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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. well if beerball follows the same path, will be Senate Majority leader in less than 10 years and president in 15...
  2. I guess they never did find box 13 from Duvall County Texas? (look it up....hint LBJ election 1948)
  3. Wait, wait, wait a minute, why do you need money to run for president in 2012? the dem's nominated a guy for the US Senate that had no money, had no organiation, all he had was enough $$ to put his name on the ballot and to put up a internet site.........
  4. May I recommend a bank?
  5. Me TOO and we'd get Mrs Beerball as the First Lady!!
  6. Marilyn Monroe was famous for one.
  7. This is a very good year. A Hollywood star and now the Pete Rozelle award.
  8. He was TOP CLASS and his passing is the ONLY reason to feel sorry for the Yankee organization.
  9. Where is where?
  10. Vanilla vodka does well TOO!!
  11. One point would be just fine with me TOO!!!
  12. Yep....all the way to post # 10,000!!!
  13. A late good evening and morning to Bills Nation!!!
  14. And how's the ''''jet lag'''' recovery going Mead?
  15. Nope....but no one else has WON and at least you haven't LOST!!!
  16. To a TERRIFIC THIRD and a FABULOUS FOURTH to ALL of the Last Post posters!!!
  17. Not sure where he went but he was the lead play by play man for the recent College World Series in Omaha Nebraska on the ESPN network.
  18. Nope not here but here are some ideas from an Arlington resident. The Capitol....LBJ Museum...6th St for fun...The University of Texas Campus...A minor league baseball team of the Houston Astros in Round Rock.
  19. Not to me. Prime Rib is like top quality raost beef!!
  20. It's not easy here in Arlington either!! Our I-20 starts prior to Fort Worth and it is goes way past Dallas to the east!!
  21. Nope!! I haven't come across him yet.
  22. . There is some coverage of G20. Major Leage Baseball moved the home game that the Toronto Blue Jays were to play against the Philadelphia Phillies to Philadelphia. Security concerns were the reason listed.
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