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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Another hypothetical: Over/Under on 1 year probation and 45 days community service.
  2. From the article its sounds like a hypersonic missile travels too fast to be intercepted by the system as currently configured and unless some wiz kid can re-program the targeting computer to adjust for objects moving that fast no amount of training is going to compensate for that technological advantage.
  3. The original copies of the tapes were given to Andrew Weissman who at the time was chief of the DOJ fraud division by confidential FBI Informant Oleksandr Onyschenko. He got the tapes from Burisma head Zlochevsky. By virtue of this the FBI knows of the tapes. Weissmann buried the tapes inside DOJ or possibly destroyed them. Later by coincidence Weissmann became a primary and prominent person in every attempt to investigate and charge Trump. And I understand he is still engaged, this time through the Smith investigation.
  4. Not to mention the DOJ with no interest in any investigation (like the MIA special counsel assigned to the Biden documents) or the FBI doing their best imitation of the Roman Pretorian Guard circling together with swords drawn and shields raised to protect the Emperor from any threats or scrutiny.
  5. Why are you asking me? You seem impatient. Also, there's plenty more to the story such as forensic accounting evidence of wire transfers, shell accounts, and deposits of large sums of money that originated in foreign entity accounts and found its way into Biden family member named accounts.
  6. That's good question. The story is there are 17 recordings, 15 with Hunter and 2 with Joe. Do you think even with such evidence that Merrick Garland is going to investigate the family of his boss for corruption and pay offs, issue indictments, and seek convictions, along with forwarding any damning evidence against the President to some House impeachment proceeding that will look to remove the President from office? Or that Democrats of good conscious in the House and Senate will line up with Republicans to stand against corruption and vote to impeach? My guess is Joe could shoot 10 people dead on the White House lawn and Garland wouldn't blink an eye while the media and the party faithful pretend it never happened. The best we can expect is a public outcry that is so loud that a 2nd term run becomes toxic for the party and the other candidates on the ticket. Which results in the leadership and big donors pulling the plug on the Biden Presidency.
  7. I don't think they're in any hurry as its still in the investigations stage. I expect they'll gather a complete case before presenting it in order to ensure it sticks. A complete and thorough investigation that the NY Times, Washington Post, and other major media outlets can't ignore with their pretend the story doesn't exist non-coverage.
  8. Biden apologists paint a picture of a noble person pursing a noble cause through noble deeds with good intentions. The make it sound like everything was on the up and up. Which makes me wonder why Trump was impeached for asking questions about the arrangements between various people, the firing of the prosecutor, and the involvement of Biden & family in the affairs of Ukraine? What exactly was wrong with that? After his call with Zelensky, CIA operative Eric Ciaramella blows the whistle on the phone call. And Col. Vindman piles on with his patriotic testimony. Over some alleged quid pro quo that Zelensky said did not exist. If everything was copacetic then why did the Intelligence Community get their panties in a bunch when somebody came poking around the story asking questions and looking for details? If there was no "quid" lurking in the shadows then how could there be a "pro quo"?
  9. The debate offer from the Rogan podcast is $1.5 million but none of the credentialed bull sheet artists appear to have the confidence in their positions to take the offer. The cowards claim they don't want to legitimize the other side. What an original excuse! .
  10. I'm not sure how to respond to this hypothetical but Joe Rogan is offering $100K plus another $150K from Bill Ackerman for a total of $250K to debate the science of the vaccine efficacy and safety issues with RFK. I claim no expert status as a research or science professional on the topic but you appear well versed. I'm not the person to debate here. Perhaps you can represent the counter argument and take Rogan up on the offer and tell the man, RFK, directly what is incorrect about his views? So far none of his most ardent critics have accepted the challenge. If he's so full of crap I expect providing proof should be easy. And an easy $250K.
  11. He opposes all these senseless wars that have cost trillions and killed millions while displacing even more creating a refugee crisis. For more or less nothing. That's number one on my list. Not only is it killing people but it's also hurting our nation's standing and effectiveness in the international community. Reluctantly, many countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East, South and Central America are turning to China if only for the fact they're first impulse is not to blow things up. Lots of new economic arrangements while we're being left out of the deals. It needs to stop.
  12. Careful, over-eaters are now classified an oppressed and marginalized group. And I understand exercise is a racist activity so if you can bench press your own weight, you're a bigot!
  13. RFK Jr. operates in a fashion consistent with the original liberals of the 1960's. Most of them have sold out to the system and today's self-professed liberals are ideologically far removed from the original breed. For today's "Liberals" fighting the establishment because it is evil has now become supporting the establishment because now, they are the establishment so therefore it is good. Kennedy remains true to the cause while his critics are posers.
