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Everything posted by iinii

  1. And you expected what?
  2. When he knocked the ball out of Lett’s hand in what had become a meaningless game is enough for me.
  3. Is your phone Freudian?
  4. Seems a bit outlandish but you never know. Last year only one division finished with 3 teams above .500. I am not seeing the Jets rounding out the three, even if NE has a rough year.
  5. Why don’t they just play football and not commercials that cause incessant game breaks?
  6. Great! It has obviously been awhile since I have been back for a game. Thanks
  7. I have been remembering since I read that article the day it hit my desk back in ‘01. I promptly purchased an away Jersey with his name and number because of his selfless commitment to everything and everyone. In no real order, but Family, Football, Country, his Brothers on that hill. I have said for years he should be on the Wall at New Era. He may not have the yards, tackles, throws the others do but none of them combined gave as much as he did. Thanks Bob Kalsu! BTW I chose an away jersey since he didn’t make it home.
  8. They also have different houses, wives, cars and just about everything else. To me it is still McBeane and to you Hallen!!!! Ain’t the First Amendment grand? What a country!!!!
  9. You can retire whatever you want but as long as they are joined at the hip, it’s McBeane
  10. Cheers. Tasker was terrible, especially during Bills’ games.
  11. Sorry, couldn’t resist.
  12. He said he was bored.....
  13. I have been saying and still believe the young is going to regret not choosing baseball
  14. Kraft has something you can shine.
  15. Why don’t you go get it for me? Then you can shine my shoes and Mr. WEO’s while we laugh at you.
  16. I tried too. Doc just couldn’t let that bone go.....
  17. I was hoping for a reasonable argument but I see this is the off season and idle minds do wander.
  18. Only in a perfect world. Ever heard of the Golden Rule? He who has the most gold, makes the rules.
  19. Do you have some sort of crystal ball?
  20. Seems like you are bootstrapping counselor
  21. I said all along D would be the pick and when Oliver is there you double down
  22. I was trying to be politically correct
  23. My Grandfather knew children weren’t for sale, sort of a no brainer. As far as all that loyalty, integrity stuff goes many a man has made a deal with many a devil. You don’t live in a glass house do you?
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