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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. Something I like to watch is cardboard and box production. It's basic and also a good leading indicator. As almost everything made and sold and bought comes in a box. The numbers aren't seasonally adjusted, or subject to other statistical slight of hand. Production of cardboard was down 9% in Q2. Which means there was less stuff being packed up and moved around and less business activity. My guess is the slowdown gets obvious in Q3 while the lag in the impact of interest rate increases makes itself felt by business, consumer, and government.
  2. VP Harris is incapable of forming basic coherent arguments.
  3. No, you're pathetic. I'm saying they didn't attempt to alter the vote count because you clowns love to mis-represent the facts. No votes were altered. No attempt was made to alter the functioning of the voting machines. Did they violate the law? That's up to the court and a jury to decide. But they didn't alter the results. Let's be clear.
  4. This case involves no attempt to alter the actual vote count. Specifically, the charge is they attempted to download and in 5 instances succeeded in downloading the voting log to "audit" the machine count vs. the official vote tally. Apparently the State for one reason or another denied a requests to perform validation counts. And remember, the threshold of evidence applied when someone supported by your cult of denial is involved. Unless we actually have the evidence in our hands and in front of our eyes there is no evidence anyone did anything. An indictment is not evidence. Its an acknowledgement that a grand jury has heard the prosecutors presentation, heard witness testimony, and concluded an indictment is appropriate.
  5. There's absolutely zero evidence any document in Trump's possession was disclosed to anyone which resulted in a national security exposure. But various clowns here still claim he sold secrets. Idiots.
  6. The most obvious reason is the media blackout, pretending the story doesn't exist so they'd never cover any such release. Besides its a matter of following the process. Prosecutors and investigators building a case don't run to the microphone every time they find a piece of incriminating evidence. What they'll do is use testimony like yesterday's to corroborate other pieces of evidence they've collected independent of each other. Do the dates and times everybody states match? Are the same people confirmed to be involved? Do all the witness statement tell the same story? Rather than make a series of public statements the House Committee will refer a series of indictable offenses to the DOJ for prosecution. That's when you'll start hearing details. That will put the pressure squarely on the DOJ and AG Garland to do something. Ignoring the thing for the media or the justice department won't be an option at that point. Lots of people will be surprised when they hear the story for the first time! My guess is Garland will recuse himself and appoint a special prosecutor. There won't be any softball plea deals at this point either.
  7. Hunter Biden could be doing 10 to 15 and Joe could be impeached, or run out of office via the 25th amendment, or be forced to resign and they'd still refuse to believe. But whether they accept it or not, reality will continue to exist without them.
  8. This might need its own topic soon. France is recommending all EU citizens leave Niger and evacuating anyone wishing to leave. Other European nations are urging their citizens to take them up on the offer. Meanwhile, Burkina Faso and Mali, two nations previous under France's domination, have said that they will consider an attack against Niger by West African ECOWAS states as a de-facto carrying out France’s bidding and as such a declaration of war. Of note, the US has two military bases in the country. One under the Pentagon and the other the CIA.
  9. Corruption is systemic. Once you're in the Washington country club you're granted license to steal, cheat, and lie and provided protection from anyone objecting or attempting to expose your actions and immunity from any legal action.
  10. The missing part of the story is what the Biden's provided to their foreign contacts in return for those payments? Sure, we can conclude at a minimum Hunter was trading on the Biden name. But Hunter had/has no capacity to deliver anything of value to those players, namely favors or influence over government policy or actions. The only family member with that capability was/is Joe Biden. Just using some logical extrapolation would implicate the President.
  11. Saw this too. What isn't clear is the reason or cause. The IDC10 code I see for leprosy is A30.9. I'm going to run a diagnosis code search this week on medical data I have access to and see what pops up.
  12. The most likely cause of outlier results in any series of surveys of the same purpose is the demographic composition of the poll is not representative of the population as a whole.
  13. If anyone still believes in Joe's innocence at this point they're either lying to themselves or incapable of rational thought. But then again these are the same folks that believe Trump sold nuclear top secrets. Even though not a single charge mentioned it. And absent a shred of evidence or proof. But they heard it from Joe Scarborough. So it must be true! And they insist the other guys are in a cult. Comical. Just comical.
  14. What the testimony showed is Joe Biden lied when he said he and his son never discussed his son's business dealings. Now we know Joe not only discussed but participated as well. But still no evidence. My suggestion to anyone expecting House Oversight committee chairman Comer to step up to the microphone and proclaim "now we got him!" needs to temper their expectations here. What we should expect is a series of criminal referrals to the DOJ, 10, 20, 50 counts of some criminal violation. Against various participants. What Comer is going to say to Garland is here is all the evidence and recommendations for criminal prosecution. But everything I'm giving you is everything you already know, The DOJ and the FBI already know about the extent of the Biden family bribery and payoff operation. But you've done nothing. Because you've been told to do nothing. We both know this, everybody in Washington knows this too. You've been ordered not to investigate or prosecute anything. By some person or group of persons. Given this, I suggest that nailing the Biden's here will accomplish little to nothing in the big scheme of things. Take out Joe and another player steps up to the plate for their swing at the cash ball. The real target is something entirely different. Let me explain. Let's start with the laptop. The DOJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, etc, all know the laptop and its contents are authentic and belonged to Hunter. They know it was not a classic Russian disinformation operation. They know the contents would be personally and professionally and legally damaging to Joe Biden and to his family. Barr at DOJ knew it was authentic, Garland knows it's authentic, Comey at the FBI knew it was authentic, Wray knows this too. So why did they bury the story and the machine in some basement storage room? Why did they and 51 former IC members that signed a letter concluding it was Russian disinformation lie and continue to lie? Why didn't the CIA and FBI step up and provide evidence during the Trump impeachment that would have confirmed the President had reasonable and probably cause to suspect wrongdoing by the Biden's in relation to Ukraine? More importantly, who gave these people the orders, and who continues to give orders such as the one to to bury that PC in that basement storage room and who told those IC members to lie? What's the identity of the Wizard behind the curtain giving the orders to these people? Who's running the swamp? That's really it. Who's running the protection racket that enables politicians, including the Biden's but so many more, to line their pockets? Who gave the order to the IRS director telling them to stop IRS agents from investigating the tax returns of Hunter Biden and the financial transaction record of the Biden family? The goal isn't to just take down Biden. Its to take down the mafia-like system that enables these kinds of operations to fester. Its the system that provides protection, that calls out FBI SWAT teams in the middle of the night to harass people causing problems, initiates investigations and searches for legal transgressions against dissenters, buries evidence and proof of payoffs, and silences people asking too many questions. Its an organized system of corruption that permeates the leadership of our government. It needs to be taken down to ensure the continuation of our Democracy and Constitution system of government.
