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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Newsome w/Michelle Obama as VP. That will create lots of buzz and excitement. And prep her for the top of the ticket in 2028 or 2032. Kammy goes back to CA to take Foenstein's seat. I don't want Trump. And my problem with the Republicans is what's the plan? Give me 10 things you'll do and 10 things you won't do. Create a vision for the future that fixes all the damage done under Biden, unites the people, and moves the country forward for everyone.
  2. I watched his show on Fox now and then but somehow missed all 400+ episodes when he discussed that Replacement Theory thing. So are you just making that number up?
  3. I re-watched 9 of the games from last season. The offense looked more productive early in the season. The offensive line had lots of different personnel groups through the season because of injuries. As a group they rarely provided enough time in the pocket or any push in the running game. Beane finally addressed the personnel problem by drafting Torrence and signing a couple free agents which look like upgrades to the group. Neither Dawkins or Brown seem capable of consistently handling outside speed rushers. If the Bills are going to beat teams in the playoffs this group needs to play better. A few drops by receivers while a negative isn't the biggest problem. Make some holes and gaps for the running backs and give Allen more time in the pocket.
  4. Part of it is the law and constitution treat every other citizen differently than the President. Also. Pence and Biden where not President. And all those agencies report to the President. I could be wrong but my understanding is the President is "allowed" access to everything and agency "rules" do not apply to the commander in chief. The boss of every career and appointed employee of the executive branch. I agree Trump's resistance to turning over documents to the archiever are foolish and should bear consequences but to argue the pursuit of criminal charges is completely devoid of political motivation is even more foolish.
  5. More mind games to distract from the Biden's criminal activities taking Chinese money. Rule of thumb is what they accuse others of doing is what they're doing.
  6. Combine DCBC where access to funds vs. physical money can be controlled with ESG personalized social credit scores that determine what "privileges" you have "earned" and you get the idea of what the plan is for you is when you're transformed into a subject of the State vs. a citizen of the Republic. The fight is against concentration of government and corporate power and control. Break up the government, break up the corporations! Push power back to the local level. Just what those old-fashioned liberals used to fight for decades ago. Today's libs, just the opposite.
  7. Washington Post opinion section writers have no clue what Putin is thinking.
  8. I don't know who "you Christians" is. You assume too much. Because I'm not a Chrisian evangelist. And religious beliefs have little to no role in forming my views. I'm somebody evangelists might consider an atheist. I was raised in an orthodox Christian household, but I rarely goes to church. I grew up in a household that would have been considered a traditional Democratic working-class household. But that political party died when Obama's social justice cult took over and made white people the evil enemy.
  9. By his looks its obvious he's a white supremast. And I'm sure he doesn't list his pronouns on his social media profiles or his e-mail signatures. He a dangerous extremist that also denies science and his words put others in danger of violence and hate. Did I cover everything?
  10. Few dispute that. What is disputable is the hypocracy and selective enforcement where others attacking Federal facilities and officers, rioting, looting, destroying public and private property, and committing acts of violence against other citizens and law enforcement got a free pass from Democratic administration's throughout the country because the violence helped the party leading up to the 2020 election. And by magic it all suddenly stopped when party leaders found it was counter-productive to the cause. That's the problem most liberals turn a blind eye to and refuse to acknowledge. That makes it comical when they cite the rule of law. But only when it's convenient.
  11. Next week we'll hear they concluded Trump left it there when he dropped the bag of coke while carrying out all those boxes of top secret documents.
  12. On top of that the people at Time magazine think its white supremacy. The magazine would seem to suggest the most recently uncovered big threat is gay, or straight, white men and adjacent white (these idiots love to make up new terms and categories) people of color, or anyone else for that matter, that exercises regularly. All those professional NBA and NFL players. People going to the gym after work or in the morning. The guy or gal you see jogging down the street at 6 AM. All exposed as extremists. "The White Supremacist Origins of Exercise, and 6 Other Surprising Facts About the History of U.S. Physical Fitness" https://time.com/6242949/exercise-industry-white-supremacy/
  13. I have no idea who they hell, or what, you're talking about. You need to get outside more and enjoy the real world instead of monitoring this twitter and this message board 24/7 while quoting all these idiots all day long.
