of choosing sides based on some moral standard. Where in a war which self-implies little to no moral standard exists. That's kind of why its called war. The Ukrainian "side" has committed the same atrocities you attribute to the Russian invaders. Committed them first I might add. As John Rambo pointed out in the first movie of the series, "they drew first blood". I could argue the Russian response was a reaction to this, but I won't. Who did what and when doesn't absolve anyone of blame. So how do you decide which to support given a lack of "moral" character on either side? The democracy? I can make a clear and intelligent argument that the distinction between Ukrainian democracy and Russian democracy in form and function is nil.
  14. Do you think Nazi paramilitary groups in Donbas murdering Ukrainian citizens of Russian heritage starting in 2014 following Madien had anything to do with precipitating the conditions for war? Or are you sticking with the story that sovereign nations can do whatever they want like joining NATO or using racism as a justification for killing their own citizens?
  15. This trans insanity is always an exercise in group psychology. Everyone knows their antics are absurd and many times offensive but people are afraid to say so because it might involve consequences to them such as impacting their social status or a threat to their livelihood. What is well understood by the proponents of this nonsense and their support system is that it only takes one person of sufficient prominence to suggest they're not going along with the program for the entire illusion to fall apart. Once one person speaks out, then the environment for others to speak out is established. That's why they work so hard to squash any objection. Fans hitting the Dodgers in the wallet by boycotting games and not buying team merchandise will hurt the bottom line but it won't get management to reverse course or change their minds. They're too afraid of the consequences. Not so much to the team but the them personally. They've determined Catholics aren't going to attack them 24/7 or picket in front of their homes or harass their families. If they reverse course they'll be shunned by the wealthy and high society crowd who are also afraid of speaking their minds. What's hard to believe is an insignificantly small population of a mentally ill and emotionally weak sub-culture of society has the power to hold the rest of it prisoner to a bizarre alternate reality.
  16. Because if these protesters pulled such stunts in China they'd wind up in a labor camp for 10 years. If our government had any respect for the rule of law and public civility they'd be arrested and charged here too. But all these radical group live in a consequence free environment. At least for now.
  17. Your ability to respond with the most absurd and unrelated line of questioning is exceeded by very few posters.
  18. I think what many find objectionable are public displays rather than a private sin kind of thing. Exhibitionist behavior like public masturbators on the NY subway. Who needs to be treated to such a thing while riding the train to work or home in the evening?
  19. All you need to know is this. The MSM and the networks said boo about the Durham report. Rather they dug a 20 foot deep hole and buried the story. Back page story a few sentences long next to the lost Cat notice. The fact they've pretended the report doesn't exist proves beyond a doubt that there was no collusions between Trump and the Russians. Because if there was something to it, they'd have been shouting out from the rooftops 24/7. But all we get is crickets, radio silence, media blackout, deflection, heads in the sand. Take your pick. There's your media bubble! Because the only thing more corrupt than Hillary is the justice system under Biden.
  20. You're one of maybe a dozen people in the country that still believe this. Most of them are CNN and MSNBC show hosts. While I admire your conviction, your refusal to accept the current facts as laid out in the Durham report is troubling.
  21. Yup, the US meddles in the internal affairs of more countries than any other nation. Has more military bases in other countries around the world than the rest of the world has combined. Stages coups and insurrections to remove non-compliant leaders, uses sanctions and asset confiscation and freezes to punish any uncooperative jurisdictions, and recently, sabotages gas pipelines feeding the economy of "allies" that just bend over and take it. Does things like occupy 1/3 of Syria under the pretext of fighting ISIS even though everyone knows that its Turkey, our NATO ally, provides support and protection for the terrorist group. I might add a very undemocratic pattern of behavior. But obviously, this story was written by a Russian sympathizer! 😅 And so by the way is anyone that raises any objections to the methods and means used by the regime.
  22. Thanks for the feedback. There's a lot of different ways to approach the question and my theory is certainly not foolproof. If this was a lawsuit it would be interesting to see how a plaintiff would establish standing for such a lawsuit, identify the defendant and attach cause, and how the court would determine pain and suffering and then calculate a dollar amount to attach to any award. I assume these reparation committees follow a similar methodology although I've not seen any specifics on their activities other than some final figures. Another part of the issue is you're planning on compensating individuals that were not directly harmed by the practice with funds from people that had no voice or role in the practice. Both the slaves and slave owners are dead and neither will receive reparations or pay for the harm they caused. I've seen arguments that blacks have been harmed by the practice of slavery even after it was abolished through discrimination and while that can be true that isn't the same thing as the practice of slavery itself. Eligibility is problematic. Can a person just claim a full share by being African American? What about mixed race children? Do they get a prorated proportional share? What's the formula in the proposals such as the $5 million amount? What's the methodology? How about everyone that applies is subject to a genetic test and the amount of African DNA the test identifies (a percentage) determines how much of a share you get? The other question is about the political aspect. Is this all just a hustle to get votes and are politicians being less than honest when it comes to intentions of making actual payments? Will they really risk "pissing off" the other 87% or so of the population just to make their point?
  23. The war was set in motion in 2014 when the Obama State Department and CIA engineered a coup to oust the pro-Russia government and replaced it with one aligned to Western interests. Soon after is when fighting started in Donbas between ethnic Russian Ukrainians and Nazi paramilitary groups. The Russians sent assistance and merc's to help and things escalated from there.
  24. While we all can agree that slavery is immoral and wrong for the sake of argument it was also legal at the time. The 13th amendment officially obolished slavery. By the letter of the law and technically by the law nobody violated any law. Slavery was legal, then it was not. How about people that were busted and locked up for smoking and selling pot? Now the laws have changed and what they did is now more or less legal. Should they get reparations? How about women denied the right to vote prior to the constutional amendment? Should they get reparations for being wronged? How about people busted for drinking and selling liquor during prohibition? Once that amendment was revoked and what they did was once again legal shouldn't they get reparations for time being incarcerated?
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