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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. It's not just one bad cop. It starts at the top. Wray and Garland. Both have compromised ethics. For starters, both are chronic liars. Both are obstructing House committe requests for information. To protect their boss.
  2. This is a great working example of above the law actions of Federal law enforcement. Because knowingly presenting false or incorrect evidence to a judge in order to procure a search or surveillance warrant is a crime as well as a violation of the Constitutional rights of the suspect. How much jail time would such a crime entail and how much did Clinesmith serve?
  3. I personally don't believe the Democratic party controls the DOJ. Its not a case of "liking" or "not liking" their actions. Its a case of conditional application of the law in pursuing charges or letting things slide. The condition being is the person protected by the system or not. Its using the power of the agencies for political purpose. Something absolutely forbidden. Its a uni-party system that includes membership from both parties. They're not working for you or me no matter our party affiliation or views. They're working for other interests, people with money. Money they can stuff in their own pockets. That's what our Federal government has been transformed into, from a representative republic to a high-stakes payoff and bribery operation. I don't understand why its not obvious to everyone. Perhaps some hold ideals of democracy that blinds them to the truth? Or they just don't want to see it? Or it personally benefits them? I'm not sure why you think the DOJ is full of Republicans. Some family members worked in the Washington system for most of their working careers at some of these very agencies, DOJ, DEA, Homeland Security, GSA, IRS, and I'm pretty confident most of the agency staff were Democrats. Not that it matters.
  4. The thing the useful idiots don't understand is that when push comes to shove that protection racket does not extend to them any more than it does to the people that openly denounce it.
  5. Citizens (generally MAGA, libertarians, old school liberals) have concluded those agencies have transformed from law enforcement organizations into a personal protection operation for the political class and their supporters.
  6. His "followers" believe the left is trying to destroy the country. And succeeding. Open borders, endless wars, censorship of free speech, DEI and diversity destroying a culture of merit and exceptionalism, normalizing perversion and decadence, destroying our military by forcing woke values, weaponizing the government against its citizens which it treats as subjects, etc.. Somebody's wrong.
  7. What I find fascinating and frightening at the same time is most people on the left believe they're free thinkers immersed in good morals and ethics while the right are hooligans and rubes, mere drones receiving commands and instructions from some centralized source. Considering the left controls almost every centralized source of information and authority while pursuing the objective of centralizing even more and more sources of information and authority along with censoring and blocking voices and ideas they object to flies in the face of that argument. Basically, free thinkers not welcome. Conformists, yes please. If there's a script they're reading and writing it.
  8. I don't typically catch Carlson's podcast but I watched episode 5. And I'm left curious about exactly what you would characterize as lying in that episode?
  9. That's interesting but I haven't seen a source of information that provides any read out of an in-depth FBI analysis of the files and data on the machine. Can you please point out the FBI link or source?
  10. This sounds awfully close to what for 7 years many have been characterizing as foreign election interference. I think the distinction is: When some other government does it, BAD. When our government does it, GOOD.
  11. On TV the FBI investigates and solves all kinds of cases and shows how the good guys always prevail. Acting selflessly to protect the public from harm. Investigating a crime, gathering evidence, and arresting the suspect. But in real life the FBI's at its best when creating entrapment cases that use confidential resources and undercover agents to initiate and instigate some criminal activity which they can use to entrap and charge their target(s). Or is some shape or form participating in the protection racket provided to key political figures.
  12. 60% of Americans have just been added to the FBI/DOJ "Enemies of the State" list as Super Secret Ultra MAGA White Supremacist Insurrectionist Radical Extremist Election and Vaccine Denying Radical Subversives.
  13. So you have no objection to the conclusion China is running circles around Biden and has little to no respect for the man or the administration? I'm asking because you ignored that part.
  14. The Chinese are methodically expanding their influence in every corner of the planet while pushing the US out. And they're doing it without firing a shot. Making economic and security arrangements that appear mutually beneficial. Would I trust them? No, but regardless of my view these nations around the world are realigning their relationships. They have no respect for or desire to engage this administration. Their assessment is we're a nation is severe decline and absent leadership. Unfortunately, I agree with that assessment. Biden's administration is similar to that Roman Emperor's regime in 455 AD. Being a history buff I expect you know what I mean.
