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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I'm in the mood today to tell it like it is. Because liberals are unreliable, lazy, constantly droning on about some "injustice" along with demanding narcissists craving constant attention so somebody has to do the work. It should be mandatory for them to wear tee shirts saying "I need attention" I might add 95% of the world's population struggling for survival could give a rat's ass about their "first world" pity party problems.
  2. So what this articulate and educated woman would prefer is to be treated like a raging douche bag and she'll be extatic?
  3. While we can debate the reliability of sources, but the actual question is reliability of the information. Does the House Oversight Committee have records of suspicious bank transactions reported to the IRS and cited by the IRS whistle blowers that their investigations identified as suspect transactions involving funds that found their way into accounting belonging to the Biden's or not? https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-probes-hunter-bidens-suspicious-foreign-business-transactions-flagged-by-u-s-banks/
  4. Well, I'd suggest we examine the process of investigating a crime. What is most common is the investigators, detectives, officers, prosecutors, and others don't generally have "proof" that connects a specific suspect to the crime when the investigation is at the beginning. There is suspicion and an effort to gather evidence which will identify a suspect and place them at the scene of the crime. As events go forward the case becomes stronger (or could be dropped) and might reveal enough evidence to result in an arrest and an indictment. I assume your definition of proof is being in the process of presenting testimony and evidence to a court with prosecution, defense, judge, and jury. My expectation is we're getting there. Otherwise, I'm not in personal possession of "proof" as I'm not an investigator looking into the affairs of the Biden family. Or member of Congress or staff that has direct control of evidence. And I wasn't personally involved in any business dealings with Hunter, his business partners, the parties extending payments to him, or a party to any conversations. But I do believe anyone with good critical thinking and reasoning skills and a high level of objective thinking will conclude there's something to this story. I do follow along with the story. I listen to and read the testimony of witnesses, understand the activities of the committee gathering information, evidence, and data like bank transaction records, the identify of shell companies, and other artifacts. I understand the process of payments and transactions that are typically employed in money laundering schemes and how what is said to have been gathered about of transactions related to Biden family are consistent with the laundering process. I also believe I have a good understanding of what is customarily legal and what might be illegal. And following along with the story, events, statements, and activities of the House committee, the whistle blowers that have come forward, and statements from business partners, and foreign officials involved in the alleged payments I conclude its highly likely they're running a bribery and extortion operation. How else to explain a lavish lifestyle absent any employment or income sources that would generate the funds to support it?. Large amounts of income unaccounted for from legitimately understood sources. What else is there but to conclude the Biden's have been receiving income from illegal activities which in this case is an influence peddling and bribery operation. These allegations of receiving millions in payments from foreign officials in exchange for political favors is as real as it gets. What I'm beginning to come around to is the revelation that these kinds of scams and operations are more common than not in Washington.
  5. Why would they put it out there? In the middle of 2023 15 months away from the election. Strategically that makes no sense. You'll get greater impact closer to the 2024 election. Let the Democrats make the first move. Which is decide to run Joe, or not. My guess is not and most likely they'll run Newsome while dressing him up as some moderate rather than a raging leftist aristocrat. Also, Joe and Jill filed 2017 tax return totally over over $9 million of income. Can anyone rationalize what source, or service, or product the Biden's provided to account for that income? About 35 times thier 2026 filing. You're not the least bit suspicious? As the bribe money trail lines up well timing-wise. Are we to believe all these whistle blowers, former business associates, foreign actors, bank transaction records and suspicious activity reports to authorities are involved in some grand conspiracy hatched by Russian intelligence? This theory from the very people that habitually mock believers of such things. But of course, trust them here and ignore the fact that protecting Biden has been demonstrated to be a clear vital interest of these folks. So lying and deception are required. On top of all this, can it get any more obvious the leadership at DOJ and FBI along with the permanent Washington beauracracy are running a massive protection racket? If it was you or me our ass would be in the slammer already. It's counter to your interests as a citizen to support these crooks. What hits me the most here is how people let themselves get hoodwinked by these grifters.
  6. The Comer committee is going to bundle their findings into criminal referrals. Not make any grand public statements. If we use Trump-like criteria to assess "evidence" they'd all have been tried and convicted months ago. What's really missing is any clear understanding of who is the "brains" of their racket. We can cross off Hunter's name and play process of elimination to identify the most likely suspect.
  7. The emergency the "environmentalists" don't discuss is their belief that the human population is too large for the Earth to support, and "we" need to get it down to a couple billion or so in order to manage the climate, address species extinction and habitat destruction along with issues like resource depletion.
