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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Sounds like another potential insurrection plot foiled. Biden will speak to the nation tomorrow about extremist choirs being the biggest threat to our democracy since his handlers made up the white supremist threat ruse.
  2. The idea is to pull off the desired cultural transformation without revealing the true nature of the change. Because its certain the citizens of every nation would object, resist, and oppose such changes. So, deceit is required. And suppressing voices of descent and reason. Disguise the true intentions by substituting other well-meaning initiatives like fighting climate change which most people can get on board with supporting. Then quietly move the goal posts toward the real objective. Re-fashioning the social and economic arrangements of society and gaining control over the system. Because rarely do people vote to install communism and its never voluntary. So lie.
  3. Restoring the Empire? Everyone knows that's never going to happen. What else you got?
  4. I'm not believing any propaganda. Anyone thinking this war is about bringing democracy to Ukraine is believing propaganda. The neocons and neoliberals in Washington don't care about democracy. To prove this point we can cite a number of countries the US supports where democracy is non-extent. Lots of happy dictators getting lots of aid and lots of weapons as long as they play ball. And if they don't like in Syria, they get leaned on. Or overthrow through engineered coups like in Kiev in 2014. US involvement is all about inflicting costs and consequences on Russia for opposing the U.S. system. Some officials in what was perhaps a moment of weakness have admitted to this fact. But its not working. Russia doesn't appear weakened. Look to the foreign exchange markets for confirmation. And the price of oil. Russia, and China, announce economic and cooperative deal after deal with other countries. The Biden administration sits idly while we become weaker. I believe Washington is wasting $110 billion on an adventure that's sure to fail like all of the other nation building exercises have failed before, while there are so many other domestic priorities that could use the funding being ignored. And cooperative arrangements around the world available without the need to blow things up being left on the table for Russia and China to take. Its going to be Afghanistan 2.0, wait and see.
  5. You say people parroting Russian propaganda but I say people looking at the conflict through a lens of objectivity. Versus the alternative of parroting US/Ukraine propaganda. And I might have missed them but I can't recall any poster claiming Moscow was devoid of corruption. Clearly its not. As for Ukraine I see no evidence of any metric showing less corruption. Just, well propaganda. And speaking of propaganda, you can't tell the truth to Americans shelling out $110 billion that their representatives in Washington are once again pissing away tax dollars on another foriegn adventure failure.
  6. I don't know any other way to say it but I'm going out on a limb to make a wild guess and say that a lot of these documents are classified for the purpose of hiding illegal or unethical government activity or actions by the intelligence community in violation of the law or acts of Congress. Let's hypothetically say I'm correct. So if that proves true, are we still going after Trump or the people that broke the law and tried to hide it? I should have added some context. The US government "classifies" about 50 million documents a year. That's 50 million secrets. And that smacks of overuse of the classified designation as it's very hard to comprehend there are that many legitimate national security secrets and concerns to keep hidden from friends and enemies alike. What it amounts to is giving the American citizen the mushroom treatment. Keep us in the dark and feed us BS.
  7. But its not in the minds of people. Its real. I'd argue, at a minimum, a majority of Americans were at least tolerant (and many accepting) of the trans movement before the decision to target and groom children. Not even concerned at all about the trans "community". Unless its for the sake of conflict, I don't understand why they picked that "hill to die on" but they will surely die. It's a losing battle to fight against parents attempting to protect their children from some real or imagined evil. When you see "events" being cancelled because children are prohibiting from attending you're given a clear impression that "targeting children" is a primary objective. They simply need to stop it.
  8. Queue the standard excuses for transparency such as national security threats and grave danger from terrorists using the video to plan attacks on the Capitol. Never mind they can just sign up for the guided tour and get a firsthand look instead. Coming soon will be a party game version of the video where you do a shot of JD every time you see an undercover Fed or undercover government asset inciting the crowd.
  9. And when she punishes you until you yell out Trump's name?
  10. I think what the high priests (you've got to be high to believe the crap they do) in the social justice religion are worried about is the ability to push other people around, penalize, and hurt any non-conformists is no longer their exclusive monopoly. When people are making a statement with a simple act of withholding their money from public companies they perceive as unfriendly to their interests it's hard to get a fix on the target (no pun intended). All their tactics of harassment and intimidation are useless. They're so scared you can smell the fear.
  11. As part of the changes, they're setting expected response time for police and fire based on the social credit score of the occupants of the home. Am I kidding, or not? How can you tell the difference between leftist dogma and insanity? You can't!
  12. The lesson of this story is "nobody circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills Washington political establishment".
  13. And yet with all this he still walks freely among us. How is that so?
  14. Its a dance of death between the political machine and the citizens of Chicago where logic is non-existent. The only people in Chicago that will stop voting Democratic are in the Cemetery. And its likely many of them are still voting that way every 2, 4, and 6 years.
  15. The rules aren't clear. But I'm of the opinion the reparations movement is a big-time liberal con. A vote getter chasing the carrot on a stick kind of hustle that will never happen. The funds are coming from where? Higher taxes? Rich coastal democratic donors? Leftist go fund me's? The minute you ask liberals to dig their hand into their own pocket rather than somebody else's the idea is DOA. They talk a good game about "helping" but they're cheapskates. But if every liberal wants to commit their savings and assets for reparations be my guest. That will happen when Hell freezes over.
  16. The only think cool about Democrats is the wind blowing up their skirts tickling their balls.
  17. I agree about Daboll. Under Dorsey the play calling was predictable and easy to anticipate based on personnel and formation. Such as when Diggs came to the sideline the play call was a run almost every time time. What opposition DC or analytics guy isn't going to notice that? I expect Dorsey's learned and will make the necessary adjustments to disguise things better.
  18. Realistically we all know that isn't going to happen if the expectation is Russia is going to announce a unilateral and unconditional withdrawal with zero concessions or conditions agreed to by Ukraine and its NATO allies. I'm at a loss to recall or cite any conflict where one side, especially where they perceive themselves to be "winning", did just that.
  19. Sadly, this has past the point where any negotiation or withdrawal is going to happen.
  20. This is what happens when people used to always getting their way experience when they finally get pushback. In the case of liberal authoritarians they panic. The same folks that locked people in their homes, forced them to get a shot or lose their job, and attempted to ruin and discredit anyone that opposed their narratives are trying to convince themselves they represent freedom. They remain delusional as not a single one of these douches had any issue with democratic officials imposing their will on the people and had zero compassion for anyone refusing to submit. Screw them.
  21. Says the side claiming the moral high ground while practicing and supporting public masterbation and acts of sod-o-my.
  22. If the cost of winning a championship is a cap issue and a couple losing seasons in 3 years then I'm on board with that scenario. We're past settling for 12 win seasons and a playoff game or two ending with some coaching gaffe or some one in a million type play to end the game. The window is open now. Go for it!
  23. There are rumblings about whether or not certain cacus group on either side of the aisle will support the deal when it comes to a floor vote.
  24. True. A "hot mic" caught Obama telling Putin that after the 2012 election he'd have more flexibility and latitude to make a deal. Something the anti-Trump Russian collusion believing nuts can't seem to recall. It just doesn't fit the story.
  25. Take note that people believing all this nonsense will always attack the character of anyone questioning their position or expressing disagreement and will never, ever, and absolutely under no circumstances provide any reasonable and logical argument supporting their view because they're position is irrational. That's pretty much how they view everything. That's what you're up against, irrational people believing your evil.
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