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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. The problem is you can't drink meth in the morning.
  2. I use a Btita water pitcher. I pour the water into the reservior. I then begin refilling the Brita pitcher. While it is draining through the pitcher,I add the coffee into the filter. By that time the Brita is ready to be put back into the refrigerator.
  3. Can someone explain the significance of what Jeremy Roenick was winding?
  4. DON'T.... your craft ( the tee shirt business) is putting a roof over your head.
  5. I follow NHL on Facebook and saw it in my feed.
  6. It certainly does ? Heartwarming and classy.
  7. I'm not wppete but seeing mead dancing bare chested sounds unique to me. ? Plus all the other shenanigans ?
  8. Sounds like fun! You guys should ""go Facebook live"" for a few minutes.
  9. Terribly sad. I didn't realize you were a fan of the Blue Jay's. They are here playing my Texas Rangers.
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