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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. As I said on another thread in the world of politics the truth and facts don't matter. All you need to do is tell a convincing enough story that people will believe. The Democrats have mastered that art to perfection. And it doesn't hurt that they have the censorship system in place to silence anyone that provides any rebuttal.
  2. Why would Jack Smith do that? He knows its a violation of law to leak evidence of an ongoing investigation. And being a special counsel it crosses the line of ethics and duty required for that job. If he knows there's sufficient evidence to hang Trump out to dry why bother? If you assume the main objective is to bring Trump to justice, find him guilty, and sentence him to some punishment it makes little sense. But if you believe the main objective is to discredit Trump as much as possible by carpet bombing the new cycles with negative stories about his actions and activities in an attempt at character assassination to convince enough Trump "supporters" to abandon him and support somebody else then it makes all then sense in the world.
  3. And like the Borg Collective all the drones that said it was dangerous will change their tune as soon as they receive those instructions. I should have added, most importantly. And memory hole their previous views while claiming the new view is what they believed all along!
  4. Some people lack critical thinking skills or a minimal sense of curiosity that are required to objectively attack a problem or situation from more than one angle. The correct answer is "maybe or maybe not but let's check into it".
  5. No. She plain sucks and independents hated her more than they hated Trump. End of story.
  6. When I attempt to characterize the modern American Left one thing I think of is a line from the Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl movie with Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Bloom's character, Will Turner is in a confrontation with Depp's, Jack Sparrow. Turner suggests he can beat Sparrow in a "fair fight". To which Sparrow replies, "well that doesn't give me much incentive to fight fair does it?" That describes the fringe left for me. The rules don't matter if following the rules results in losing. Most people in the in the 95% of the population to the right of the extremists on the left don't get it. They think following the rules of engagement is the appropriate approach. But that strategy is a losing proposition because the extremists don't care about the rules. Anyone that disagrees with their ideas is reflexively characterized as some sort of "hater". whether true or not, it doesn't matter. When you've convinced yourself that you're fighting "evil" there are no limits to what must be done in order to defeat it. And using the same "hate" the people they accuse of "hate" are employing is justified because their hate is in support of a noble cause, social justice. There is no higher calling. The fact the far left has co-opted so many public and private institutions along with manipulating and altering the behavior and thoughts of so many people is a testimony to the soundness of their plan as well as being a frightening situation.
  7. And repeat the same words over and over. HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE, HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE,HATE Repeat it until it sticks. Because civil and peaceful disagreement and expressing your views is not allowed when focused on the movements Alpha victim.
  8. I will say that about Trump. And I've stated many times he lacks moral and ethical character. And he lacks detailed comprehension of issues. He's a goofball. And I didn't vote for him in either election. And the audio tape where he discusses (and is assumed to be holding some confidential document) the contents of a confidential folder with other people without any security clearance makes him sound like an idiot and damages his claims of innocence. I've also given the idea of "proof" some overnight thought. And I've concluded in politics "proof" is irrelevant. While we debate back and forth about numerous issues the reality of politics is you don't need evidence. All you need is the ability to convince enough voters that your story is credible enough so they vote for you. All you need is to convince people to support your programs and not to support the other person's programs. That's the game these people play in Washington. That's the game the political parties play. Nobody in politics needed to prove Trump colluded with Russia. They just needed to get voters to believe the story and vote against him. They put on a big dog-and-pony show n order to create this illusion even though they knew the possibility of the Senate convicting Trump was zero. enough people fell for the story and Biden replaced Trump in the WH. Mission accomplished. Nobody in politics needs to prove Biden took payoffs using his son as the front man. They just need to convince the public the story is credible, which shows up in the President's polling number, which gives the DNC anxiety about running Biden for re-election, which damages his re-election chances. In this regard Comer is playing the role of Schiff. Meanwhile, we all wait for some release of information from the committee which backs up their assertions. But acquiring enough evidence to bring articles of impeachment is unimportant. What they do is manipulate perception of reality in order to get people to think and do what they want them to think and do. Providing the public with enough facts and figures and proof and evidence to make informed and rational decisions is the last thing they want. Which is where the censorship and misinformation project slides into the story which I won't go into here.
  9. You're recycling the same old tired ass argument here. Oh, woe, there's no proof. I'll tell you what I think. I think you excel at this back-and-forth stuff but you're never going to waiver from your position. I don't think proof matters to you one way or the other. I think somebody could lay out a 25- page trail of evidence and proof and it wouldn't matter. Such as some bloggers are in the process of creating. You won't change your mind or alter your position. You'll never admit Biden is engaged in a lifetime payoff and influence peddling racket. There are whistle blowers, forensic accounting, and other people involved in the scams providing statements and documentation. But they're all lying. Everyone here is lying except the Biden's. You'll never waver one inch from your position on any other topic. So what's the point of anyone wasting their time responding and providing "proof"?
  10. Okay drama queen. Are you going to recommend we all need to be on alert for soccer mom hate groups establishing concentration camp?
  11. Do you acknowledge there was armed conflict between ethnic Ukrainian militias and Russian seperatists in Donbas beginning in 2014 until the invasion? Resulting in about 10,000 deaths.
  12. I assume if instead they quoted Mao from the Cultural Revolution where the exact strategy was also employed rather than receiving push back they would have been cheered and commended for a job well done!
  13. Aren't you the least bit skeptical about these types of reports? Maybe it was stray anti-aircraft fire that missed the target landed elsewhere.
