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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. We do it big here in Texas. We have high school varsity games on Thursday...the famous "Friday Night" AND Saturday too!!
  2. Happy Hump Day!!!
  3. I am from Arlington Texas midway between Dallas and Fort Worth. Varsity games are played here on Thursday.
  4. September 1 would cut in college football the worst. There are quite a few that night. As it stands now the season isn't starting until the Thursday September 8th game. That night there is a college game or two but going forward for the most part there is only one or two games each Thursday until the middle of December. There is something else to consider choosing to play NFL games on every Thursday. Many high schools play their games on that night too and ratings would suffer.
  5. Crazy alright on the domestic but they spent more than what my Dallas Mavericks did.
  6. sssshhh!! Don't give them ANY ideas!!
  7. That is nice but what was the question?
  8. I am from Arlington Texas and that information is correct. The State Fair of Texas is in Dallas and it is held every October. I don't think there is anything that they don't fry.
  9. As a former Six Flags Over Texas employee, I wouldn't advise riding this on a full stomach... wearing any hat...flip flops... or any eye ware not secured with a strap.
  10. I am not surprised. The State Fair of Texas has booths that even fries ice cream.
  11. Ok.....but we sure are having fun!!
  12. They could also be whales in Wales.
  13. Yes it was but remember this was dry heat and TN has all that humidity.
  14. Very sad but good to see violence was not involved.
  15. I agree. The music industry will miss him and espcially us older ones.
  16. Nope!! I'll bet the man that lost his penis wishes he'd been beaten up.
  17. Thanks heavens no one died. This sounds like something that would go wrong at my local Six Flags over Texas here in Arlington Texas.
  18. Hope you aren't packing those boxes inside the car. I agree it isn't much of a surprise but it is Father's Day and you wouldn't expect Mead to pass on the opportunity. Great! Have fun! We expect a post wine review!
  19. At least he was wearing a Clippers hat and not a Bills one!!! Now I am no longer looking forward to the day the DFW gets Trader Joes.
  20. Outstanding!!! Thanks for the link!!! I emailed this to two other Bills fans of mine.
  21. Nope...in other news... still 90 degrees...45% humidity @ 1:43 am CDT!!!
  22. I get confused too. This is the WR from the Rams who previously played for the Ravens.
  23. That's a shame!! You could've had some great pancakes for Sunday breakfast!! I have heard of a bone man...but never a bone woman.
  24. Happy Fathers Day to all of the Dad's and all of the new Dad's on TBD.
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