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Everything posted by iinii

  1. But the draft isn’t where you spend 90 million.
  2. Why does Dion have the need to remind us Josh is white? Is it harder for white people to have swag? If Cogs says the same thing about a QB of color there would be a backlash. Similar to Dave Chappelle, a white comedian would be destroyed if he/she made similar jokes to most of the ones Dave does in his new special. FYI I think Sticks and Stones is hilarious. Dion and the populous at large would have been better served if he had just said Josh is a big kid with swag.
  3. Agreed, with the first part. If we are to take the next step this is a game we win. The Jets aren’t making the playoffs if they win this one. We should make the playoffs and we should win this one. I know we have new faces on offense but a very good defense, stability and continuity. With or without the three points, I am taking the Bills.
  4. Losing on week two combined with an opening day loss drives your chances down even farther.
  5. Well we will see on Sunday. As they say, “that’s why they play the game.” One of the reasons anyway.
  6. Little chance of that. The Jets aren’t a contender and I think we win going away. Our D will carry them against a team we should sweep this year.
  7. So if they win this one they will be 2-0?
  8. Every game counts the same.
  9. A player, coach and team living rent free.
  10. That tells me there was a remarkable lack of talent on the team to begin with.
  11. If he wants money and carries over a ring he must have lost something. No wonder he was released.
  12. I know. It seems it was just last week he was the man. All coaches lie, they have to. Sadly it has become the nature of the beast.
  13. I guess you will just have to live with it then.....
  14. I have never said challenging someone is undemocratic. I said shutting down threads when they asked questions mods don’t like is. There are two examples of that today. You were taking the same route in one of them. The other one lasted even less time. Blasting the dissent. And it isn’t unique to the Bills but more nebulous since they have an extremely small sample size to go on and that is who we are discussing. Says so at the top of every page.
  15. I have stated it at least twice. These guys haven’t proven anything, which is what the OP was pointing out. Yet you are ready to blast anyone who might realize that. Is that so hard for you to grasp?
  16. There is a debate here. OMG, really? Shocking. I am going to ask you one more time. What is their record?
  17. No. There is a similar thread that has been locked similar to this one that has been locked like others that question OBD. That is what I was referring to not the back and forth, but since you mentioned it; whenever you talk down to someone by calling them names or characterization of their words in a derogatory manner you are acting like you have some moral/intellectual high ground. AND I hate to break it to you but you don’t. And you totally missed the bird/bush thing. The guys they had last year are not in the hand. Didn’t you hear? They were cut, traded, released. They guys they have now are somewhere in between. They may have done XYZ elsewhere but not so much in OP. The jury is out and you ain’t the foreman. Sorry
  18. You continue to prove my observations. I posited some things and you seem to believe since I appear not to agree I am full of drivel in your sanctimony.
  19. How about the old adage your are what your record says you are? What they have now is what is in the bush. These guys haven’t proven anything in a Bills’ uni. And you are only proving my point about how any thing that isn’t Rah Rah has to be wrong. So this is the “crap” you spoke of?
  20. Ever heard of one in the hand is worth two in the bush?
  21. I believe you have asked a very good question and since this thread isn’t a rant full of half cocked pot shots it may not get locked. Democracy and freedom of speech around here seem to be frowned upon. If you don’t Homer Up and toe the party line of OBD’s every move is grand, censorship steps in. This many new faces on one side of the ball doesn’t typically bode well. We shall see if Daboll can make sense of this group but I do believe it is a fair assessment to wonder if too many resources/attention has been allocated to defense. Speculation and hype surrounding Gore/Beasley/Morse is pie in the sky at this point. Until we see points/wins/rings this braintrust is still got plenty to prove.
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