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Mr. ChumChums

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Everything posted by Mr. ChumChums

  1. I don't see why he won't, even if he's a fatass. John McCargo is a no-name player that really isn't that desirable. Jason Peters is worth MILLIONS!
  2. So I'm still confused... Do you go at 10 pm friday to ensure that you get a ticket? Or do you start lining up earlier?
  3. Is Freddy holding out at all? I was under the impression that because the bills only gave him a tender offer that he hasn't signed, he's actually still not under contract. To be at workouts, you HAVE to be under contract. Can someone clear this up?
  4. I guess I'll be going then haha. Me and my roommate (the Jets fan) and girlfriend (the Pats* fan...FML) were thinking of going, but when we saw tickets running for about $800 on ticketmaster, we bailed on the idea. Now it looks like it's going to happen. I'll see all y'all in line Friday night it looks like.
  5. I would, seeing as I'm already in NYC, but don't draft tickets usually go for about $800+?
  6. Hey guys, first post here for me. Been a long time lurker, first time poster, but I'll be flying up from NYC for that game. Going with the girlfriend... she's a Pats* fan... I know... blasphemous.
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