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Everything posted by iinii

  1. You aren't the first person to say that. Winning breeds arrogance, sadly.
  2. 1 in 32 sounds legitimate but in reality..... well check VegasInsider for that.
  3. A leg up is a good thing, right?
  4. I will never forget that MONSTER he got off in Lambeau. What thing of beauty. Granted he hit it just right into the jet stream, but...,
  5. At least everyone agrees on the what, now if we only we knew the who.
  6. Similar to the odds that Warren Buffet puts me on speed dial.
  7. Call his bookie, load up on the Pats, read something on the best seller list and think about how to get his boss's ring back from Putin.
  8. If it is on the Internet and the crawler it must be true
  9. If I never hear Cowherd's voice again my life will be pretty much the same, but I'll be looking fore the mute button less
  10. Not a doctor and I didn't stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night but I agree
  11. Unless Kolb plays very well against Washington or EJ is not ready, Manuel starts. Sounds strange so I must be wrong.
  12. It should probably be changed. Native Americans find it offensive and degrading. Now is the time for enlightenment even if it is football.
  13. Super Dave's Mom said life goes on..... But it don't
  14. Hold on, I just got a call on my phony!
  15. Very good, but Champions would be nice.
  16. Fitz looked pretty good last night against the Bungles, granted it was against the twos and threes but he hit some nice throws and showed solid decision making throwing the ball away while being dragged down. His biggest problem in Buffalo was he just didn't have the arm strength for the conditions at the Ralph, few do. The conditions there truly separate the men from the boys. If you don't have a legitimate deep ball and coaching staff unwilling to or unable to establish the ground game your chances are greatly diminished. There are many starting Qb's in the league whose numbers would be very different if they played 8 at the Ralph mixed with regular trips to Foxboro and other northeastern stadiums as Bills signal callers face. Look at the game a couple of years back when the "great" Tommy boy didn't even attempt a pass in the two quarters they moved away from the tunnel. In no way do I think Fitz is a great Qb but there were many factors in his demise. Maybin on the other hand is a true poser.
  17. All it takes is one
  18. Agreed
  19. KK gets the clipboard. He doesn't have the arm strength for the Ralph. Few do and fewer can make up for it and Kolb ain't in that group either.
  20. EJ starts 3 and we never look back.
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