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Everything posted by iinii

  1. Maybe you could play the role of the Unaffiliated Neurotrauma Specialist.
  2. Now back to our regularly scheduled programming. How do you know Henderson was smoking weed? There are assumptions being made and you know what they say about that. Testing positive can come from any number of derivatives. He may be ingesting "pot" orally. He may be ingesting "pot" that is high, no pun intended, in cannabinoids and not THC. Maybe it is none of our business what he puts in his body and why. Maybe he doesn't care what you think either, but at least in the court of public opinion he has failed. Now back to the dead horses in Mexico.....
  3. Maybe they have been over to Tom Brady's house?
  4. Contrary to some people's beliefs around here and else where, nothing can expand forever. Eventually there is a high watermark and then a contraction. I believe and have for some time the N.F.L. has reached its Zenith.
  5. May we quote you?
  6. Every Sunday
  7. Sure then the fluff is buried in the pack of 12:00 games. Why use prime time for mediocre and why put meaningful competitive games in that slot?
  8. No the biggest problem is the Raiders are moving to Vegas!
  9. Speaking of dead horses, did you know there are 75k Wild horses roaming the country and it is a problem.
  10. Yep. And the problem for the league is that the pipeline is full of guys that spark up. Add to that a lot of the ones that do make it realize Michael Bennett was right, they are purely on loan. Just cattle bought and sold at auction to wage war on each other. Now a little kid's dream is shattered, and a grown man is left to make sense of it all. For every Tom Brady there are 1000's of also rans. Guys who wake up one day and realize that they are one hit away from not being able to walk maybe. People say they know that going in. No they don't, that seed was planted a long time ago when they were little kids running around the backyard emulating their heroes.
  11. I don't care who gets high, who plays and who doesn't. I am giving both a pass to live their lives the way they want to. It ain't my job to judge. Maybe you should accept the fact they are grown men and can do as they please.
  12. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
  13. Karlos doesn't have to worry about a thing, he is already living rent free in a number of poster's heads. Maybe he just wants to be an out of shape old man and for that he is being crucified and vilified, his choice folks.
  14. Maybe they could teach him to be a physicist while they are at it.
  15. Let's not get ahead of ourselves here.
  16. Maybe he just didn't want to play football anymore. Maybe the concussion thing weighed heavily on his decision making process. Maybe there is more to life than money earned getting your head bashed in for your enjoyment.
  17. the Raiders need to stay in Oakland. The N.F.L. should give them the 500 million dollar relocation fee to stay.
  18. Someone isn't happy.
  19. http://www.snopes.com/politics/satire/marlboro.asp
  20. Oh and by the way there are a lot of people who smoke weed and make well in excess of six figures. I hate to break it to you old timers but listening to all the reefer madness propaganda is just that, propaganda, perpetuated by big tobacco, the alcohol industry, big pharma and that old reliable government.
  21. Misinformation reigns supreme! Every coin has two sides and you know what they say about opinions. Carry on.....
  22. 19 million is peanuts?
  23. That sounds painful!
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