  14. They should put you in charge of missing persons because you've got a knack for finding every obscure screw ball and idiot on social media.
  15. What I love is how we're forced to make such a simple issue a complex series of discussions because nobody in any official capacity ever wants to tell the truth. If Mr. Epps is not or was not a federal informant or confidential resource then Federal law enforcement should be compelled to testify under oath that, "No", Mr Epps is not an information or confidential resource. How hard is that? Problem solved. End of the mystery. And don't give us that "I cannot confirm or deny" BS. If he's not, he's not, and there should be no issue in saying that. The only reason for them to keep quiet is that Epps is an informant. That's all there is to it.
  16. All most people want is the truth so good. Put Epps on the witness stand, along with various government dudes, and people in the crowd he's alleged to have encouraged to breach the Capitol, and let them testify under oath that Ray wasn't a government informant, didn't incite the crowd, and wasn't there to still up trouble on 1/6. No I can't confirm or deny excuses type testimony because you can take the 5th to protect yourself from self-incrimination but you can't take the 5th to protect somebody else. Like the identity of a confidential informant, for example. Just the truth. If he's not then his lawsuit has merit and good luck to him and shame on Fox.
  17. Are you unaware that exercise and working out has been exposed as a white supremacist activity by the social justice cult? Along with defining another terrible injustice: fitness inequality. So the better a person's physical condition and physique, the bigger a racist they are.
  18. You theory is completely unsupported by the facts. And its okay to lie to us but please don't lie to yourself.
  19. That's really what you think is going on here? Rather than some complex and intricate conspiracy, Occam's Razor says that laptop is legit, the FBI's been sitting on the evidence, the DOJ has not interest is pursuing charges against the big guy, and the Biden's are dirtier than pigs in a mud hole. But you'd never admit to that so that's that.
  20. Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Its not over until we say its over!
  21. That's it. And most poster here that objectively see the attacks on Trump for what they are, partisan politics and abuse of power, will admit he's an A Hole. Most also think Biden's a major league A Hole. A crook and a puppet peddling the Obama wing of the party's agenda. In short, both major parties have leadership issues. But with few exceptions, the Trump haters will never, ever admit their guy is just as slimy while making all kinds of excuses for not admitting Biden's a dirty dog raking in payoffs and influence money. Never a discouraging word. My advice to them is its okay to lie to me but don't lie to yourself and believe your story that this guy is clean.
  22. You're implying that by playing kill the messenger. And I'm not reading twitter but specifically what "propagandist" are you referring to? The "safe and effective" narrative types? Those propagandists? The guy gave the FBI everything they needed 6 years ago. And like the laptop that statement got buried. Until a couple weeks ago since he started making public statements about bribes and payoffs and suddenly it's news. All these stories lead to the same ending. If somebody provides the FBI with statements or material on somebody they're protecting it gets lost. That's the real story. Who is directing the FBI to run protection rackets for specific politicians? Other than that and run entrapment operations I have no idea what they do.
  23. Thank God they were stopped! We were minutes away from the civilian government surrendering control of all branches of government and every institution to the insurrectionists as the military and law enforcement were rendered powerless by some magical force as all of the Pentagon's troops and weapons were no match for this group of unarmed marauders. Only the unexpected and unexplained mass exit from the building that day saved our nation from plunging into chaos that would have resulted if the anti-democratic forces from prevailing.
  24. Hoax. You care about protecting liberal politicians. None of that, true or false, exonerates the Biden's from any accusations and factual accounts of their contacts and meetings with various Chinese contacts where they traded influence for money.
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