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Posts posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. Let me get this straight. If the Yankees had won, the East Coast kids get Phils game six at 4pm but won't get to see Yankees game 7 at 8pm. With the Yankees losing, kids don't get to see Phils game 6 because it's an 8pm start.


    Ever wonder why football is so popular? Besides being a better game, kids get to see lots of the most important games. You can grow up being a fan.


    MLB: Thinking of the future.


    Great points!!! Most fans of baseball grew up on afternoon playoff/world series games. That routine no longer is true and the game has lost the opportunity to ''grow'' more fans.

  2. The Rangers remind me a lot of the Angels. With Vlad, Bengie and Darren Oliver they look a lot like them. Unfortunately if the Giants win I'll have to root against them. And I'll be one of the twelve people watching the series. I would love to see the networks get shafted. :thumbsup:


    I agree the Rangers do remind even me of those Angles!!! The team has incorporated some of their station to station style of play. They push the pedal on the bases too...sometimes to the bad and sometimes to the good but it keeps the other team on guard. They have finally been able to get enough good pitching to match with their hitting. Yes...it is ALWAYS fun to see the networks get the match up they didn't want to cover. Thanks for your possible support of the Rangers!!

  3. When I came home last night after the game I told my wife that I felt a closer bond to the Giants after just two seasons than I did after following the Angels for more than 25 years. The reason? I live in the city. For one year off the Embarcadero three blocks from the park and now about eight blocks from the park. In soCal I only spent 7 of those 25 years in the same county as the Angels and nowhere near the ball park. You get a certain attachment to the team when you drive by their park every day after work, shop at the grocery store right across the street, walk by it on walks on the weekend, see the banners, the crowds, the scalpers in your neighborhood. It's fun living in this city but it does have its drawbacks too.


    You are right!! It does make a difference!!! My home here in Arlington Texas is 5 miles south of the Ballpark in Arlington and the new Cowboys Stadium. It is NEAT to drive by these locations while running errands. The play of my Rangers excites me when I see their park...however the play of my "Girls"...is a downer when I pass by their new place.

  4. +1 (thank God!)


    + 2 ( thank God! )




    It's not too often you see Yankee Stadium emptied out in the top of the 9th two night in a row.




    Game was lost before Hamilton did anything tonight. As I mentioned in the Baseball forum, this series was lost in July when they failed to land Lee and Texas swept in and grabbed him. Cashman NEEDS to address the #2 and #3 starting pitchers. Congratulations to the Rangers, you were the better managed, better run team THIS YEAR. See you next year.


    Thanks for the compliment. However....still ONE HUGE game to go!!!

  5. Personally, the most embarrassing thing for me is that nobody roots against us. I have friends who are Dolphins, Patriots, packers, Broncoes, Jets, and a ton of other teams fans. None of them dislike us. It's almost like we're the nonthreatening friend of the whole entire league.


    I too don't root AGAINST you guys!! In fact,I now root FOR you( maybe that's the problem )guys because of my friensdhip with



    On behalf of Aussiew...she dresses in her Bills gear each Friday in her office in the Dallas area. She is true to her team. The Cowboy fans in her office do make remarks but they only BOTHER to wear their gear when the Cowboys are doing well. And as of now their team is NOT so Aussiew is the ONLY one in her Dallas office that supports her team 100%!!

  6. Wow, what a sloppy display by the Rays in a game 7. Good for the Rangers -- I think they have a chance to beat NY.


    Thanks!!!! Their record in the regular season was worse against the Rays and they played 500 against NY. Once in the playoffs you never know. :thumbsup:

  7. I could win today.


    Nope!! It's still TOO early for this "game" to be over!! BUT by post TEN THOUSAND...their needs to be a winner!!


    Rumor has it that you've not turned anything on in years :devil:


    Rumor may be true all right...but there's bound to be something in Massapequa that Jack could turn on.

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