After taking the proverbial pill i have calmed down a bit and realize you are right. We did have the pats on the ropes, we played well, we just don't know how to win. Yet.
Beware of things behind the grassy knoll. Bellicheat may have stolen a candy from and baby but in the grand scheme this wasn't done to just beat Buffalo.
It would be fantastic to win some games so that all the experts who are standing too close to the edge would shut up and back away from the cliff. Things don't look great right now but where would you rather be? If you are not going to cheer for the Bills then take up golf or fishing on Sunday.
Well done! What does this mean in the big picture? Is Dick drinking heavily now? Are they building a player from spare parts in the training room? Can AVP make sense of it all?
I agree, Lombardi was that way. Do what you do and do it very well, tricks are for kids. Here is to the BILLS being competitive and winning some ball games.