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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. I agree!! Passion is what Mike Tomlin displayed after his defense picked off Tony Romo for the winning touchdown.
  2. Some would and some would not. I feel the support would be split. Bills ticket sales would take a hit and could even be more impacted if the NEW team's ticket prices were more economical.
  3. I will agree. Not a whole lot of RED WHITE BLUE or ORANGE GREEN WHITE It was just a neutral blur.
  4. Turner Gill would be a good hire. He was a very good quaterback at Arlington Heights High School in Fort Worth Texas. He was equally successfull at Nebraska during his time in Lincoln. He has had equal succces during his time in Buffalo. He would be a great mentor for J P and Trent.
  5. I agree with you aussiew!! I agree Trent and J P have had their ups and downs. Future quarterbacks are on the horizon. Colt McCoy.....Graham Harrell......Chase Daniel.....and Sam Bradford. These are good quarterbacks,BUT would they be enough to be the QB of the future?
  6. Jerry Jones was backed into a corner to hire Bill Parcels. Chan Gailey and Dave Campo forced his hand. BUT everyone must remember that he wears at least THREE hats Owner....President.... and GM. I agree that the Kraft's, Rooney's,Spanos,Tisch's and Blank's have shown more recent success in playoffs as The Bills and my Cowboys. It does say something for their type of operation
  7. Another good idea!! It looks like Jerry Jones should arrange for some private lessons from Emmitt Smith for the team.
  8. Great idea!!! What a neat side bar to half time. Hope they don't forget to add Jerry Rice to the committee.
  9. Yes all the sack dances are annoying. Most happen a the dumbest times!!! My Cowgirls have had a lot of ups and downs this year. Today was one of those UP days. Let's give them some slack. Remember today was THANKSGIVING......hint turkey-bird so an extra reason to DANCE.
  10. I have been around. I guess I just had too much tunnell vision for the regular season. Voting for the Pro Bowl just was not on my radar at that time.
  11. FYI ......NFL.com has Pro Bowl voting for the February game in Hawaii. Vote a straight Bills slate for best results.
  12. No special suggestions for football. The TV cameras during baseball games are always doing those cute shots pointing out the hotel and showing shots of people in their rooms!!
  13. Yes GMC is in turmoll. Next year this award will have a DIFFERENT name
  14. Hey guys. Got to get on the bandwagon TWICE. Leodis McKelvin is not only up for the rookie vote but is up for the GMC Defensive player of the week. Check out NFL.com and VOTE OFTEN!!!
  15. The decision to leave so many starters in was wrong. It makes as much sense as the late 4th quarter carries that Marion Barber III had in the Cowboy 49ers game.
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