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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. No....not picking at wounds. Just a left handed dose of praise for the Sabres.
  2. Yep...but new small steps for CowgirlsFan.
  3. Yep... I agree. The Steelers will want to be in the same position for the 2nd half as they were against the""Girls"" and the Ravens.
  4. Thanks for the compliment! I can't take TOTAL credit. Sporting News Radio was kicking this around a few nights ago. I guess this compliment helps keep my seat at THE TABLE at the Cafe.
  5. Yep....more goals tonight than Bills points against the Niners,Dolphins and Patriots.!!!
  6. This is the first year for this new rule. It will be interesting to see its impact on the game.
  7. It probably will. I just wonder how HBO feels. It has featured Dallas twice in the last few years with their Hard Knocks. Now I get to learn the numeric code for the Spike channel on my TV! At least for a while.
  8. Yep!! A classic example of poor sportsmanship. I feel sorry for the town of Chandler. No athlete should have that happen to them. No matter what and I am a major Dallas Cowboy fan!!
  9. It was a sick hit. I did not SEE it but was keeping up on the radio. Those guys were really emotional and painted a dark picture until he began to move his hands and some of his feet. It was great to hear that he was released by 2:00 EST.!!!
  10. I have been to been to about 6-8 Dallas Stars games. I am also a Dallas Stars fan since day one. ( sorry guys....a COWBOY fan AND a DALLAS STARS fan ) Last night was a first! I have NEVER seen so many fans from ""the enemy"" come to our place. ( I can't seem to ever match my schedule and the Red Wings ) The atmosphere was off the charts.!!! I believe I heard Let's go Buffalo more than Let's go Stars!!! People would think that our fans were coming off a back to back game as flat as some were. Our guys are having up and downs too. I ride the TRE ( train ) from Arlington and it was Let's go Buffalo on the way over and back!! I could have sat most anywhere BUT chose to sit with all of my Bills Backers that I spent time with at their cafe. I can't wait till you guys can play here more!
  11. Really.....remember this was the team that changed the Bills and my Cowboys season!?!?
  12. Sorry guys.... I meant I kept waiting to see that SIGN in the stands!!
  13. GOOD POINT!!! After the half, I kept waiting to see that sing in the stands!!!
  14. Yep....as long as he is a better student than Matt Leinhart.
  15. I agree ....and the answer to who will pick him up.....THE FEDS. I do not take full credit on my statement. I heard it on my local sports talk station.
  16. It could be any time. Deion Sanders is a pretty good friend.
  17. Yep. At least he is out of the AFC East!!
  18. It sure would be nice if the Bills could sneak Turner Gill in for some private tutoring.
  19. I agree. Quality backups are a must in the NFL. The quarterback position is even more important.
  20. Yes he was very ACTIVE and BUSY today.
  21. He was a very BUSY person today!
  22. Yep.!! It is hard to say what is worse. The Art Modell move or the moves Ralph Wilson fails to make.
  23. Wow some bad season!? I still see poor Willis running up the middle for 70ish yards against my Cowboys. If he was any happier how many MORE yards would he have gained that night!!
  24. Or worse yet maybe the overtime!?!?
  25. It sure looked that way to me. The lady was way too conservativley dressed to be anything else!!
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