  14. All this what I'm saying here sounds like a conspiracy theory or rather it might be pure speculation and I'm just rattling off random thoughts here. But I think they've gotten into bed with other powerful forces like the surveillance and intelligence services (along with WEF-like groups), and assorted billionaires, and globalist type organizations and have agreed to do all the "dirty work" in exchange the big boys bankrolling their efforts and agreeing to add some of their more extreme desires to the program. I don't believe the IC is going to allow the left to take over anything. They're just street muscle to get the job done so they can keep their hands clean and stay out of the light. Nobody can convince me that billionaires like Larry Fink at Blackrock or George Soros that are bankrolling ideas like lenient prosecutors, stakeholder capitalism, and all sorts of social justice mambo jumbo are looking to institute a system of socialism or communism where guys like them will get their assets confiscated. Pure baloney. They've got some other motives and it's not Intersectional Equity and Inclusion or a desire to see dudes wearing wigs and dresses. I mean you see the same groups of demonstrators at the same types of events coast-to-coast spouting the same exact jargon and it costs a lot of money to move people around support an army of paid activists. But I think once the elites gain what control they seek they'll line up the leftist against the firing squad wall and eliminate the troublemakers like the way the Brown Shirts got snuffed in the Night of the Long Knives.
  15. Absolutely. It's funny because this morning I was thinking of that slogan in the context of the current social debate on children. People took that motto incorrectly, and I was one of them. It implied the community would be supporting parents. But the authors of the slogan and the idea meant "The State" would be replacing parents and assuming the role of guiding and managing their upbringing. "It takes a village" clearly means communism (or the Nazi's did the same thing, take your pick) rather than assistance. The communist/socialist gig is always about concentrating power in a central authority in a command and control organizational structure. Its why you know the libs are full of crap when they feign ignorance that everything they say and do is scripted and generated from the top on down. Everything.
  16. I'm not sure what reality you exist in but in my reality parents have a right to defend and protect their children from whatever they choose. And its a shame that whenever people attempt to express their rights through democracy and peaceful means the usual power groups immediately attempt to shout them down. Maybe its because these powerful and connected organizations are so used to getting their way for so long without any resistance that they forgot how to form an intelligent argument and are left to shouting simplistic slogans and words.
  17. The SPLC is also warning the NHL draft tomorrow night is a racist white supremacist gathering.
  18. I expect this leak was approved by the AG. If I'm a defense attorney I'd demand the DOJ identify the leaker and arrest the reporter and compel them to reveal their source. Do this under the Espionage Act which I believe is what they got Julian Assuage on for receiving and publishing "stolen" secrets. Same thing. Sadly, the truth is government officials don't mind leaking out a secret or two every now and then if it helps further their objectives and they have no more respect for the confidentiality of information than they accuse Trump of here. But expecting the keepers of the law to arrest themselves for breaking the law is asking too much.
  19. I believe it was Patrick Henry that said "give me Liberty or give me Interectional Inclusion".
  20. I agree. His views are intentionally mis-represented. Because he asks questions that a lot of powerful interests don't want answered. One thing he briefly discussed with Maher was Autism. He didn't say Autism is caused by vaccines. He said we don't know but that doesn't mean we should dismiss the possibility. He cited studies he said were flawed. And said he's provided clear evidence of this for each and every one. He said when he was growing up the rate was 1 child in 10,000 and today its around 1 child in 34. Why the surge in this condition? Which stats show started around 1989. What happened or changed in 1989? There's nothing unreasonable or fringe or conspiratorial about that question. He also said nobody making a lot of money off all kinds of things like drug sales wants to know. And more importantly, doesn't want us to know. None of this sounds crazy to me.
  21. I think we can all agree that left wing idealogues are trying to indoctrinate children. Emulating Mao's Cultural Revolution tailored to American society. How else to explain how a generation with access to more information than all previous generations is the least informed?
  22. Are you aware the White Helmets are funded by ISIS linked terrorist organizations?
  23. The other thing I've come to understand is what I'll call "Cultural Extremism". Every social issue is defined and viewed as a binary decision. Yes or No. One or Zero. There is no continuum of views that might fall on the point plot at some point between the two extremes. There are no definitions or terms to describe any view in between. If you carefully read many of the conversations here on PPP you can easily pick that up. Posters try to put you into one or the other despite your best efforts to be objective and define your own independent and personal view of issues. There's just no place for that sort of thinking in the social ideologies of today. LGBTQ for example. If you voice agreement with the entirety of the movement then you support LGBTQ. In other words you score 100% in compliance. You score a Yes or a One. But if you disagree with anything, or question anything, you score anywhere between 1 and 99. A 1 to 99 gets you a No or a Zero. You're anti-LGBTQ. If you're like me and have LGBTQ family members, and relationships at work with LGBTQ community persons, or if you have friends and friends of friends that are LGBTQ that you socialize with and can carry on civil conversations and follow customs of good social behavior while treating people with kindness but you disagree with transsexual efforts to groom children they you're anti-LGBTQ. Even if you score a 90 that's still ultimately a zero. Trump is another classic example. If you disagree with everything Trump then you're for Democracy. If you might agree with something like 20% of what Trump represents or question officials seen as representing pro-Democracy then you're un-democratic and a MAGA extremist. As much of an extremist as somebody that agrees with 100% of what Trump says. The 80% you disagree with doesn't matter. Its a binary decision. You're either for us or against us and there ain't no in-between. There's no room for independent thought or views.
  24. That's because Diversity at its core is simply tribalism. Where common culture is replaced by multiple sub-cultures operating with different cultural norms and beliefs. The myth is this will lead to some sort of social Utopia. But in reality, its the driving force in the Balkanization of America.
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