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  1. Examples of excessive sentencing and over zealous pursuit of "suspects" are what many cite when the legal system is weaponized for political purposes. If this guy from Rochester broke a window at the Capitol and was a member of a protected social class or political group there's a high probability he would have received close to nothing in the form of a sentence. Recall the Portland Antifa attacking Federal property for months, the courthouse building, breaking windows, setting fires, attacking and injuring Federal officers. How many of those characters received 10 year sentences or did any hard time at all? On top of it we hear warnings from Democrats that Trump is going to weaponize the legal system against his political enemies. Like its a new concept to them. They should keep quiet, because they drew first blood and suddenly they want the fight to end because they've lost leverage over their enemies.
  2. I expect the legal premise behind "preemptive" pardons is going to face some legal challenges. What if one of these individuals killed 10 people in, say, 2018? Well, too bad, they can't be prosecuted because they were pardoned for anything and everything they did before 1/20/25 and can't be charged, tried, and convicted of any crime.
  3. I think Jackson needs to realize he doesn't need to be Superman on every play. Something Josh has figured out which has resulted in eliminating disastrous plays. The Ravens have a better roster and more talent than the Bills. But the Bills have a better team.
  4. Whether it was sacks, or penalties, or just lost yardage on run plays the Texans had way too many negative yardage plays on offense. Preferential treatment for Mahomes and the Chefs from the officials aside, I think that's why they lost as the defense played well enough most of the game.
  5. I don't disagree but I don't use any social media apps and I have my financial assets and transactions compartmentalized as to avoid having any single breach subjecting everything to risk. Along with doing simple things like using a pre-paid VISA gift card instead of your regular credit cards for minor purchases on things like fast food apps can limit your exposure. Nothing is totally secure just by the nature of these apps and cloud computing. You're likely more diligent with the use of security settings and options. Which is a good thing and a good practice.
  6. I think the bigger issue when it comes to apps like TikTok is the younger generations that grew up with these things simply have a low expectation of personal privacy. They have no desire or concern for keeping their lives private. They have no issue with spilling their personal life across the net. Being older. I have no use for these apps and prefer to keep my personal life as private as possible. Nobody needs to see my dance moves, vacation pics, get real-time updates on my activities, or pics of things like my meals. I don't see why anyone would care about those things. If the Chinese or US governments or anybody else wants to know anything about me they're going to have to work to get it.
  7. Yup. All the experts have pointed out the Ravens have scored a TD on every drive in every game. They don't even have a Punter on the roster. On defense every opponent drive has resulted in a punt or a turnover. And Henry has added 20 pounds of muscle mass and runs a 3.9 40. They also have 22 all-pro starters. They're so great that coach Harbaugh might rest QB Jackson and save him for the showdown with KC.
  8. Trump's biggest error of his first term was relying on, and trusting, assorted never Trumpers and establishment shills that populated the first administration. Feigning loyalty to the agenda while instead working 24/7 to sabotage the administration. Given the people he's nominated the 2nd time around, he's learned a lesson and is not going to make the same mistake again. This has the DC establishment comprised of both Democrats and Republicans, and other powerful entities crapping their pants over the prospect of losing much of their power and influence.
  9. The strategy is the same. In 2016 Trump was controlled by Putin. In 2024 he's controlled by Musk. The message is he's not working for you. Not working for the American people was exactly what the Biden administration did for their entire term in office. Will we ever know who has been pulling the strings on Biden the puppet for the last 4 years? Maybe, maybe not. But thankfully, its all scheduled to end on the 20th.
  10. I think the distinction is that under the current administration, officials have been reluctant to act on any such "tips". That might change. And I've expressed this view a few time, which is that the asylum designation has been exploited by both the Biden administration and those coming into the country. Most of the wave of migrants under Biden have come under the asylum program. Upon declaring for asylum, they were provided a hearing date and released into the country. So the hearing should determine if they can remain. If they show up for the hearing that is. If they do show up and the judge concludes their claim of asylum is valid they can stay. If the judge rules against them they will be required to leave. If they don't show up for the hearing they can be deported. The belief is that very few will actually qualify for asylum through this hearing process. Most will not show up. Under a Democrat administration ICE would not attempt to deport them. That should change. Then there's the "get aways" that avoiding detection and slipped into the US. They'll be sent back home.
  11. Of course there was a lack of oversight by facility management. What the police chief didn't say is that If the building managers tried to impose some sort of legal order, they would have been murdered by the gang members and the police would have done nothing.
  12. Talk is cheap. The Bills are a class organization where everyone says the right thing and just goes about their business. These guys, not so much. They stink of arrogance and conceit. It will be fun to see Allen & company eliminate them on Sunday.
  13. These fires are a disaster of Biblical proportions. And given the forecasts for high winds, potential exhaustion of firefighters, and a lack of water, the carnage could spread further to other neighborhoods. I saw estimates of financial damage from 130 to 150 billion dollars. The typical response to all of this is the Federal government will pick up the tab. How that will even work or be administered is uncertain. Who gets what, how much, and when is unclear. The economic impact on California and the rest of the US is uncertain. Where are all these displaced people going? To friends and neighbors homes? Probably not to hotels and shelters already filled with "migrants" courtesy of the taxpayers. If these get booted out on January 21st where will they all go? Where are all the building materials and construction workers needed to rebuild these homes and businesses coming from? And where will the live once thousands migrate to the area for higher wages and work opportunities? Surely there's potential to impact construction costs and time lines everywhere in the country. Add in the intricate web of building codes, inspections, environmental impact requirements and I suspect most of these structures will take years, if not decades, or maybe not at all, to rebuild. To this point, occupied by the immediate emergency, nobody has really thought through any of this and when they do there's going to be some serious consequences and challenges. Its going to be a total mess.
  14. Never achieving the goal is always a key attribute of all social crusades. Because achieving the goal, such as conquering inequality, threatens the existence of the group and the power its leadership has acquired. So the group and its crusade go on supported by always evolving goals, faulty metrics, and fresh and newly defined classes of victims to save.
  15. Nothing in publc sector health care is free. If the patient doesn't pay then the taxpayers do through programs like Medicare and Medicaid. I've said it a couple times PPP. The American heath care system is extremely expensive with some of the worst results of all developed economies. It isn't because of a lack of talent and skill from front line doctors, nurses, health care providers, social workers, or many others. It's because the system is comprised of cost maximizing monopolies at every point in the system. Because its government spending of other peoples money spent on somebody else. In the case of this type os spending neither cost or quality matter. Add in a chronically unhealthy population with a lot of bad habits and comorbidities and you get a society this is sick, fat, out of shape and prone to illnes resulting in a high level of medical interventions and needs.
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