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Everything posted by tonyd19

  1. +10000000000000000 FOR COACHES AND PLAYERS BOTH. I have a questions for everyne that comes on here and blasts the coaches, the GM, or the players. What makes you so arrogant to think you know more than the professionals who run this team? What experience do you have as NFL talent evaluators? The answer is you don't have any. I am not saying that what we are seeing is an acceptible product, but I can tell you everyone at 1BD knows a lot more about the talent and inner workings of this team than any of us armchair QB's do. Comming onto this board after a loss and seeing all of the immeasurably stupid, irrational, mindless and emotionally driven dribble that is spewed is almost as bad as watching the game all over again. Really, Chan and Nix are terrible....They've been here for four f*cking games! After Jauron I was on the verge too. I swore, I would not support this team unless it got a strategy, some discipline and some leadership moving forward. Now, Gailey wasn't my first choice, but from a leadership standpoint I like what I have seen so far. The team makes much fewer mistakes than it did under Jauron. The team is starting to produce at least a little offensively and defenses have to be honest when playing the Bills offense. Are they good....No. Will they get better if they stick with the plan and get some playmakers....Yes. Like Axel Rose once said, Just a little patience.....yea, yea, yea.
  2. Well, that is about all the abuse I can take for this week. I have better ways to spend my time than to watch the rest of this debacle. See (well type anyway) you all next week, and lets all hope they get better....Go Bills!!!
  3. +100000000000000000000000000
  4. I agree and they are totally different workouts, but jeez, all the front office had to do was take a glance at Orakpo and then take a glance at Maybin. The body types are like night and day. I don't watch a lot of college football, but I just can't believe you would take Maybin over that beast in Washington based on production, where they played and physicality??? I am at a complete loss. And I hope Maybin does well, I really do. Kind of a different workout, with the bands and everything, but seriously he was straining. Also, Gailey's comments did not seem to be a ringing endorsement of his work ethic. How the hell does a 22 year old professional athlete wear down after taking 35 snaps? What I heard Gailey saying was, he is very over matched and needs to take his career a lot more seriously if he wants to stay around here.
  5. Also just read the article. Let me translate. "I now know that I should have stayed in school another year or two before declaring for the draft. That is whay I can't compete at this level. I also now know I should have been working harder to get stronger the last two years instead of taking strippers to the Bahamas. That is why I am not starting this year and also why Eric Wood called me out for stealing money in the pre-season. But it's not my fault, the coaches are not adjusting their defense around MY game. If I could just do exactly what I want to do and everyone would leave me alone, I would be kicking ass. So for now, I will throw out a bunch of cliches like "I'm about winning foortball games" to draw attention away from my epic failures as a pro."
  6. I just watched both those video's and I think I am going to vomit. Was Maybin squating 135 pounds? I can't believe the difference in strength between those two. Jauron was an idiot. Maybin better start tweeting less, and lifting more if he wants an NFL job next year.
  7. Fast forward to next year. Assuming everyone is healthy and continue to progress. LT - Bell OG- Ubrick C- Wood RG- Levitre RT- Wang Or possibly Bell to RT if we pick up a future LT in the draft, with Wang, Cordero, Green, Harngartner & Meredith as back-ups? Looks like a good young line with pretty good exeprience. I am ok with that.
  8. You mean Edna Guaranelli right. How are things in Rochester?
  9. With Trent throwing the ball, that was his best chance of being hit with anything for the rest of the year.
  10. Crash Davis "Your shower shoes have fungus on them. Youll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, youll be classy. Win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press will think youre colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it only means you are a slob."
  11. 1) Poz 2) Davis 3) Mitchell All three are better than Kelsay as a LB. I think you could even make an argument that Ellis and Torbor are better LB's than Kelsay. Hell I think Danny Batten is probably a better LB than Kelsay. I like what I have seen out of the front office so far, but I don't get this move at all. Hopefully, they know more than we do.
  12. I am writing this post because of all the trade rumors for Marshawn Lynch that a lot of posters here keep discussing. I have termed the press as having "The Yankee Syndrome" when it comes to teams who are perpetually bad like the Bills. The National media gets into a group think mentality that makes irrational moves look rational in order to prop up a good team at the expense of a bad one. Let me give you an example, for years, media types have propped up bad trades by teams like the Pirates and Royals to teams like the Yankees before the trade is complete, only to bash the bad team later. For years, teams like the Pirates and Royals have been known as "The Yankees Farm Team" as kind of a cruel running joke. I see this mentaility now when it comes to our Bills. I have seen media outlets almost demanding Buffalo trade Marshawn Lynch to the Pakers for the greater good of the Packers. They continue to try and drum up interest and state that Buffalo's inability to give away their best players is somehow a detriment to the organization. I am asking all of you here, not to buy into this group think mentality. I guarantee you if Buffalo does trade Lynch, you will see the media bash Buffalo for giving away a pro bowl running back in his prime for a mid round draft pick - and how this is evidence of why we continue to be a laughing stock. As a team we have a lot of areas which need infusions of talent. Trading our best all around running back for one or two 3rd/4th round picks so Green bay can make a Super Bowl run is not in the best interests of our team.
  13. He'll probably end up in SF and that is a good fit for him.
  14. Sometimes both the guy and the team need a change of scenery to get back on track. I hope Trent has a long career in the NFL and this move gets the Bills one step closer to finding their QB of the future.
  15. If playing sports has taught me anything it is this. Some guys are practice players and some guys are gamers. Trent is a practice player and Fitz is a gamer, with limited skills. The coaching staff waited to see Trent under pressure, and were quick to make the decision that he was not getting it done and moved on quickly. That is decisive leadership and I am fine with the move. I think the cut has more to do with the locker room than him not having the skills to even be on the team. Also, who would you rather have right now? Colt McCoy or Jimmy Claussen as the future of the franchise? Those were the options. I would rather have Luck or Mallet to be honest with you. Believe me I am sure if Sam Bradford was available at 9 last year, we would have drafted him.....Then traded every other pick we had and our first rounder this year to move back up to try and get Spiller.
  16. Good call, I was thinking when was the last time the blls offense scored 30 points in a game? I mean a time when they scored 30 without 5 turnovers or the defense scoring a td?
  17. Here is a question for everyone. What is the last in season trade you can remember in the NFL???? I can't think of one, they rarely happen. Everyone here better get used to the idea that we have 3 RB, becasue it is more likely than not that's the way it is going to stay.
  18. If you don't like being laughed at go do some f&cking thing about it instead of talk!!!! Man up and make a play. I like Whitner and want him to do well, but stop whining and just out play the bastards.
  19. Seriously, you want to trade a first round pick for a herpes infested fellon who has started one game in four years and has maybe 1 or 2 years left before his speed starts to leave him. Thank god you are not the GM.
  20. Are you suprised, this is the same fan base that was calling for Kelly to be replaced by Reich.
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