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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. A congratulations from the Lone Star State of Texas. Watching sports with my Dad was OUR time together. He worked 12hr days for my uncle's concrete business and that was his DOWN time. I lost him in 98 and still miss him but especially when something over the top happens in the sports world!! Good to see another member is now a part of the Bills Nation. Now.....I guess her 1st words won't be MOM or DAD......but """ LET'S GO BUFFALO""""!!!! LOL LOL LOL I know Aussiew is proud to have a future Bills Cheerleader from her beloved Australia.
  2. AND neither do I!! Adding Vick to the Bills would NOT resolve ALL of their current needs either. And if he has SO much to offer as a QB, why didn't the Eagles use him more against the Cowboys on Sunday night?
  3. They usually report around the first part of February. This time it could be a few days prior or after the SB on February 7th.
  4. AND it will be played on January 31st.
  5. OR if not BYRD will be happy with all of the other beautifull BIRDS and sea gulls in the area!!
  6. I agree that he is a great leader of men. Maybe this isn't the right time for being the head coach in the NFL BUT I think he would be an excellent mentor/coach for the QB'S of the Bills.
  7. YEP!!! Just voted 25 times while seeing the finish of the World Series.
  8. Walking out of the stadium really was AWESOME!!!! It was the FIRST BILLS game I had attended. I tagged along with the FAMOUS AUSSIEW to get my first REAL taste of BILLS NATION. What a TASTE..... I felt like one of those Yankee and Red Sox fans who always travel to see their team play the Texas Rangers. They TOO have a FAMOUS chant!!!!! Just one thing.....you guys have got to come up with a chant that you use AFTER you win the game!!!
  9. I don't know a chant....BUT down here in the Arlington Texas area there is a player on the Texas Rangers baseball team named Marlon Byrd. Whenever he makes a good defensive play....comes up to bat....gets a hit....we all do the BIRD by waving our hands up and down like we are flying. So......I guess Bills fans can do the same in the stands when he is on defense.
  10. WOW!!!!! I remember you TOO!!! I saw the jersey with "crackur". I assumed it was your ""real"" last name. I didn't know about the story on the board. If you had had a normal name on the jersey it would mean that I wouldn't have remembered you so well. By the way....the guy with the wing on the hat sat two seats to the right of Aussiew and me at the game.
  11. Interesting.....mine got dyed THE afternoon of the Jets game. This also means mine stays dyed TOO!!!
  12. AND I was one of the other ladies....the one who was dressed in the Dallas Cowboy's Romo shirt. Wish you had BOTHERED us....would like to have met you. Yes....will see you again. This will not be my LAST!!!
  13. Yep.....but could be a rainy drive/fly in on Sat.
  14. AND they also scored more goals against the Dallas ( no goal ) Stars last year on Jan 15 than the Bills did on Dec 28 against those Chetriots!!!
  15. Yep!!! I will agree. I too am having success I bought mine at the supermart and not on the net.
  16. No luck from that Cleveland native about Bills Bars. He did know about Paninis and agreed few Bills fans are ever there.
  17. Or....when the Bills have to bring in players like Kelly,Thomas and Smith to tell the "new guard"all about the times they played the Dolphins. The Dallas Cowboys/Washington Redskins rivalry has lost its luster also. Those Boys/Girls have to bring players like Cliff Harris,Charlie Waters and Randy White in EVERY year to share their past experiences to PUMP up their "new guard".
  18. Maybe. I just emailed a good friend of ours who ALSO lives in Willoughby today for some ideas. He is a season ticket holder for the Browns and has lived there for 57 years.
  19. Yep....happened to us also in March of 2000. Our 16 yrs son walked in to the mess they left. Same type items lost except add a TV and a computer. Try counting money in your tellers drawer after getting a phone call like that AND then coming home to upside down furniture and with clothes all over the floors and drawers EMPTY. As others have said.....at least they chose a time when NO ONE was home.
  20. Yep. The story goes that he didn't want to miss any playing time so they cut it off. Roger Staubach had a similar injury but chose NOT to cut his off. I don't remember whether his is on the left or right hand. So Roger matches Brian.
  21. I became a first time listener last Sunday. I had to find something better than"Game Channel" to keep up with how you guys were doing since my local CBS station had a different game. I enjoyed their presentation. I DID have to chuckle when Lindall hit the field goal to put you guys up 33-20 AND Murphy remarks "That may have just put the hay in the barn".
  22. In Texas a 2004 Dodge Stratus=$63.80 and a 2001 Ford Ranger =$56.66. Age,weight and type probably figure into the cost.
  23. Yep.....just like the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex does when one of those famous west Texas storms gives the area a visit.
  24. Yep...these guys are good. My local CBS network carried the Jets and Patriots. I wanted something better than Game Channel so I chose to listen on the net. They were fun!!! If you like Papa you ought to check out Josh Lewin of the Chargers. He is OUR play by play man for my Texas Rangers.
  25. Yep. A terrible national anthem. That sound has to be fixed before the next game
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