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Posts posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Beerball for President. 2012


    Send money now to get him elected.



    Wait, wait, wait a minute, why do you need money to run for president in 2012? the dem's nominated a guy for the US Senate that had no money, had no organiation, all he had was enough $$ to put his name on the ballot and to put up a internet site.........

  2. Paul McGuire, I haven't seen him on any broadcast NFL or other for like 5 years or so. In my opinion, he was one of the best color guys on tv, and funny as hell too. Just wonderin, maybe he retired, was the odd man out, or something else

    happened. He seemed to be in the clique so to speak, and then he was gone. I was at training camp once at Fredonia with my brother, and Paul had a flat tire on his car, we sat there and BS'd with him for about a half an hour, super nice guy, very unpretentious and approachable. Where did he go?


    Not sure where he went but he was the lead play by play man for the recent College World Series in Omaha

    Nebraska on the ESPN network.

  3. I'm visiting Austin for the first time in a couple of years. I might stay a spell. Kick my shoes off. Any Austinites out there these days?


    Nope not here but here are some ideas from an Arlington resident.


    The Capitol....LBJ Museum...6th St for fun...The University of Texas Campus...A minor league baseball team of the

    Houston Astros in Round Rock.

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