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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Salmon and broccoli.
  2. Hippity hippity hop.
  3. Sad. Condolences to his family his friends and his fans.
  4. Perhaps ? Aren't we all a little crazy here? ?
  5. Ooops ooops ooops
  6. Sad . Way too young. Condolences to his family his friends and his fans.
  7. And the crazies are even crazier ?
  8. mead107 must say.
  9. Not dumb at all. No apologies needed. Great thread.
  10. Thank you! Now THIS is the day I really needed to be in Jamaica ? I'd have all I wanted there at the pool even FREE because all I'd need to do is INHALE.
  11. On a personal level....I lost my Mother on April 1st...My Dad on April 9th.. My Mother in law on April 11...and my Sister in law on April 18th. Greatful these were all different years...but..
  12. Also .....the Waco ordeal.
  13. Turn back Thursday
  14. Condolences to his family,his friends and his fans.
  15. No... we watched on TV in our bedroom ...it was selfish reasons of hers....she was painting the bathroom and because of the occasion she didn't want to stop and go pick us up from school.
  16. I had no clue you'd spent time in Texas. I lived in Arlington then. I heard the sonic boom from the shower. While dressing,I heard they'd lost communication. Terribly sad.? I hated having to work that day. I now live in Granbury,Texas. It was February 1st.
  17. They are going. ⛸️
  18. November 22,1963. President John F Kennedy assassinated in Dallas,Texas. I lived in Fort Worth,Texas at that time. I was 10 years old. It was the only time my Mother ever let my sister and I skip school.
  19. Good thing I'm watching or the Dallas Fort Worth area here in Texas would be in the minus.⛸️
  20. Interesting....the former pitching coach for the Texas Rangers.
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