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Everything posted by iinii

  1. You aren't Fitz, so.....hypothetically speaking? Interesting how this has turned into a Peyton/Elway calls his shot(s) thread. Too bad Fitz won't sign a deal he doesn't like. Fitz knows this is no bridge year for himself. The chances of Fitz coming out and looking like Aaron Rodgers or Marcia ain't happening and he knows it. He knows he has to get all he can this year and if you haven't heard this one before, I don't think Fitz's heart is "all in." I believe Fitz knows his psyche can't handle another game ending, season ending pick six.
  2. Fitz is playing them. Jets are too tight on the cap and Fitzy knows it. Jets wanted to make an IPO out of this, Harvard Man and Wall Street?
  3. Football players play. Posers..... JH is a player. My only problem with him is the penalty issue he had last year.
  4. The bad news is it's a Kardashian.
  5. I cut the cord and don't miss ESPN at all. It has become, as you say overhyped and way too redundant. They should just get Kelly Ripa and Barbara Walters to do SC. ESPN is the canary in the coal mine. Once they are unable to pay the exorbitant fees for the NFL the bidding war becomes smaller and we will see more market correction across the board. As far as the ticket goes I got sick of shelling out 300+ to watch the Bills come up short. The NFL has to expand to other markets or it will shrink also. Kids don't watch it like we did. There are just too many other options now, which brings me to LA. Inglewood won't be the golden goose Kroenke hopes for, but then again stadiums aren't the big revenue source for teams, just the icing now. And it all comes back to ESPN and TV. TV has ruined the game as a live experience and to me the game in general. The flow of action is broken up and disjointed by the commercials. The rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Ad revenue will drop and the downward spiral will continue. We have seen the high watermark on this one.
  6. You don't remember?
  7. Raiders ain't going to no wine and cheese party
  8. And the Jets have the leverage here? I still don't see it. Fitzy holds all the cards IMO, as I have clearly stated before. Oh and Fitz won't sign for less to spite the Jets.
  9. Could being the operative word here.
  10. Thanks Ty! As stated before TD makes the best Koolaid.
  11. I know what the blue ones are. What are the red ones? I prefer TD's articles over the others. He doesn't pine for the good ole days and generally tries to find a half full glass of Koolaid!
  12. Or he just stays away from mouthy teenagers
  13. With ten more pages to go, it is already the worst?
  14. Can't wait til the Circus comes to town.
  15. That means that Jason Pierre Paul and Eli Manning (the top two earners on the Giants for 2015) pay a “mere” 46.6% of their NFL income in taxes, instead of the over 50% rate they would pay in NYC. (Note: Our analysis was done before JPP’s newest and smaller contract.) so if he signs for $12 million he pockets 6.5. I am even more convinced he isn't that hungry. Latrell Sprewell might be.
  16. Just for the sake of fun. Wouldn't you rather beat Brady early while he drags this thing out an extra month or two and then has to serve his suspension late in the year. Maybe even Playoffs? One can dream....
  17. Ah ha! That I can understand, The Jets not wanting to shell out large for a guy that can't throw deep and is Captain Pick Six. Fitz is probably smart enough to realize his limitations and would like to play but knows at the end of the day he is mid-tier at best. With the CTE stuff out there and other types of injuries that could wreck a millionaire's life, he ain't doing it on the cheap. One more angle to this that I see is, how much is the state income tax in New York and what is the real value of the contract after taxes? 12 million after taxes looks like what? Jake the Snake walked away, I think Fitz is the one with leverage. He is the one that can get up from the table. The Jets can't, they have backed themselves into a corner. They have to play ball, Fitz doesn't. All of those game ending drops, picks and losses have to take a toll on a man's psyche.
  18. They are "all In!" Win, lose or draw they are gonna fight ya. Given "system guys" they might pull it off. Ask Coach Reed. Ragland could be the next Ray Lewis and Washington/Ngata?
  19. Any of y'all ever hear of Jake Plummer?
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