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Everything posted by mezzofondo

  1. NEVER, EVER ,EVER!!!!! Boy band with guitars+stain on American music for 30 years+big ball of suck=Bon Jovi
  2. I agree with the Ani DiFranco poster. She's awesome!
  3. Hurling is one of the Gaelic games indigenous to Ireland. It has the same scoring system as Gaelic football. Both sports are played in New York City (http://www.gaanewyork.com/), Boston (http://www.bostongaa.com/), and other major metropolitan areas with large Irish populations. But the skill here is akin to people overseas playing our version of football.
  4. Add me to the voices calling b.s. on this. This is so absurdly laughable, the writer is probably giggling that he/she put one over on everybody.
  5. I missed the last five minutes of the show. Does anyone remember their predictions for the Bills' record?
  6. As we continue to follow events in Haiti, some fans might remember Yonel Jourdain, who was a back up running back for the Bills in 1994-95. He is of Haitian descent. He is on Facebook, and I inquired as to the status of his family. Today he responded with gratitude that I reached out to him, and that he heard from his parents a week later, but he is still waiting to hear from other family, as well as friends. Hopefully he will hear from them as well. Here is his Facebook page. www.facebook.com/people/Yonel-Jourdain/1659278703
  7. I am an infrequent poster, but I do enjoy browsing everyone's sane comments. I only came here today after seeing the reset of the ground rules. Tim, I very much enjoy your insight, and I am appreciative to the moderators of this board for providing a place for us to talk about our team, including those of us who are stuck in Giants country (Albany).
  8. The report also mentioned Cam Cameron. Just think, with one win, he would double his career total!
  9. Mort and Adam just said on NFL countdown that there was a "stealth" meeting between Cowher and the Bills. CBS had no comment and the Bills would not return text and phone messages. Also said that Fewell will be interviewed tomorrow. How much stock to put in this, who knows???
  10. Or several beers...or 2 a.m. in a bar...
  11. There are at least four people I know fighting cancer right now. May Stafanie's courage live on in all of them, and us.
  12. Interesting topic, but purely based in fantasy. Despite his rantings today on his show, Limbaugh would have as much of a change of owning an NFL team as Jackson or Sharpton. Living in the Capital District all my life, I remember Sharpton's rise to fame on the back of Tawana Brawley. Him, Alton Maddox and C. Vernon Mason, left unchecked, would have set race relations back a couple of decades. As for the Limbaugh lovers claiming any kind of conspiracy against the GOP and right-wingers, a few notes: 1. If the NFL thought Limbaugh could make them more money and attract more fans to the game, he would be welcomed with open arms. The League clearly felt any gain in fans would be offset by negative publicity. Much the same as Sharpton and Jackson trying to get a team. 2. As noted elsewhere in this thread, many owners are politically in line with Limbaugh, but business is business. One NFL owner once referred to the league's owners as "30 capitalists acting like socialists." The money is first and foremost in any business, especially these days, when several of the league's teams are having trouble selling out games. 3. Roger Goodell is the son of Charles Goodell, a United States Senator from New York, who was a Republican. 4. Did I mention business is business? Michael Jordan once said Republicans buy shoes too when choosing not to campaign for Jesse Helms' opponent. For you conservatives and liberals who own businesses, unless you are extremely successful, you can't pick and choose your customers. People may complain that Limbaugh might not have said some of what was attributed to him, but there is perception, which, when used effectively to define someone, is an exceptional weapon. In this economy, even a business like the NFL needs fans it can get.
  13. I recall the 6-3 OT win by the "Counterfeit Bills" in 1987. A question for everyone: Would QB Brian McClure, RB Carl Bynum and K Todd Schlopy have performed better? Anyone remember the crowd roaring for the squirrel running down the field?
  14. I don't normally listen to WGR after losses, but I'll make an exception for today and tomorrow. I am truly disgusted. The second loss caused directly by a special teams blunder in five games. Who's in Mel Kiper's top 5?
  15. I'm a lifelong Capital Region resident. Grew up in Clifton Park, went to college in Albany and I have lived in Albany since 1996. I have been a Bills fan since the mid 70s. I am sad to say that the Capital Region is far and away Giants Country, and the idea of the Bills being New York State's only NFL team does not wash here. As "Orchard Park" noted, the Giants sign has to do with the fact that University at Albany has served as the home for their Training Camp since the mid 90s. I would see lots of Bills gear in the early 90s, and early this decade I saw a ton of Pats gear, so I sometimes suspect that the presence of other colors has a lot to do with who is successful at the time. I am lucky in that where I work, NYS Dept. of Transportation, there are a bunch of Western NY transplants on my floor. There are four registered Bills Backers groups in this area. http://www.buffalobills.com/fans/backers/b...ocator-map.html There are also a couple of other bars that show Bills games. Some of the Jills made appearances here in the past year. Also surprised about the Syracuse comment. This area is laden with 'Cuse grads. The NCAA East Regional finals were here the year Syracuse won the tournament. Syracuse had two home games at the then Pepsi Arena. We are a small, but dedicated bunch out here.
  17. I wish well anyone who decides to run for office. I looked up MI-2, it is in the Western area of the state, with a nearly 90% white population as of 2000. It is one of the 160 or so that can be likely considered safe Republican. In other words, it is so conservative that it is a "Limbaugh district." That said, when it comes to discussing Christians, Jay would be wise not to follow the lead of former Rep. Virgil Goode of Virginia. He was the one who criticized Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison for wanting to take the oath on the Qur'an; and was also a supporter of restricting immigration from non-European countries. Simply put, in some cases, appealing to a hardcore religious base works. But in a country, that is, thank God, Yahweh, Allah, Ganesha, Vishnu, etc. that is growing in diversity, I would hope that all elected officials would appeal to common threads of all faiths, and to those who choose not to worship, rather than espousing one faith. I attend both Catholic and Hindu (the faith that Rev. Lovejoy from the Simpsons called miscellaneous) services. It's vain hope, I know, especially with Limbaugh's acolytes and reverse racist ministers like Wright out there, but one can always dream of a day when we respect everyone, and stop throwing around disparaging remarks, of there is no shortage for our President these days.
  18. Dude, you need to chill. What Vick did was wrong. I think we can all agree on that. But the man has served his time. Did you grow up as an African American in the rural South? Before you start getting all high and mighty and self rightious on what a horrible person Mike Vick is, compare his background to yours before you start throwing stones. I live in Atlanta, and let me tell bro there are many many people down here who still worship Mike Vick. His jersey is worn by many, and a lot of those jerseys are worn by kids. I totally think what Michael Vick did was wrong. Does that make me hate the guy forever? No!! White society especially the media sets the morals and rules for how people are supposed to behave. Did you see any black people protesting against Vick in front of the courthouse in Virginia when he was sentenced? Not at all. In a large part of black America especially in lower income areas, in the South, dogs are not thought of with the same reverance as in all the lilly white parts of our country. And if you have half a brain, I am sure you can figure out where those feelings come from. When people care far more about dogs than human beings, something is really frickin wrong with our society. Way to play the race card. This was strictly a debate about his merits, what he would bring to the team, and the potential p.r. hit. You have lowered the conversation to make this racial issue, when none exists. Foolish.
  19. Metz lives, I agree, but this should be made retroactive for Samus so that he can be banned immediately.
  20. Bravo to all of you. HYSTERICAL!!!
  21. That is brilliant. Is that Amitabh Bachchan?
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