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Everything posted by iinii

  1. Band and theater should be illegal! The number of kids who grow up dreaming of being in a stage production on Broadway is appalling. And the toll it is taking on them emotionally, physically and mentally is criminal! The hang nails alone are so numerous I can't believe no one has noticed.
  2. How early do you actually start drinking?
  3. So the N.F.L is not culpable? Who or what am I hiding from? So science proving global warming is flawed?
  4. Do you know what OSHA stands for? Maybe the NFL or The SEC or Big 10 should be in charge so the golden goose doesn't turn bronze. Maybe it should be left up to individuals and teams, kind of like in the past. Maybe Star and Briles should oversee this. They have shown us appropriate behavioral norms at every step justify winning and who cares if anyone gets hurt. Is that it WEO? Everybody is doing it Mom.....so it must be okay.3. I think Ive always admired Hall of Fame linebacker Harry Carson for his post-career dedication to the long-term head-trauma issues that plague so many former players. Now Carson has engaged a group of doctors and concussion victims to discuss the impact of concussions and lesser hits to the head. On Monday, Carson and his group of experts will give an educational program to media members at NYU Langone Medical Center in Manhattan at 10 a.m. Education is so important in this area, Carson said. What we want to do is make sure the people who cover sports know the seriousness of what theyre dealing with. From MMQB
  5. http://www.wsj.com/articles/in-television-deals-nfl-plays-by-its-own-rules-1409797802 Exactly where did I say they should forfeit anything?
  6. That's the only time I've ever felt like a team should be held civilly liable for exposing a player to further injury............how the Bills medical staff passed that guy is beyond me. quoting #Badol here. Just for the record
  7. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2643465-jets-need-reality-check-if-they-plan-to-continue-without-ryan-fitzpatrick Fitz won't cave.
  8. who gets the bus? How many people bought lottery tickets last weekend?
  9. rank them post season and see how much changed
  10. Make jokes, bury your head in the sand, blame others. Virtually every other occupation has guidelines to avoid destroying employees lives, not always adhered to, but none the less they exist. I recently had the pleasure of being around some ex-pros who had won the Heisman and there were rumblings about how Tony Dorsett needs a handler so he doesn't just wander off these days. He is far from the only one, but go ahead and have your fun there is nothing to see here.
  11. http://www.si.com/nfl/2016/05/31/nfl-concussion-congress-roger-goodell
  12. You can lead a N.F.L. Quarterback to water but you can't make him drink.......
  13. "this is a pretty face!"
  14. you make good points but I stand by my assertion that Fitz is not convinced and isn't doing it for less than any of the other starters making starter money. Those same personal career goals are the same ones that won't let him play for less. The Jets need Fitz more than Fitz needs the Jets. Fitz doesn't have to play football and the Jets do.
  15. Alcohol, Guns and Cars. What is it Dungy says? nothing good ever happens after 10:00 p.m.?
  16. Maybe they could go back to running the old single wing formation?
  17. The Jets better check their bank account.
  18. Let's get back to my rant. I think the N.F.L. should take control of the actual game back from the Networks and their Sponsors. They could start by shortening up the length of commercial breaks. Before you go crazy hear me out. Instead of all of the 3 minute breaks every 30 seconds, cut it to one minute on change of possession and triple the price. They consumer wins because the commercials become more Super Bowl like and shorter. The Red Zone has a niche because you can "watch" multiple games at once because there is rarely anything going on at the same time even if you have 6 games going. The advertisers win because the consumer is more focused. Simple question: How many of you pause a game so you can then zip through the commercials and wind up finishing roughly when it is over anyway? Or just put a gag order out, record the game and watch sans commercials later? I believe the N.F.L. could strengthen their brand and spread the games out a bit if they would package them better. Attention spans aren't interested in 15 FanDuel commercials per game along with the competing 15 other products and their 15 spots per.
  19. but do they do it that well?
  20. I like it. Ground and Pound works for me. I like all the artistry and big plays the aerial attack provides but if you can run on a team you can throw it all day!
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