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Everything posted by iinii

  1. pretty much sums it up
  2. Tarpley is gone....
  3. At least he doesn't have a little job
  4. It is like this thing I read about the time a pitcher was complaining about the lack of strikes and the ump replied that, "that Mr. DiMaggio would let him know when he threw one". Until someone punches NE in the face and wins they are gonna get the calls. Sadly it has always been that way.
  5. ahhh...things are right with the world this morning
  6. excellent! less we have to see of them....
  7. rounding into midseason form!
  8. King is a blowhard. I prefer the cliff notes of his column.
  9. Jets. Could be a lot riding no this game
  10. Shady is poetry in motion
  11. if they only had a life
  12. yeah, what was that rant all about. Connor should stick to football and leave the morals policing to someone else. Someone who knows when it really is a faux pas
  13. yeah in Buffalo, Houston, Tennessee, and New York now
  14. thinking two retreads would be any different in Green?
  15. The day after a victory is for enjoying the win. Tomorrow you can start obsessing over Brady.
  16. Cowher "the talking head" needs to put a sock in it, or just join Cowherd as a let's see what will stick to the wall show.
  17. Peter King: "Rex will be extremely fired up" (15:23) Did Blowhard King mention his ongoing man crush on Brady? or how much Rex annoys him?
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