I think a lot of the off-season decisions were made with this in mind. Jim Kelly, during the season last year, said that he couldn't tell, by looking at our team's attitude after games, whether they won or loss. That's a huge problem. Teams are supposed to be fired up after wins, and angry after losses. TO, IMO, was a big acquisition, not only because of his game-breaking ability, but because he is a loud voice in the locker room. He'll be very angry after losses...something that I want the rest of the team to see and realize.
Other moves, like the Peters trade, got rid of a dissenting member of the team. Peters was not a member of the TEAM, and consequently, was replaced. Our new o-line is touted to be (by Chris Brown, for what its worth) nasty and intelligent. It's a general attitude shift for the team that we don't want players being soft.
JMO, if that means anything.