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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Me TOO since I usually post near bedtime.
  2. Good Morning and Happy Charlton Parade Day!!!
  3. No Irish whiskey for me to get through the post!! Vanilla vodka does the trick quite well!!
  4. Happy Saturday!!!!
  5. Thanks for the clouds on Thursday.
  6. Good night to the west.....Good morning to the east!!!
  7. Goodnight all too and to some Good Morning!!
  8. Yep...105 on Sat....BEWARE!!!
  9. Join a health club..add it to the travel fund or send some to Rockpile on behalf of MS
  10. No special song..anything on Hip Hop and R & B. Lady Goga..Alicia Keys..Usher.. and Little Wayne.
  11. No opinion on what is taboo BUT to be on the safe side I'd check that states minor law statute along with getting a look at a birth certificate. No girl is worth prison time.
  12. Now this time don't forget to bring home some cooler weather!!!
  13. Santa Fe New Mexico....Sedonna Arizona....Palm Springs California are some good choices.
  14. Me too AND that is the reason I'm glad the new in-n-out is in Garland ( 45 minutes away ) and NOT in Arlington!!
  15. and remember the 9 lives theroy.
  16. or hand to hand.
  17. or the new mattress either!!
  18. Those who have died paved the way for the freedom of expression that we all use here on TBD.!!!!!
  19. A light shower or two will do just fine.
  20. Morning. More rain...no stain today.
  21. + 1. Another part of our childhood is now gone.
  22. Good to know that 5 Guys gets passing marks from the Great Grillmaster.
  23. Thanks for the burger review and the warning about the fries. I'm picky too!!
  24. Thanks for the congrats. I heard this on one of the local sports talk stations yesterday. I just wish in-n-out was closer to Arlington. Garland is on the east side of Dallas.
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