  14. Lots of crimes by powerful connected people being covered up by other powerful connected people while they mock common citizens with claims that nobody is above the law. The media buries the truth and tries to bury anyone with the courage and strength to speak it. The entire system a cesspool of corruption. Yet, incomprehensible, so many still refuse to open their eyes while these "leaders" drive the bus we're all riding in off a cliff while they stuff their own pocket at the expense of us all.
  15. On Friday Biden closed his remarks in Connecticut on the topic of gun control uttering the motto "God save the Queen". I expect his PR people will tell us he was commenting on the CBS hit show The Equalizer. To which I say "God save America".
  16. My comment doesn't seek to make any moral judgment. Just a numerical count. So tell me, which country has intervened in the affairs of other nations more than America?
  17. I'm not disagreeing with you. Invading another country unless directly confronted by some real danger is wrong. But I think our nation as a whole, espectially people in government, suffers from a lack of self-awareness. I wonder if they realize our country is guilty of that act many more times than any other nation? These invasions are proceeded and followed by lots of patriotic speeches and flag waving but not a lot of thinking about why we're doing it and the specific consequences. My assessment is the justification is based on a belief that we're good and they're bad. But I think that's highly subjective conclusion and if we polled people from around the world on their perspective, we might get a different answer.
  18. When you put out the message come on in and get lots of free stuff to people with little to nothing of anything it shouldn't be a surprise when you get a lot of takers.
  19. That depends on your definition of proof. Should statements by House Oversight committee chairman James Comer that he concludes evidence exists that some $20 to $30 million in illegal payments have been made to Biden & family be dismissed? Or should we be curious and pay closer attention? Witnesses with firsthand involvement, recordings of conversations, records of bank transactions and fund transfers. That's what they're gathering. What we should be asking is we're is the DOJ and the standard crying about national security concerns? Sadly and more specific, those thing remain conditional based on who is being scrutinized.
  20. Dare I ask. Why isn't the DOJ/FBI asking the same questions? Instead Garland is doing his best Sgt. Schultz imitation. I love this guy's work. Today he names the names and connects the dots. Doing what an extinct creature that once roamed the news rooms of the national media used to do when professionalism and getting the story ruled the business. Something called investigative journalism. https://kunstler.com/cluster*****-nation/call-the-exorcists/
  21. Public enemy #1. “Intelligence agencies are flouting the law and buying information about Americans that Congress and the Supreme Court have made clear the government should not have.” https://www.wired.com/story/odni-commercially-available-information-report/
  22. Nobody else reacting seems to feel that way. Maybe you're walking around with your eyes closed? Or you depend on the system for your livelihood? As for modern monarchies, I suggest you travel to to Saudi Arabia with the intent of establishing a DEI program to get some firsthand experience on how a modern monarchy would handle that idea?
  23. The key to your post is "State control". Dictators, authoritarians, and ideologies can be centered around a single figure or a group such as a political party, sometimes both. Whether Fascists, Communists, Socialists, Monarchies, Theocracies, or whatever other system they claim to represent, all must crush any dissent and competition to their rule. They require control of the "messages" transmitted through media (both State and Private) providing their subjects (you are no longer a citizen here) with information. They require the ability to censor, block, or discredit any conflicting messages. No alternative interpretations of events and "facts" are allowed. They directly and indirectly control the ability of subjects to be rewarded or punished by economic, political, and social means. They require a State monopoly on violence to maintain their rule through fear and intimidation, and in some cases death. In cases where they maintain the illusion of choice, they hold control over the electoral process which "rubber stamps" their rule. Importantly, they don't recognize the concept of "rights". No subject has rights, rather they are granted privileges by the State. Privileges that can be granted or taken away from people based on their allegiance and obedience to the State. Some outlaw of reject the religious concept of God. Not because they don't believe but because under their system there can be no greater power than the power of the State. Therefore, God cannot be allowed to exist. How close or far away are we from a system aligned around the principles of authoritarian rule? That's subject to a lot of interpretations. But if the following assessment resonates with your perspective you probably feel its closer than most think. "We are ruled by a government that is corrupt and self-serving, dominated by two political factions that pretend to be at odds with each other all the while moving in lockstep to maintain the status quo". A status quo where their power grows and your freedoms shrink. As such liberals are not the enemies of conservatives and conservatives are not the enemies of liberals. Despite all the bickering and debate about marginal social issues. The "deep state" holds a firm grip on the core. The enemy is the institutions and systems of our Federal government. And while they tell us that Russia, China, Iran, and a host of other external foreign enemies are the biggest threat to our democracy and freedoms the true threats are right there in plain site. Sitting in the seat of power in DC.
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