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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Thank you. I'm happy Mr CGF no longer has to grill in the dark at night.
  2. Well.... I am back as of last Saturday in Austin,Texas and home late Sunday. One great trip! We walk into breakfast on Saturday morning and the first thing I see is a guy in a Bills hat sitting at a table for 8 with his wife. Of course I asked if we could join them. They are from Port Colluburne ( sorry for the misspell ) Ontario. I spared them of the long story about being a Bills Fan and kept it short. The right amount of sun,booze, coffee and food. Great visits with the staff and the many I had met at the other February trips. It was just like how we all are together at Hammer's Lot. Fortunately not too many there in NFL caps around the pool but tons of Flames, Canadians, Senators, Maple Leafs. The resort had a sports night on Saturday. A couple I had met on the first trip are huge Astros fans. So they dressed in their Astros gear and Mr CGF and I in our Rangers gear. We told everyone our husbands hit a GRAND SLAM chosing us ?
  3. Guesses well on where people vacation in Jamaica ???
  4. Last Posts Wins part one. Last Posts Wins part two. Compliment the previous poster. Guess an unusual trait of the previous poster.
  5. STUNNING! RIP My condolences to one and all ?
  6. Sorry to hear this update ? I will keep you guys in my thoughts.
  7. It's time again. Haven't been since May. Heading from Austin, Miami, Montego Bay then on to Negril. I'll try not to drink them dry. Returning from Negri, Montego Bay,Miami then on to Austin on March 2nd. I'll be back late March 3rd. Yes I do live in the Dallas Fort Worth Texas area but we saved $1,000.00 on flights using this route. Everyone stay safe.
  8. Not a fan of cold cereal. Oatmeal with cinnamon and or rasians,apples, peaches or pears is my hot cereal. Cream of wheat is good too.
  9. It was definitely unique. I certainly didn't care for the result but it's now one of the most iconic weather related games in the NFL.
  10. At least he'll have a choice this time. That game was in old Texas Stadium. Remember it had a hole in the roof,""they """ say it was for God to see his team play.
  11. Happy Birthday ????? I hope it was a great day!
  12. RIP ? My condolences to one and all.
  13. Bummer ☹️ Keep after it. It may come out after awhile.
  14. Yep...."the girls"" get to squish the fish.
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