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Everything posted by iinii

  1. Are we going to make Pettigrew a tackle?
  2. Please specify shade of orange for those who may not be paying careful attention.
  3. I got a say, we would have one hell of a receiving corp, and I am a firm believer in loading up positions in the draft instead of putting all my chips on one guy. Teams would be so wrapped up in keeping T.O., Evans, and Boldin under wraps Fine or Shouman ought to be able to find some open field somewhere. You may be onto something Skooby.
  4. Was Jennings a cap casuality? He signed a hefty contract when he went there and this could be getting into those back loaded years that never materialize. He may be washed up but probably worth a look. He had fire and game when he played for us.
  5. I was the first to put Ayers out there on this board and still like him. Now that Mayock has him rated so high I am inclined to value Mayock's analysis more. Another player I would love for us to get is Moala. He won't go early so we should have a legit shot at him without it being too much of a gamble. As I have said in the past we, the Bills, need to be focused in our draft by position and need and not quite so knee jerk. I think we should get at least two players for our defensive line and not put so much into one guy. Competition and Depth only strengthen a team. The loss of Peters is a concern, our o-line needs help too, so if we have to basically draft linemen this year so be it.
  6. Me too, cause i thought it was Richard Simmons
  7. yesterday, and I plan on more happiness today
  8. Exactly, Peters was ready to move and would have never played with fire and zeal for us again. Pittsburgh rarely gives into big money "me" guys and look at there performance record. I say good bye Jason, build a team and win as a team. Oh I forgot we got T.O.
  9. What was that quote? "If I can lose with you and can lose without you."
  10. The front office should pony up with Jackson. He is a solid number two and deserves pay commensurate with skills and attitude. As I have said before, who cares, it is Ralph's money and he has plenty plus we are solid under the cap.
  11. It's called have and have nots, I am grateful for the four of last six at home though.
  12. I have two words for everyone, Anquan Bolden. played with a busted head for what was it? 900k. He was disgruntled too but still but his pads on like a man and did his job. The Bills need to hold the line, long before Graham wrote his article, someone in here suggested that Peter's motivation was suspect. Peters is shooting himself in the foot. NO one is going to pony up elite money for a guy who only plays when he deems the team, game or bank account worthy.
  13. Everyone has found him guilty. Whitner has been convicted in the court of public opinion already. There is no benefit of doubt anymore. You miss the point, black men are seen by the police totally different than whites. If I was sitting in a Benz in Culver City I'll bet you any amount of money that a cop doesn't even give me a second look.
  14. What is going on? Why is everyone so quick to crucify Whitner? Just maybe there was an overzealous cop in Cleveland, just maybe he had a bone to pick with a pro athlete and decided he could take it out on a young black man named Whitner. Have you already forgotten about Moats in Houston? What did he do? NOTHING!
  15. i would love to see Jackson get nice chunk. Ralph has it, we are plenty under the cap, and Fred deserves it. Plus it sends Peters the right message.
  16. all by himself or will he play with a team?
  17. that is my point, the thread started with this assertion and it may have very little reality to it. So MHO all of this talk is about like Granny Hawkins said in "Outlaw Josey Wales" worth DOODLY SQUAT!
  18. Brown played in the soft A.C.C. and true others have come from lesser environs to dominate so if he is our pick I hope you are right. WE need a play making defensive end, a man among men tackle, and a big big hitting linebacker. i have said all along i don't want much. Give me all that and Mays out of U.S.C. next year and I will be satisified for a while at least.
  19. What did Coach Ditka say the other day on Mike and Mike? Some of those guys looked great in the shower but when we got out on the field they weren't football players, so let Mr. workout warrior go lift somewhere else. I want someone who will immediately step in and play on the defensive side. We need to stop people, if they can't score they can't beat us. simple
  20. All this trade talk seems to be a bit euphoric. Has anyone actually offered a first and third? Or is this more fantasy football? An object whether its a football player or a house is only worth what someone is truly willing to pay for it.
  21. I agree with your assessment here for the most part but wonder if Jason will ever be happy again and no just about the money?
  22. You may have hit the proverbial nail on the head my friend. If I am sitting out there watching this from Philly or any other place for that matter, I am saying this guy looks like trouble and no way do I pay him elite money. Plain and simple leopards don't change spots no matter how much money you throw at them. Once bitten by the malcontent bug always infected.
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