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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Sad. Condolences to his family his friends and his fans.
  2. I'll be there in spirit too! ? Someone have a vanilla vodka in my honor.
  3. In 2015, five of us went to see the Bills play in London. One goes that far there's no sense in going home too soon. We overnighted on a sleeper ferry a few days after the game to Normandy. We stood on the cliffs and looked down with amazement. How they did they do what they did and even more how did more not die ?
  4. Warriors take another step forward ?
  5. And there goes some valuable shouting time ?
  6. YAAAAAY! I'll look forward to spending time with you and meeting the future Mrs TRBJ.
  7. RIP ( even from me ) Condolences to you, your family,your friends, your fans and the entire San Francisco 49rs organization.
  8. Even President Trump is saying the expression when he is discussing the future summit between our country and North Korea.
  9. It's a must for me. Lately there's too many times that the Bills and the ""girls"" play at the same time. So on those times,it's pic n pic.
  10. Exactly....one bad move and she's history.
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