  15. Not to make light of it, but 1,000,000 to 1 odds you put a BLM logo on the roof and the city inspectors are good with it.
  16. My guess is the good citizens don't pay much attention to the positions of the people they elect. Urban politicians have learned just yelling racism and equity is enough to get the voters to fall in line and cast their vote for chaos.
  17. This story is a clear case of continuously moving the goal posts. The original contention from the Biden camp was Joe had no discussions about or knowledge of his son's business dealings. But now that talking with and meeting them has been exposed the story changed to he's not involved in his son's business dealings. Now Devon Archer will testify to the specifics of their business dealings which is expected to include testimony that will implicate Joe Biden in both knowledge and participation in his son's business dealings. So what's left might be an elderly gentleman "cannot recall the specifics of those discussions" defense. Yes they are worried. But not for Joe. The professional Washington insiders are all worried about themselves and the potential to expose their role in covering up and enabling the racket. And potentially expose other rackets.
  18. What technologies do we have currently that can replace the energy output currently generated by fossil fuels? I would say nuclear but that requires a 15 to 20 year lead time and there's not a lot urgency being demonstrated to deploy that technology. Fusion? Maybe 50+ years, if ever. If we can indeed address "climate change" (and fossil fuel depletion) without eliminating billions of people I'd like to see the plan and the details. Produced by engineers and scientists rather than politicians and environmentalists. I also just don't think there's enough discussion is public settings about the topics. Most of it is just believe what our "experts" are telling you and anyone that disagrees with their conclusions and ideas is a denier or misinformed. That's complete nonsense. Discussion and debate, diversity of ideas, and constructive criticism generally leads to better ideas and solutions.
  19. Maybe one of our resident history buffs can give us an overview of Ukrainian collaboration with Hitler's SS during WW2? And how history, like they claim shapes race and ethnic relations today in the USA, is also the guiding force currently in Ukraine.
  20. They're getting paid quite handsomely to censor whomever their told to censor. Most of what these platforms claim is "advertising" revenue is coming from the US government in the form of well laundered payments for censorship services. Don't believe for a minute these folks are acting out of some set of ideological beliefs. Its all about the money.
  21. Generally, few object to applying due process to Hillary. However, there's an understanding that she's exempt from due process since the Washington insiders cult, where party affiliation is not a requirement for membership, protects her from consequences. Legal and other types of consequences. Consequences from what you might ask? Well, disregarding Department of State rules for e-mail and document handling, which exposed confidential and secret government documents to hackers through the use of an unauthorized, and hence illegal e-mail server set up, destroying evidence covered under a court order to preserve evidence, evidence in the form of electronic records and physical devices. None of which were charged or pursued. The thought behind her use of the home server is doing so protected her correspondence from freedom of information inquires which might cover DOS servers and records. How much worse were Trump's transgressions considering the unique rules of Presidential authority? In his case its unclear to unknowable that foreign enemies got hold of anything while we know Hillary's servers were hacked and its almost certain Chinese and Russian intelligence got hold of classified information because of her negligence, willful negligence I would emphasize. Add to it the shady dealings of the Clinton Foundation, which suddenly saw a flood of donations from foreign actors drop to a trickle when Bill and Hillary were both out of official government positions and you've got the model for the payoff operation the Biden's are running. The difference being the Clinton's were a lot smarter about it along with not having a drug addicted child fronting for the family business. So call it a "hoax". That's your thing. All that proves is you're blind to reality.
  22. I'm in the mood today to tell it like it is. Because liberals are unreliable, lazy, constantly droning on about some "injustice" along with demanding narcissists craving constant attention so somebody has to do the work. It should be mandatory for them to wear tee shirts saying "I need attention" I might add 95% of the world's population struggling for survival could give a rat's ass about their "first world" pity party problems.
  23. So what this articulate and educated woman would prefer is to be treated like a raging douche bag and she'll be extatic?
  24. While we can debate the reliability of sources, but the actual question is reliability of the information. Does the House Oversight Committee have records of suspicious bank transactions reported to the IRS and cited by the IRS whistle blowers that their investigations identified as suspect transactions involving funds that found their way into accounting belonging to the Biden's or not? https://oversight.house.gov/release/comer-probes-hunter-bidens-suspicious-foreign-business-transactions-flagged-by-u-s-banks/
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