  15. It's not his word. It's a signed draft of a peace treaty. Is the draft a forgery? We don't know but I don't hear anyone that was involved on either side of the negotiations at the time protesting or making those accusations. That might be coming but it hasn't yet. I'm sure the CIA and the IC will chime in at some point right on queue and declare the document a forgery. Should we expect anything less? This story about Johnson playing messenger boy was going around last April. It was brought up here and roundly dismissed by those typically faithful to the official story. At the time Ukraine was fairing well in the war but it seems less so right now. Maybe they should have ignored the allies demand to continue fighting?
  16. Congratulations Sec. Blinkin and President Biden China and Cuba are working out the details of creating a joint training base on the northern coast of Cuba. Elsewhere, Qatar is finishing the details of a 27 year LNG deal with China National Petroleum. Meanwhile the geniuses in Washington will be debating what country we'll be bombing next. They make deals and we blow stuff up. So okay class, which do you think is a more effective strategy? Absolutely getting results!
  17. The difference is the injustices at the bottom inflict more severe punishment while the President's son gets a pass because his dad and his enforcers and bagholders are as crooked as they come. Just the opposite. Rationalize it all you want. The FBI and DOJ are a disgrace. The President used his office for personal gain. I recall somebody telling me the other day that's what some other guy was guilty of and he got impeached for a phone call. Now that's the real BS here. At some point Karma will extract its vengeance. And I will smile.
  18. Many have proclaimed the rule of law applies to everyone. Nobody is above the law. I'll give them credit for having the self-control to not even crack a smile while speaking the words much less fall on the floor rolling with laughter The bottom line is this Hunter deal pisses in the face of justice. Those flaws you cite are part of the system at various points, unfortunately. But generally small time players. But this stinks from the very top. The leader of the "free world". Posters that believe Joe is the second coming of Jesus can rationalize it any way they want. Never admit the guy is not infallible. Never open their eyes. And hope if they or somebody close to them gets in trouble their daddy is President of the US or the ruler of some 3rd world hell hole where he can direct his enforcers to order their release.
  19. Another hypothetical: Over/Under on 1 year probation and 45 days community service.
  20. From the article its sounds like a hypersonic missile travels too fast to be intercepted by the system as currently configured and unless some wiz kid can re-program the targeting computer to adjust for objects moving that fast no amount of training is going to compensate for that technological advantage.
  21. The original copies of the tapes were given to Andrew Weissman who at the time was chief of the DOJ fraud division by confidential FBI Informant Oleksandr Onyschenko. He got the tapes from Burisma head Zlochevsky. By virtue of this the FBI knows of the tapes. Weissmann buried the tapes inside DOJ or possibly destroyed them. Later by coincidence Weissmann became a primary and prominent person in every attempt to investigate and charge Trump. And I understand he is still engaged, this time through the Smith investigation.
  22. Not to mention the DOJ with no interest in any investigation (like the MIA special counsel assigned to the Biden documents) or the FBI doing their best imitation of the Roman Pretorian Guard circling together with swords drawn and shields raised to protect the Emperor from any threats or scrutiny.
  23. Why are you asking me? You seem impatient. Also, there's plenty more to the story such as forensic accounting evidence of wire transfers, shell accounts, and deposits of large sums of money that originated in foreign entity accounts and found its way into Biden family member named accounts.
  24. That's good question. The story is there are 17 recordings, 15 with Hunter and 2 with Joe. Do you think even with such evidence that Merrick Garland is going to investigate the family of his boss for corruption and pay offs, issue indictments, and seek convictions, along with forwarding any damning evidence against the President to some House impeachment proceeding that will look to remove the President from office? Or that Democrats of good conscious in the House and Senate will line up with Republicans to stand against corruption and vote to impeach? My guess is Joe could shoot 10 people dead on the White House lawn and Garland wouldn't blink an eye while the media and the party faithful pretend it never happened. The best we can expect is a public outcry that is so loud that a 2nd term run becomes toxic for the party and the other candidates on the ticket. Which results in the leadership and big donors pulling the plug on the Biden Presidency.
  25. I don't think they're in any hurry as its still in the investigations stage. I expect they'll gather a complete case before presenting it in order to ensure it sticks. A complete and thorough investigation that the NY Times, Washington Post, and other major media outlets can't ignore with their pretend the story doesn't exist non-coverage.
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