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Everything posted by iinii

  1. Teams not taking us for granted? National media blowhards jumping on the bandwagon? Being able to wear our swag without public ridicule? Being on highlight shows because we are winning? Actually looking forward to games? Not being on the smallest TV in the bar, unless we are playing NE or The Cowgirls? Flexing to Sunday Night? Not being able to get tickets? Resurgence of Super Bowl jokes? Being road favorites?
  2. How about one is a football coach and the other is a fish?
  3. Overrated? If you want to anoint them go ahead. They are who we think they are! Go Bills!
  4. Be glad you didn't have to listen to Rich Gannon. He was more than a little irritating.
  5. Let the know it all experts pick against us forever! He is just gonna go on and on about how the Cheatriots didn't play well, Brady was off and NE was banged up. I could care less what he has to say.
  6. I may have gas.....
  7. Any given Sunday! Just maybe.....
  8. knock him down! and keep knocking him down....
  9. an eye for and eye. watching Tommy boy get up off his backside on Sunday wouldn't bother me.
  10. watch it, that is not funny!
  11. Mr. Williams speaks!
  12. pay the man! he has worked hard and it won't hurt Ralph to show some love. These kinds of things send reverberations throughout the locker room. Go Bills
  13. Just win baby!
  14. The SF game there with pillsbury at the helm was sad. The Dallas Monday nighter was sadder. Saddest was the Sunday night game NE beat the daylights out of us. We weren't even third tier that night
  15. Repetitive and annoying pretty much sums it up
  16. send them a thank you card
  17. put in the number two who ever that may be come September, if there is a September
  18. so what?
  19. most of these so called experts pay no attention to Buffalo and the the Bills. We are just not on most radars and it shows when they open their mouths. So getting all torqued about lies and propaganda spewed by half wits is generally a waste of time.
  20. now for the some what politically correct version. Cam Newton doesn't necessarily scare the hell out of me, there is just not enough body of work to know if he will be a top tier quarterback at the next level. Let's say he could be the next Ryan Leaf, so now we don't even bring color into it. Who cares about color? Newton did great in as you say, a one read offense. This is the big time and you have to be ready for more than he has seen in his short college career.
  21. I feel for A-Rod. He has such a tough life. I would never hate it if hot blondes fed me popcorn and Dom. Maybe he needs some cheese to go with that whine.
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