  8. Just think of the Russians as transsexual groomers and war crimes turn into Pride month celebration.
  9. What "top secrets"? The Coyote lights the fuse on the rocket and hides behind the rocks waiting for the Roadrunner to run past? None of these clowns have any knowledge of any specifics. That includes all the clowns here too.
  10. Or @SectionC3who never says a discouraging word about government abuse of power or over-reach would take it up the ass like a good obedient subject of the State and say "sir may I have another".
  11. For some reason the DNC establishment and their allies are crapping their knickers over RFK. That reason being he's a "big name" smart and savvy outsider who knows how to play their game without any illusions about what he's up against. What might scare them most is their "this guys an extremist nutjob" label isn't getting the desired impact. Its unlikely he'll fall for the usual name-calling mob rhetoric designed to steer the conversation away from issues of substance. They're going to have to turn the "fear" meter up to 10. His net approval rating under the circumstances is unusual.
  12. Basically, the judge questioned the parameters of the deal which appears to have conflicting public and private versions. The private version between US vs. Hunter Biden which grants immunity of any future prosecution for anything and the public deal which the DOJ states doesn't grant blanket immunity. Which simultaneously takes Hunter off the hook for everything and allows DOJ/FBI to peddle their "ongoing investigation" narrative which provides them the excuse needed to block any Congressional or other efforts to request and subpoena any documents or information about the investigation. That deal, once public, appears DOA.
  13. Either people take the opportunity to paint somebody as evil (rather than attempt to tackle and counter the basis of their argument) or they have difficulty in understanding the difference between the message and the messenger. The context here is an evil person saying you can easily manipulate the population through various propaganda strategies. Even though the speaker is a scumbag the conclusion is valid. And acknowledging the validity of the "quote" isn't equivalent to praising or approving of the speaker. But bundling them together is a convenient way to attack somebody you disagree with without presenting any counter argument or support for your views. Its a cowards and lazy strategy for debating.
  14. Exactly, the story you're peddling is an overly complex and elaborate hoax conjured up in a desperate attempt to avoid the truth. What's troubling is you're smart enough to know that.
  15. That's the wildest and most unbelievable conspiracy theory. The problem with that theory is the e-mails on that machine are not the only copies. Did they also replace the original e-mails on every device and server of every person receiving and sending those e-mails to the Biden's in order for them all to match perfectly? How'd they pull that off? Pure fantasy. And these are the same Russian characters that everyone has concluded don't have the strategic or tactical thinking and planning skills to defeat a lesser foe of Ukraine? But they've got the brain power to pull off some elaborate and incomprehensible hoax? Your cult is desperate to save the Biden's, For whatever reason. Unless some personal form of compensation is at risk I suggest you refrain from making yourself look silly by posting nonsense from nonsense sources.
  16. "The hearing was temporarily derailed when judge Noreika said she didn’t understand what Hunter Biden could still be charged with. She asked questions that exposed a difference of understanding between Justice Department prosecutors and Biden’s lawyer, Chris Clark. β€œI don’t really understand the scope” of the agreement, Noreika said. She noted that Biden has had numerous foreign business dealings. At one point, she raised a hypothetical as to whether Biden could be charged as acting as an unregistered foreign agent under the Foreign Agents Registration Act. -Bloomberg She also called the deal federal prosecutors reached with Hunter over his gun possession offense "unusual," and that it contains some "non-standard terms," such as "broad immunity" from other potential charges. "We don't usually make diversion agreements public," she said. Leo Wise, an assistant US attorney representing the government at the hearing, said that Biden could still be charged with a FARA violation. His statement prompted Clark to object to the scope of what Biden could still be charged with. Noreika asked the prosecutors and defense lawyers to resolve their differences about the plea agreement and temporarily adjourned the hearing. When the hearing resumed, Wise and Clark said they were in agreement that the non-prosecution aspects of the deal will be limited to only tax violations, drug offenses and a firearm violation during the years 2014 to 2019. Biden can still be charged for crimes outside the scope of the deal. -Bloomberg Under the original plea agreement, Biden intended to plea guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes committed in 2017 and 2018, and would avoid prison on the gun possession charge." If I recall the procedure correctly (legal experts here please correct me if necessary), the judge in a case must accept the plea deal made between the prosecutor and the defense. If not the deal is void and the case could proceed to trial.
