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Everything posted by tonyd19

  1. Fitz is at fault too, but that is a pretty tight fit in that situation. If its over thrown its out of bounds or incomplete and the clock stops. If its under thrown its picked. the play there was run the ball and eat time, I don't care if Stevie was open by 10 yards. The way the defense was playing, you kill as much of the lock as possible. Try for 7 and take the 3 if you need to. Sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.
  2. Stupid call in that situation and terrible execution from Fitz, but hey that happens sometimes. Well get em in two weeks!
  3. Florence - maybe the worst game from a db I have ever seen. Fitz - two bad picks, and took two bad sacks to put us out of field goal range Gailey - had the game in hand with 1st and 10 from the 27 with under 5 minutes left were averaging about 7 hers a carry and he calls a deep pass to Johnson. Just bad game mangement. The front 7 - manning could have ordered and eaten lunch every time he droped back today. No.pressure at all, but the three best pass rushes on the team were out, so that was not completely unexpected. Given how many young guys we had out there today, I cant really find too much fault with the other guys. All in all I was proud of how well they hung in there today and almost pulled it out despite the injuries and mistakes.
  4. The safeties played really well, so did mcgee. Florence was an absolute disaster. It's pretty hard to cover guys for 20 seconds every play because there was zero pressure all day today from the front seven.
  5. This game should hopefully put to rest all the talk about how bad Merrimen, Kelsey and Williams have been or are. Absolutely no pressure from the d. Moats is not the answer outside. I think the d is a lot better than they have played when at full strength. Florence was absolutely terrible today, completely killed us out there. McKelvin and Mcgee need to be playing as much as possible. I am not that down though. For as many mistakes as we had and with a lot of injuries, the game was ours on the road against a pretty good opponent. We will contend all year long.
  6. Rable, Rable, Rable, Rable!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Not a big rap fan, but that was cool. Go Bills!!!!!
  8. No, I'm serious. If someone here is good with media it wouldn't take much time to do and if there really were quite a few blantent calls being missed every week, it would not be that dificult to draw attention to it.
  9. Is there anyone out there who is very good with media. As in, looking at video, and capturing still pictures. I think it might be a good idea to review every game and pick out all the blantent holding, pass interference, etc non-calls and put them up on facebook and twitter every week. Also send them to the NFL offices on a weekly basis. We could call it The Bills Get Screwed Again website (or something like that). We all have known for years now that Buffalo gets totally screwed with calls. Maybe with the new social media sites, we as fans can actually call attention to it nationally and help the team out. It would have to start small, but if it got enough attention, we may start calling atention to it, if there was real evidence of non-calls. (By the way I am in total agreement that the NFL wants to see certain teams win and certain teams not win - and I am far from a conspiracy theory type of guy.)
  10. Wow, farve has his faults for sure, but this thread is just stupid. Calling the guy talented and a guy who plays in a good situation on a talented team is not badmouthing him. Perhaps fare should have said the packers were terrible prior to rodgers arrival and that every player in the NFL is not fit to carry his jock... Would that have made you happy? I swear some people.
  11. I love Lamp.
  12. Hey I have lived here for more than 10 years and actually wortked at Santora's during my college days. Santora's has been changed to a place called Steeles. It is still the same ownership, but they are definitely going in a new direction with the restaurant. There are quite a few places to watch the game here in Vegas, but Johnny Mac's is the best. (too bad too, because a few years ago I would have said Santora's) I will be there Sunday if you want to come by and say hey. I will be sitting with some Bengals fans....shouldn't be too hard to miss. The name is Tony.
  13. At least you had animal carcasses, we couldn't afford expensive luxuries like food or sunlight. we had to eat dirt......and we were thankful for it!!!!!
  14. Pay the man. If anyone on this team has earned a big payday its Fred.
  15. Mike Tyson got three years in jail for less than what nelson got on that call....they had to throw the flag on that.
  16. Big game today for both teams.....maybe a raiders bills AFC championship this year. Great to hear from u chronic, if you keep coming around we may convert u to a bills fan!
  17. Dude, just read that article...very cool reference
  18. That was not a school girl scream it was Fitz's mating call for bi-sexual cheerleaders. Like moths to a flame.
  19. Watcha gonna do When fitzmagic and the bills Run wild over you! Or you could replace Fitzmagic with Fred Jackson Both will pound the pats Getting pounded is What gizelle has never been Cuz Brady likes men!
  20. That's ok, if Martin drops another this week, Fitz will just make sure the ball levitates in mid air until he gets his hands on it again....problem solved.
  21. When Obama gets that phone call at two in the morning....he immediately calls Fitz.
  22. Fitz has never done a push-up, he just pushes the ground down. The Texas state flag used to have six points in it's lone star, until Fitz threw a spiral and knocked one off.
  23. How awesome would it feel to have Buffalo just boat race the Pats this week and stun the world. I mean just piss on them like 56 to 13. I know I am dreaming, but damn that would make my whole year.
  24. If that happened, Fitz would just part the clouds with his mind and heal himself before the next play. So the Pats know that won't work! You have to get consistant pressure on Brady with your front four rushers and drop 6. It has been the only way Brady has been beat. If you rush 1 and drop 10 he finds a way to carve you up. If you rush 10 and drop 1 (not literal for all of the haters out there) he finds a way to carve you up...Should be a great test next week. I think it will be a very good game.
  25. I hate to piss in everyone's Wheaties, and I hope I am waaaay wrong on this, but after watching our secondary today, The Pats may put up 52 by themselves next week.
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