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Everything posted by iinii

  1. i have been saying most for most of the last half of the season we need to put a defense on the field that scares people. we need to draft d. lineman and linebackers. if you watched last night's game you realize the quarterback's had little to no time to look down field. they were avoiding sacks and pressures. great upfront pressure makes d. backs way better and great defenses win championships!
  2. pittsburgh proper and metro are roughly half the size of hot'lanta. you might want to do your homework before making such outlandish posts.
  3. they would play golf, go fishing, get to know the wife and kids again. it may not be full time refs we need but ones that can keep up with the game. the age disparity between players and refs is way to big. these young men playing are super athletes and the old guys covering them aren't. never mind all that what is up with holding? it happens all the time and gets called seemingly when it is convenient.
  4. would that be the DE from the lab?
  5. like he saved tech from a middling S.E.C. team?
  6. i doubt it, high profile texas players don't seem to fair well in the big dance.
  7. i am shocked too, but think there are a number of reasons here. one is detroit, one is some of these guys aren't ready and no where near ready to play in the Motor City, unless they do an Atlanta, and some may want another year of B.M.O.C., especially Trojans and Gators. I did think more would jump since this may be the last year of big money for rookies. Maybe we could get an independant poll?
  8. he didn't look like a number one against florida. he looked hesitant and a little too reactive to me to be considered a number one on draft day. maybe stoops didn't handle the preparation well but.......
  9. Exactly i wouldn't take K2 for anything higher than a fourth and i am not sure i would make that trade. he has trouble staying on the field. We need lineman on both sides of the ball, especially defense, draft them. Get two ends and two tackles, competition makes them all better. Get a proven center too much for a rookie to handle and draft linebackers. i want a defense that takes the ball away from people. Defense wins championships.
  10. I know that the Browns will also trade tight end Kellen Winslow this off-season and that he has not been a part of any discussions with coaching candidates. you think Peters is a problem wait till Winslow shows up an starts demanding more money, which will be immediately, due to his already shortened career prospects. K2 is the next T.O. just waiting to derail a team.
  11. Bradford reminded me too much of JP. Way too much deer in the headlights. Too much uncertainty
  12. load up on lineman is the answer. a great pass rush makes everyone better as does a dominating offensive line. get mike singletary, he understands the basics. if you can run the ball when they are expecting it, play great defense you are in every game. period. you can have all the skill position players in the world but with no solid men in the trenches you get pushed around and run over.
  13. i have a number of posts on this and finally someone said something worthwhile. way to go "the Dean". with this being said maybe he should be taken number one overall.
  14. you would rather have favre? Sports Illustrated at the beginning of the season ran an article predicting exactly what happened to him this year. For the last five years Brett looks real good to open the season and then fades miserably down the stretch. throws more interceptions than touchdowns in December and January. Favre is done.
  15. go ahead take vince (i don't want to go back in they booed) young. i'll see you at the bust stop. vince can't take the pressure of playing in nashville, imagine buffalo. You think he lost his cookies in Tennessee, in Western New York he would meltdown like frosty the snowman. i can take apart anynumber of those q.b. trades but don't feel the need since you named how many losers? like the original post and others concur we need defensive help. our draft needs to be focused on position like the Titans did last year. Draft defensive and offensive linemen along with a linebacker to take ellison's position. we need someone to rotate in to collapse the pocket along with an end and linebacker with a bad 'tude to get pressure so the opposing quarterback does not have time to sip his tea and wait for someone to come open. give DJ (you have to at this point) one more year to put all the pieces in place and then we can get a real coach to carry this young team to the promised land.
  16. i wouldn't freak, he (mays) could be a blend of palo and reed. Mays has range and speed, but we need serious help up front.
  17. Cutler played for Vanderbilt. He took Florida to the wire at the swamp once but as for won-loss puh-lease, vandy hasn't had a winning season in so long you can't hold that against him. the pick we should have made is Ngata. that type of player makes a lot of safeties better since the quarterback is running for his life. this is why i think we should take some stud defensive lineman and get it done with the front four so that the linebackers and d.b.'s do their thing. a la Tennessee and Baltimore.
  18. the way i feel about peters can only be answered by the crystal ball. if you give him the money will he come in and be dominant? i know money is a motivator but that whiff on the j.p. fumble in the jets game to me has nothing to do with money unless he is taking passive aggressive to a new level. it would be nice to see players play for pride no matter how much money they make. yeah yeah i know that was long ago. peters has gone from bust out player to inflated and will be like stroud when he goes to another team should that occur and say he was disrespected, play with a chip on his shoulder for awhile and then take a play off when he likes. paying players too much up front takes away the incentive for improvement. it happens way too much, especially when it comes to rookies. look at the number of first round busts that litter the landscape and not just from the Bills.
  19. a top flight free agent LT is going to get his money so if you can get an existing contract torn up and get a raise for that player then franchise tags and future players at that position only get more due to the aggregate at the position
  20. i couldn't agree more, and it is extremely frustrating. one would think that jauron could hold his own with anybody due to his education and pedigree but on game day he looks lost sometimes. it is like he over thinks situations and tries way too hard to out fox the other guy.
  21. those are the things we need, as i and most have said before. i firmly believe that numerous coaches in the league could take the talent we have and do much much more.
  22. sad but true. are we cursed by some kicking karma?
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