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Everything posted by All_Pro_Bills

  1. I'm guesing once the extent of their mischief is revealed no pardon will save them.
  2. Many non-anonymous sources have gone on record saying NBC is full of horseshit.
  3. A dozen current and former Fox employees that worked with and know Pete Hegseth have gone on record to refute the stories of anonymous sources cited by NBC.
  4. This story lis getting a lot of media coverage and looks like a big thing this morning. Going thru life drunk and stupid isn't a good look. No excuse for this behavior. These alcoholics should get to rehab. They're a disgrace and an embaressment to our fan base and team.
  5. I'm laying 10 to 1 odds that the American liberal media at some point in the news cycle is going to blame Trump's 2024 election victory for the coup in Korea. The theme being his win "emboldened" the Korean President to take this action. And it was a "dress rehearsal" for what Trump is planning. Wait for it...
  6. In general, cooperation is always preferable to confrontation. And in this case with Canada and Mexico, I'm not clear on exactly what either country is doing in violation of existing trade agreements, law, or business practices. Tariffs can be useful when it comes to addressing "dumping" activities or predatory practices but they won't solve the structural and cost realities of the US. As a substitute for other forms of domestic taxation my view is "show me". I'll believe it when I see it. Trump also threatened the BRICS nations with tariffs and other actions over their plans to develop a dollar substitute for currency reserves and trade settlement. But that threat lacks context. Simply, that initiative is a reaction driven by the US government's penchant for imposing economic and banking sanctions as a policy instrument to punish any country either disregarding or acting in opposition to Washington. As far as the BRICS are concerned their actions are out of necessity rather than desire. The idea is to avoid having your assets either frozen or confiscated simply because Washington has the ability to do it for one reason or another.
  7. Wasn't he also one of those folks that predicted the Jets with Aaron Rodgers would win the SB this season too?
  8. This clearly demonstrates how meaningless France is to anything.
  9. Absolutely. They will identify "waste" and then any programs and spending targeted for removal needs to be eliminated from the annual budget request and spending bills and passed by Congress.
  10. Sure we'd all consider pardoning our own children while weighing the crime and the consequences of doing so. But I think Joe's action is somewhat more self-serving than just pardoning his son. As VP Biden was leading US policy in Ukraine and there's no way Hunter would have been on the BOD of Burisma or involved elsewhere if his dad didn't use his power and set him up there for one reason or another. Hunter was the "bag man" for siphoning US aid money and private favors out of the country and into family member bank accounts. Now that Hunter is pardoned those investigations into his activities won't take place. As a result, Joe saved himself, and other family business actors, from any Trump administration DOJ investigation and charges stemming from any funny business taking place there.
  11. The staff of the New York Times thinks he's a "white" supremacist.
  12. Never fear! The FBI will be assigning the team currently hot on the trail of the 2021 DNC pipe bomb incident suspect to investigate threats against House menbers. Expect some breaking news on motive and a list of suspects sometime in 2029.
  13. To their own detrement the Democrats mis-repreesented the immigration issue. In most situations saying anyone opposing the open border policy is anti-immigrant. That's simply not true. What people rejected was chaos. That and disgust with the administration's prioritization of migrant needs with comtempt for Americans in need. Many that were thrown into the streets to make room for housing migrants in shelters and 4 star hotels. And told sorry, we have no funds to help you because we spent it all on illegal foreigners. Even giving spending money. And ignoring crime and other social issues the influx caused. Totally tone deaf policy but that is the far left on almost everything. And a mention of sanctuary cities. Some mayor's have chosen this hill to die on. If they inhibit ICE deportations I hope they throw their asses in jail for obstruction and freeze their assets and accounts for supporting terrorist foreign street gangs. Time for some hardball.
  14. The "movement" is simply making the fatal mistake of doubling down and over-playing their hand. No rational person is going to buy into this crap. Especially, when the consequences from non-obdience to trans dogma are nil. Denying reality is no longer chic and fashionable but the lunatics have yet to catch on to the change. Trans people should be treated with fairness and equality but their special status imposed by the fringe left is going to disappear.
  15. Is the appropriate term "Narco-State"?
  16. I conclude that Smith never really had any intention of bringing Trump to trial on any document handling charges. It was all about creating "optics" for the 2024 Presidential race. If Trump wasn't running for office this would have played out quietly. It was all about politics. The idea was to discredit the former President in the eyes of potential 2024 voters. The made-for-TV drama that was the FBI raid would not have been necessary. Leaking stories and information to create the perception of guilt along the way. Now that he won the election and there are no political points to score its all moot. Smith smartly chose to close out the case. Personally and professionally there's just no upside at this point. If anyone still wants to continue believing it was about the rule of law and the interests of national security pursuant to the handling of confidential and secret information then have at it. That's moot too. Lots of other political figures have gotten away with improper handling of secret and confidential documents, including former Senator Biden, and a consequence of Smith's investigation may be tougher scrutiny and treatment of others in the future. Be careful what you wish for might apply here.
  17. Do Meathead and his compatriots understand there's a good possibility there will be no place to go if the Biden & crew get their way and start WW3 before January 20th?
  18. A country with the most expensive and ineffective health care system of all developed nations with poor cost to outcome ratios that is also a price maximizing monopoly at every point in the health care delivery system is concerned about the impact of a potential department of health nominee that will initiate a change in approach and direction? Time to step out of the box. And two words of advice to this one on an initial action towards a healthy lifestyle, portion control.
  19. Its all part of a vast conspiracy. Trump will become "President for Life". That's why he's in tight with Musk. Elon is working on a secret project to utilize reverse engineered alien technology his SpaceX firm has acquired that will be used to transform Trump into a cyborg capable of "living" for 500 years. That will allow Trump to remain in the White House until the year 2528. But be careful: If you post this goof on social media liberals will either believe it or attempt to ban you for spreading misinformation!
  20. Liberals will begin repeatedly asking the question, wasn't Hitler's wife a blonde too?
  21. Well, the local ABC affiliate morning news mentioned Bondi "backed Trump's baseless claims of election fraud in 2020" so that might be one of their main talking points for opposing her confirmation to AG.
  22. Looks like MSNBC will be moving to Canada too. Soon to be MSCBC.
  23. That's what you get from people that believe Mao's "cultural revolution" is one of history's greatest moments.
  24. Based on their doctrine, condemnation and denial of reality is a prerequisite requirement for membership in the progressive woke cult. In simple terms, you need to be or act like a nutcase to get along with others inside the group.
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