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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Yep.....still in the dark.....BUT maybe the combine will shed some light!!
  2. That's right!! Their negative but Colt says he can't feel the arm. Dr CowgirlsFans smells an issue with one of the nerves or one strange STINGER!!!
  3. Yep...would NOT have missed it. I've been a hockey addict since 93. The first game @ your place set the standards!!! The Winter Classic has now been a part of my New Years day for the 3rd year. I did look into the PSU/LSU game to see how Lori's OTHER team was doing. The condition of the field was a major advantage to the PSU team.
  4. This is ALSO the way I felt during the days that MY Dallas Mavericks were sooo bad and also the lack of success of MY Texas Rangers. They both are MY teams and I will always be their fan. I am sooo old that I can remember not having either team. Trust me...having a BAD team is better than NO team!!!
  5. Yep....THEIR green sure blended with the field. Wonder how it would have looked with yellow tops.
  6. It was nice to see such good looking teeth. It is hope that current players will look well in their " older " years. It was good that the Bruins did win in OT allowing us Rose Bowl fans to catch the start of the game. Don Cherry would be a nice throw in. Can you imagine the suit he would wear for the game...or would it be so cold his top coat would cover it up!!!
  7. Yes..there is NOTHING like the Shout Song. It was fun to hear the crowd doing their version of "Let's go Bruins Let's go Flyers" !!! Such copycats!! YOU GUYS are pros in that department!! There will NEVER be anything that will top the first game!!! It was an all time classic. I hope some day it will be held there again because I could appreciate it even more now that I am a SMALL part of the Buffalo Nation.
  8. Yes.. I will agree even as a ""Cowgirlsfan""!! I am on my 2nd year of being a SMALL part of Bills Nation by my football friendship with the Aussiew. I even taped the HOF ceremony AND the HOF game. I attended my first road game in Carolina . I was the FAMOUS one in the Buffalo lot with the road Romo jersey!!. The memories DO make a difference!!! I am already looking forward to next years road game. Have any one of you guys ever listened to Sporting News Radio? David Stein has a show " A Celebration of Life Through Sports? It is an excellent show that features call ins who share their stories how sports impact their lives. The stories match and compare to the many memories/raising Bills.
  9. Leach DOES deal with snow/rain in Lubbock. It is more than one would think......but it still is NOT ""lake effects"" either.
  10. Aikman's first year was rough. I still can see him being sacked play after play. At least Brohm stayed upwright for most of the game. I TOO see the need for proper QB teaching. Sure wished Turner Gill could have been hired as a QB'S coach. Louisville does have some weather, but I agree it is NOT Buffalo. There are no "" lake effects"" in Kentucky.
  11. I agree. He did do well. I was real proud of the kid. He made the DFW metroplex proud. It was nice to see the team do well. I will admit that each time his name was said I thought of that HIGH CLASS tequila. LOL LOL
  12. I think he would look well in Bills BLUE....after all he was a Duke BLUE Devil.
  13. No...no new Bills stuff....but a new Romo road jersey of my own ( no more borrowing my son's ) to wear next year to the Bills Backers road game with the famous Aussiew.
  14. And I will join you from a distance with either a vanilla vodka coffee OR a vanilla vodka ocean spray DIET cranberry pomegranate!!!
  15. Me TOO!! So....9 picks @ 70%....how many more @ 100%? This is my 2nd year being a small part of BILLS NATION and he was the one player I looked forward to watching each week. I am dissapointed that I won't get to watch him for the last 2 games. I ALWAYS did the BIRD each time he made a pick.
  16. I too would like to wish not ''all a y'all" but YOU GUYS a safe and happy holiday season!! It has been an honor to be a small part of BILLS NATION this year!!
  17. Try Diet cherry 7up Antioxidant. It is good over the rocks or mixed with other liquids. I use it in vanilla vodka as a mixer. It sure beats regular 7 @ 30 grams of Sugar!!! I also use Ocean Spray Diet Cranberry Grape and Diet Cranberry Pomgegranate. It TOO is low in sugar @ 2g Yep....that TAB was brutal!!!
  18. Rats!!!! I wanted it snowing for the famous Aussiew to view from her chair at the local Bills Bar!!!
  19. I am very proud of him. I still think he would've been a great mentor to current and future Bills QB'S. He is from my birthplace Fort Worth,Texas. A great QB for the local high school Arlington Heights. Glad to see him drift south for a new coaching job so I can see his team play more often. His Nebraska team was featured in the current ESPN piece The U with him as their QB.
  20. Remember...there is always 97 Rock on the net!! I used them for your home opener rather than Yahoo Game Channel. It was GREAT to hear the crowd AND everyone singing the ""SHOUT SONG"".
  21. Hey!!!! What about a tour of Qualcom Stadium!!!!!
  22. Funny ideas guys!! But don't forget Jeff Fisher and those Titans!! But I sure don't think only ONE bag would be enough.
  23. Yep...use them BOTH.....and sprinkle in some WILD CAT!! Who knows what success could be made in the time it takes for the Titan's defense to make adjustments to Trent and Fitz!!
  24. Yep it was rather amazing even to me. It was just like the Carolina game that I attended with Aussiew. Every time the Bills made plays Bills Nation would go nuts just like Steeler fans did last night. The sound on the TV of the Steeler fans in the stands was off the chart and I don't have a plasma or HD TV!!! I bet the Steeler fans had just as much FUN leaving Invesco Field as us Bills fans did walking down the long winding ramps at the B of A singing ""Lets Go Buffalo""!!!
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