  17. That sounds like a reasonable approach. But the political climate is beyond the point of reasonable. And its too bad the Democrats didn't heed your advice back in 2020. The knew clearly the votes in the Senate weren't there to convict. They knew the charges were flimsy at best. But they went ahead regardless. As I recall they put on a couple "show" trials in the Senate along with allowing Nancy to glide across the floor of the House Chamber carrying articles of impeachment. All covered quite enthusiastically and euphorically by their friends in the media. It was quite a spectacle. Quite simply, I sense people the Democrats have been pissing all over for 7+ years are excited by the prospects of returning the favor. But I expect the revenge will be outing the corrupt old dirt bag for the lifetime grifter and influence peddler he is here. Personally, I think the Republicans should let Biden's rotting lame duck carcass finish out the term. Let the Democrats figure out what to do with him. Run him again (which I doubt), maybe invoke the 25th amendment and promote VP Harris to the top spot which I expect might cause all sorts of panic, or maybe try to pull a "fast one" and get somebody more favorable to the party leadership into the White House to finish the term and run in 2024.
  18. Good question. If I'm reading the subtle nuances in the press as they've gone from denying these hearings are real to admitting they're real but still denying they have any substance. The next step will be admitting they have substance but denying that substance means anything important (other than a crusade to "get" the Biden's). How this progression from denial to proof to truth comes about will be interesting to watch and might take a while. The other thing that peaks my interest is how this could all tie neatly into the impeachment proceedings we witnessed. Recall then President Trump was charged with looking to dig up dirt on his political opponent in Ukraine of all places. Suspiciously, the center of much conflict and warfare at the moment. Coincidence, or not? Here nobody in Washington seems eager to support any desire to track and account for all the money and weapons the US taxpayer has been graciously volunteered to provide. Recall so called whistle blower CIA operative Eric Ciaramella and Col, Vindman, I believe of the NSA, along with Intel Inspector General Michael Atkinson blew the whistle so to speak on Donald. And off we went on to the impeachment drama. Simultaneously, we now know the FBI was sitting on the infamous Hunter Biden laptop, unknown to Trump but certainly known to AG Barr and FBI director Wray. I find it hard to believe the CIA, NSA, and the other intelligence agencies had no idea what the Biden's were up to in places like Ukraine and China. These chaps know when a Bee lands on a clover in some obscure corner of the world so it seems plausible they knew what was going on and felt uncompleted to tell the truth. Rather, that obstructed and hide the truth. Maybe this is how the deep state operates, Give the politicians enough rope to hang themselves and hold it over them so the spooks get their way? It seems plausible they don't have the goods on the people running these hearings or else they'd disappear in a flash. And given Barr and Wray obviously knew about the laptop they're guilty of hiding evidence that would have validated Trump's reasons for asking questions and provided probable cause to proceed further. What was their motivation to disregard their sworn duties? Not to even mention the 51 or so former intelligence officials who lied about the origins of the laptop, In order to protect Biden and enable his election. My suggestion is eventually all these characters I've mentioned should see the inside of a jail cell for a long time. But first, we'll need to get through the present drama.
  19. This is how ABC news positioned the story: Republicans on the committee have long claimed that President Biden was more involved in his son's business dealings than he has disclosed -- and Monday's interview with Archer will likely be the latest attempt for Republicans to back up those claims. During his 2020 campaign Biden told reporters, "I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else, anything having to do with their businesses."
  20. That's a fine forensic investigation. But you'd be better off saying the "big guy" is what Steve Urkel called Carl Winslow on Family Matters (1989-1997). At least that characterization would be true. But in this case of what's being discussed here its Joe Biden. Corroborated independently by e-mails on the laptop, the IRS whistleblower, and Hunter's former business partner Tony Bobulinski. Not convinced? So do this. Pretend its Trump instead of Biden. Now you believe it! Problem solved..
  21. Politically, most of his fans and supporters don't understand that Biden is already a dead man walking and that the DNC leadership is working behind the scenes to remove him at the appropriate time. The tricky part is getting rid of VP Harris and installing somebody more favorable to the party faithful. As these allegations become too obvious for even the blind, deaf, and dumb MSM to ignore leadership will need to make their move before the 2024 election campaign season gets serious. They certainly don't want RFK Jr. to gain any momentum off the event as they view him as a worse scenario than Trump winning in 2016. Unlike Donald, the guy has a plan and an intimate understanding of the game and what he's up against. Which regardless of his "rep" for some extreme views makes him dangerous to the establishment. Things are about to get very interesting. I could envision the triggering of events like a stock market crash, a run on the dollar, a loss of confidence in Washington, and some enemies attempting to take advantage of the situation.
  22. Because the guy was hot on the money trail that led straight to Joe and Hunter along with Burisma executives so he had to go. That's a much more plausible explanation given what we now know than some sketchy and nebulous connection to NATO membership proposed by folks that lack the comprehension skills and willingness to accept that Joe and family are as dirty as pigs in a mud hole.
  23. Unfortunately, most of the debate about the debt is centered on pointing fingers at which party is more irresponsible than the other along with who is threatening to take away people's "benefits". It's like two guys arguing over how to split the dinner check on the deck of the Titanic while the ship is sinking.
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