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Everything posted by CowgirlsFan

  1. I am afraid that the ""good"" Marshawn is going to make my Boys look like Girls on Sunday!!
  2. Good point! We all remember Romo's play but it is doubtful we will remember Rivers's that well.
  3. I think that would be cool!!! I think it would be cool if everyone wore white too to their Bills Backers watching locations.
  4. I agree. Each is now famous for a play not made on the field. Romo on the botched FG against the Seahawks and Rivers not handling the snap against the Chiefs.
  5. This means that the Bills have arrived if ""guns"" is in charge this Sunday.
  6. Then it is time to bite the bullet and go ask if you can borrow the famous cup of sugar!!
  7. And you will be in TRIFOCALS afterwards!! Have you tried "bumping"" into each other at the apartment laundromat or the mail box?
  8. Don't forget about how little is worn in women's beach volleyball!!
  9. Some kind of early ""trick or treat""....LOL!!
  10. Wave? I think she did more than wave!!!
  11. I guess this means everyone survived the first snow of the year!
  12. The way my Boys are playing like Girls that could easlily happen!!
  13. A birthday toast to the wine expert of TBD!!!
  14. Tap the brakes on the 14-2 but with luck in the injury department Bills record will be good this year. My Boys will still be "Girls" and do well to finish 8-8. Yep... you heard right.. Reid is good after a bye.
  15. Game Day!!!! I'll gladly adopt the leftovers especially the veggies!!!
  16. If it isn't the Dodgers maybe it is the Cardinals!!!!
  17. Oh my...I thought the same thing!! I am a life long Ranger fan too!!! I'm 58 yrs old. I have been a Bills fan for 4 yrs because of a friendship with Aussiew. I will add one thing to this question.... would the 2 chances that my Rangers had to win and didn't be the same as had Norwood had 2 chances and still missed? The pain....yes it is pretty bad.....the heart still hurts.....the voice still cracks.....eyes still water but I move on with the knowledge that there are alot of other baseball fans that would have sold their soul to have had the honor to go to the World Series TWICE!!! Also...the pain....this is the 2nd round which doesn't even come close to what Bills fans with 4 in a row. I admire Bills fans even more now!!! I told Aussiew that all I need it to have my Rangers loose 2 more times and my education of being a Bills fan will be complete.
  18. Really??? I agree!! Maybe you and Mead could award him with the title of the FEWEST posts!!
  19. Thank you for your nice remarks on Nolan Ryan.
  20. 4:05 pm EDT is correct. Daylight savings time will change next week.
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